[🇵🇰] What Pakistan needs to do - Adopt Japanese or Chinese Models

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[🇵🇰] What Pakistan needs to do - Adopt Japanese or Chinese Models
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Deleted due to Error (Muji Iqbal)

Pakistan needs to go through the Meiji period in Japan or Deng Xiaopeng's China.

· a highly centralized, bureaucratic government;
· a constitution establishing an elected parliament;
· a well-developed transport and communication system;
· a highly educated population free of feudal class restrictions;
· an established and rapidly growing industrial sector based on the latest technology; and
· a powerful army and navy.

Forget this one - a strong socialist-capitalist Mixed economy like China's.

We need to industrialize, improve our economy, improve the education, and improve our reputation.

The military sector we are doing fine, I suppose.
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Pakistan needs to go through the Meiji period in Japan or Deng Xiaopeng's China.

· a highly centralized, bureaucratic government;
· a constitution establishing an elected parliament;
· a well-developed transport and communication system;
· a highly educated population free of feudal class restrictions;
· an established and rapidly growing industrial sector based on the latest technology; and
· a powerful army and navy.

We need to industrialize, improve our economy, improve the education, and improve our reputation.

The military sector we are doing fine, I suppose.
I agree, the meiji period is what I prefer. Only because I don't know much about the Chinese one, but I think it can work in Pakistan
Being married to a Japanese and living here for the last 7 years now, I can tell yous dat da Japs are very (conservative) but put out that liberal aura. They are as liberal as any westerner in a lot of ways that actually matter in economy/ society/ culture. A Japanese would defend his culture and prevent foreign influence as much as possible and promote his/ her own culture over it. Nationalism is very big too. And getting stronger. At their core.......the Japs are conservative people though. Family values are strong, crime is low, society carefully controlled and managed and a fairly conservative society, with a liberal outlook (projection).
they industrialized getting big help from usa transfer of technology to japan and china but with japan usa sabotaged it economy in the 90s.
usa is trying to sabotage chinas economy but chinas is soverign and has put in measures to halt any sabtage from usa.

Today USA dollar dont have much power or industry to help other nations or they wouldn't especially pakistan. pakistan needs to move to Hitlers German monetary and economy if wants to rise, print labor certificates and barter international trade.
Pakistani people are crazy nation they suffer from inferiority complex tat they dont believe in themselves that they can do it alone in rising to the top. plus too much corruption wont allow it you must use excessive force to make things happen. a gun to the head might persuade ppl to behave and allow progress.

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