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Pakistani Establishment to fund its WAR WITH INDIA & GET SRATAGIC DEAPTH inside Afghanistan in case of war with India started meddling with its homegrown ultra orthodox verssion of Deobandy-Sunny/Wahabbi Student's of Islam called TALIBAN in mid 1970s when they hired some weak Pakhtoon tribes and indoctrinated them with this Salafi/wahabbi& deobandy version of Islam as a Tool Against much powerfull and in majority population Pakhtoon's that were living on both sides of Border /Durand Line

AS For so called DURAND LINE  no afghan /Pakhtoon ever aknowledged not even there own Tallibunnie's or the Soviet Friendly last King or Afghanistan or last pro soviet govt there after soviet withdrawl of  Najibudualla or the US& NATO Friendly Govt's of Ashraf Ghani or HamiD karzai or even those Tallibunnies that came to power post 15-08-2019

Now Pakistan had made these Mujahiddinie's  when they wanted to control Afghanistan so they Invited USA into the so called Great Game which USA only joined post 1979-80 formally against USSR in Afghanistan which brought great misery to all tribes and ethnicities living in Afghanistan but Pakistanies thought since Pakhtoon's are majority in afghanistan & many Pakhtoons live in pakistan too Tallibunnie's who are mainly Pakhtoon will help Pakistan since Pakistan them get rid of soviets and American& NATO forces

but fact is Afghan's HATE PAKISTAN & Its Establishment because say & belive is that Pakistan used Afghans as cannon fodder & destroyed Afghanistan in a war financed by OIL RICH ARAB nation's & CIA gave technical help weapons & training . And after fighting Pakistani orchestrated WAR for  more than 45 years which destroyed Afghanistan and when after war when US& NATO went back and stopped its WAR REMMITENCCES & Coilation support Funding's to Pakistan ... the Pakistanies threw all Afghani refugees's displaced by war in Afghanistan back to war ravaged Afghanistan 
