ive used dailymotion here because youtube didnt allow the video here. that video was the reason for this thread. ive added it on the thread actually, didnt know you could edit threads after posting.
south asia in general is a place where people take their religion way too seriously wherever they may be from. And i think Pakistan has a few extremists but were much more secular minded compared to others in the region. ps the video was removed by youtube, will upload it again
Hindus who migrated to India for a better life now want to return back to Pakistan.
These Pakistani Hindu migrants were brainwashed and scammed by Indian Hindutva groups for vote bank.
They were illegally transported to India so they can be used as a vote bank for Modi, that's why Hindutva...
There's no reason to fight, Muji has a point, let the legal productive ones stay, they aren't the reason for over population issue, the reason for that are Pakistanis