Well we also have a lot in common with Afghanistan. But there are many Pakistanis who do not like Afghanistan, because it is the "Somalia" of Asia, a very poor and backward country.
It was a pleasure to converse with you, and hopefully we will have more. I got to go now.
I guess the...
Yes we should do which is "possible." What is too difficult to implement can be overlooked. Obviously.
That is correct, because most Iranians speak Farsi, we do not have much in common with them.
Go to Europe, and prostitution is legal in most secular countries.
Yes because in this day and age Muslim countries are weak and divided. So we have to work with the Economic system devised by the Non-Muslim Superpowers and Empires.
We should try to implement what Islamic rules "WE CAN" within...
Personally I think usury is unavoidable on a national level although it is completely Haraam, because the Modern World Economic system is based on usury.
For an idiot like yourself, actions speak louder than words. You certainly behave like one.
Why do you support secularism? Should we legalize prostitution, drugs, usury in Pakistan? Are you an idiot?
The leader of an Islamic country does not necessarily have to be a Mullah, you *&*&*&*&*&.
Islamic country means being ruled according to Islamic principles.
Are you an illiterate? These are some of the best western scholars on Muslim history, and you simply ignore them.
Now I am starting to think you are Indian educated. lol.;)
I have read this one too, this book debunks the secular Jinnah myth spread by Indians and some Western scholars to weaken Pakistan's identity.
If Jinnah was so secular and liberal, why join the Muslim league and fight for the Muslim's case. Saleena Karim Baji pretty debunks the Secular Jinnah Myth.
And why would Pakistan movement care about Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, Parsis?
Sorry mate, I read Pakistani accredited books and Western books by Stanley Wolpert and Hector Bolitho. Also by William S. Metz.
Don't know where you are getting your crap from.
Yes Jinnah was influenced by British political Liberalism.
But Jinnah does not mention anywhere the word "liberalism" or "secularism" in his speeches. nice try though.
but Jinnah mentions Islamic Socialism and Islamic Democracy.
Go read a accredited history book. Pakistan movement was not about other minorities (Christians, Buddhists, Parsis, Sikhs, etc.).
Pakistan Movement was about Muslims.
But of course, minorities would have their rights according to justice and moral principles in the newly created Pakistan.
Not sure who brainwashed you with your liberal nonsense.
Then what was the point of partition? If Pakistan is supposed to be a half-baked copycat of a western liberal country, then partition was wrong.
Point of partition was the safeguard the rights of Muslims of South Asia and so they could...
That is YOUR CLAIM. Do you have proof Jinnah alcohol? And even if he did that makes him a sinner, not an apostate.
Yes, my father said although appreciates Jinnah, Jinnah was not very strict about Islam.
And Jinnah is irrelevant. He is not my source for legislation. I appreciate what he did for...
When did I change Jinnah's speeches? Where are you regurgitating garbage from?
I appreciate Jinnah's contributions to the Muslim League. But he is not my source for legislation.
I am also a Pakistani citizen. How are you more Pakistani than me? I am a Pakistani citizen, and I too have a right to have a say in it.
And who the hell are you to tell me what Pakistan should be or not should be? I am a Pakistani citizen and I have a right to form an opinion and have a right...