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Pakistan & Cousin Marriages, by Mkesath
Cousin Marriages and its effects, what Pakistan can do to prevent it moving forward. Hi there, i will start the post by saying that cousin marriages are extremely common in Pakistan, more then anyone in its region. The affect these marriages have can be genetical as well as making the atmosphere of the country less capable of being progressive as it restricts free choice of spouses. Starting of with the genetic side affects these marriages have being married to your cousin significantly increases the risk of congenital anomalies (birth defects), as outlined in The Lancet in July 2013. Cousin marriage increases the risks of birth defects from 3% to 6%. How it affects the societies of Pakistan and why it is bad In Pakistan these...
Regional Dynamics and Pakistan's Security: Balancing Relations with India, Afghanistan and Iran Global Defense Insight April 26, 2024 Pakistan has several challenges to overcome, including the long-standing dispute over Kashmir with India, the difficulties of aiding efforts at reconciliation in Afghanistan, and managing sectarian tensions with Iran. Unresolved territorial issues, cross border terrorism, and internal unrest continue despite attempts at cooperation and diplomacy. The concept highlights the necessity of an all-encompassing strategy that incorporates diplomacy, strategic involvement, and a dedication to finding solutions to common problems. It emphasizes how crucial it is to have ongoing conversations and work together...