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Kitne shankracharya aaye, kitne shankracharya gaye :P

Gao thing....  might be a Shaivite / Vaishnavite ka lafda

Srila Prabhupad and ISCON philosophy we know is 100% Vaishnav, he was militant in his beliefs, hardcore.. !

original worship bull ki hi hai, across the world different cultures k andar you can see it too.. thing is, Xtianity/Islam destroyed most of them, very little, token chhota mopta remains of "pagan" religion.

waisey to all sentient life is sacred.. Ganesh Ji ki savari, a chooha ! to unke pitaji ka King Cobra.. matlab har type ki beliefs hain, Vishnu Ji ka matsya avtar.

Aaj kal, Jaggi type Gurus (and many others) saying fish is "halal", unko pain nahi feel hota, suffering nahi hoti.. all sea creatures. That's what they say.

bhot deep scene hai, sir..

ya to full uss type ke ban jao, sanyasi.. ki sab kuch tyaag dia, paisa ka kya karoge, moksh ki race me lag jao :LOL:

I love cows, I "volunteered" briefly at gaoshala too.. (spent few hours there) .. big time jeev premi here.. lot of those jeevs also enjoying the chicken with me but !

99% of the time mera 30% kamaskam khana goes to feeding the dogs and crows :ROFLMAO:

kauon se bhot pyar hai mujhe lol, kal hi haanth se khilaya ek ko

anyway, I digress
