🇵🇰 PTM (Pashtun Tahafuz Movement) Watch

G Pakistan Affairs Forum


The Legend
Sep 2, 2024
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Eagle Eye


A Jirga by Pseuodo-Nationalists or Psychopaths

This is shameful that while Pakistan is looking forward to the SCO Summit in Islamabad, a group of pseudo-nationalists had gathered to host a Jirga, sowing seeds of divisions and ethnic conflict.

It, in effect, is a reminiscent of the 1970s when Mujib-ur-Rehman came up with his infamous six points, culminating in secession of Pakistan’s own body part

Pashteen's recent proposals at the PTM Jirga have sparked great controversy. His demand for Pak Army to vacate tribal areas within two months is deemed totally illogical as it undermines government's authority to deploy troops to counter violent groups like Fitna Al Khawarij

The presence of troops is crucial, especially considering the history of large-scale invasions and ongoing border skirmishes with the Afghan Taliban

It is unfortunate that PTM's disdain for Pakistan Army mirrors India's hostility, which speaks volumes about PTM true motives.

🔘 Moreover, Pashteen's suggestion of visa-free entry for Afghans into Pakistan raises significant economic and security concerns.

Pakistan has already been hosting millions of Afghan refugees since the 1970s, operating outside the formal economy –evading taxes. This has resulted in substantial damage to the national exchequer.

Furthermore, the involvement of Afghan nationals in crimes like kidnapping for ransom highlights the need for proper documentation and checks.

🔘 Pashteen's proposals seem disconnected from local realities and likely harm Pakistan's interests. Allowing unchecked entry of Afghans could exacerbate economic and security issues, compromising Pakistan's ability to participate in regional and global dynamics. It is essential to prioritize national security and economic stability over potentially divisive demands.

🔘 The demand for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) to pay only five rupees per unit of electricity doesn't align with the reality of the situation.

🔹Constructing massive dams requires cutting-edge technology, specialized machinery, and highly skilled workers, resources that KP likely lacked in the 1960s.

🔹The province boasts an abundance of rivers, but harnessing their potential demands significant investment in infrastructure. Moreover, KP's gas and mineral reserves require advanced technology to become viable, which the provincial government struggles to provide.

🔹Therefore it is wishful thinking to provide something at much lower price to population without considering the production costs it incurred.

🔘 The proposed creation of a Pakhtun force is a highly contentious issue, likely to fuel further conflict, which is the last thing peaceful Pakhtuns desire.

🔹Drawing parallels with the Mukti Bahini highlights the potential risks. It's crucial for Pakhtuns to recognize the gravity of this situation and understand that Manzoor Pashteen, is wittingly serving external interests, primarily from #India and #Afghanistan.

🔹While Pashteen had initially focused on removing landmines from Waziristan and addressing human rights abuses; is now seen overtly trumpeting agenda of hostile & inimical elements while raising absurd demands.

Therefore, allegations of foreign backing, particularly from Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies, levied against PTM appear correct.

🔘 Critics argue that PTM is exploiting the situation, leveraging the deaths of innocents Pakhtuns to further its own agenda.

🔹Manzoor Pashteen seems hellbent on protests and criticism rather than cooperating and seeking constructive solutions to the legitimate problems.

🔹To mitigate chances of potential conflict, it is essential for Pakhtuns to realize the gravity of situation and remain vigilant. The movement's perceived alignment with external forces could multiply tensions in the country by pitching ethnic groups against one another -as is visible from the social media platform X.

The Pashtun Protection Movement (PTM) has issued the following statement on the anti-PTM statement issued by Ehsanullah Ehsan. ⬇

Mishra Manzoor Pashteen's response to fugitive Ehsanullah Ehsan

Today I had the opportunity to read a piece on Telegram by one of the most important members of the International Establishment, Ehsanullah Ehsan - a man who himself, with the help of the International Establishment, deceived the TTP and the country with the help of the International Establishment. Today he is teaching us and sitting outside in the fringes and lecturing us

I want to tell this wretched person who sold his faith for a few dollars and today is a tout of TTP that we PTM stand by our slogan and add one day to the sixty days. In these sixty days, Tehreek-e-Taliban must leave Pakhtunkhwa, otherwise we will not be responsible for any loss later - I also want to give this clear message to Tehreek-e-Taliban that if there is any objection to the verdict of the National Court, He should speak to us himself and refrain from taking statements from international touts like Ehsanullah Ehsan

Peace be upon you

Mishra Manzoor Pashteen
(Dated October 15, 2024)

Both groups are throwing dust in the eyes of the public.
They are bound in political and military relationship.
Early history

The movement was founded as Mahsud Tahafuz Movement in May 2014 by eight students in Dera Ismail Khan as an initiative for removing landmines from Waziristan and other parts of the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas, affected by the war in North-West Pakistan.

The movement rose to prominence in January 2018 when it began a justice movement for Naqeebullah Mehsud, who was extrajudicially killed in a fake encounter staged by the police officer Rao Anwar in Karachi.

When the movement gained popularity among the Pashtuns in February 2018, the word "Mahsud" in its name, which referred to the Mahsud tribe from Waziristan, was changed into "Pashtun" to refer to all Pashtuns.