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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

Iran heads to presidential run-off on July 5
Published :
Jun 29, 2024 18:32
Updated :
Jun 29, 2024 18:32

Iran's presidential candidates Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili casting votes in a snap presidential election in Tehran on Friday –Reuters photos

In an election campaign dominated by hardliners, Iranian presidential hopeful Massoud Pezeshkian stood out as a moderate, backing women's rights, more social freedoms, cautious detente with the West and economic reform.

Pezeshkian narrowly beat hardline Saeed Jalili for first place in Friday's first round vote but the two men will now face a run-off election on July 5, since Pezeshkian did not secure the majority of 50 per cent plus one vote of ballots cast needed to win outright.

Pezeshkian, a 69-year-old cardiac surgeon, lawmaker and former health minister was up against candidates who more closely reflect the fiercely anti-Western stance of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country's ultimate decision-maker.

And yet the mild-mannered Pezeshkian narrowly won Friday's vote and made it to the run-off in the election to pick a successor to Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash in May.

His chances hinge on attracting votes from supporters of current hardline parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, who finished third in the first round, and encouraging a young disillusioned population hungry for change but disenchanted with the country's political, social and economic crisis to vote for him again in the run-off.

Although he advocates reforms, Pezeshkian is faithful to Iran's theocratic rule with no intention of confronting the powerful security hawks and clerical rulers.

His views offer a contrast to those of Raisi, a Khamenei protege who tightened enforcement of a law curbing women's dress and took a tough stance in now-moribund negotiations with major powers to revive a 2015 nuclear deal.

Pezeshkian's election campaign gained momentum when he was endorsed by reformists, led by former President Mohammad Khatami, and when he appointed former Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, a key figure in crafting the nuclear deal, as his foreign policy adviser.

Implicitly referring to the appointment of Zarif, who hardliners accuse of selling out Iran in order to reach the deal, Khamenei said on Tuesday: "Anyone who is attached to America will not be a good colleague for you".

In 2018, then-US President Donald Trump ditched the pact and reimposed sanctions on Iran, calling it "a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made." His move prompted Tehran to progressively violate the agreement's nuclear limits.

If Pezeshkian does go on to win, this would hinder Iranian hardliners who are opposed to the revival of the pact.

However, under Iran's dual system of clerical and republican rule the power to shape key state policies including foreign and nuclear affairs ultimately rests with Khamenei.

As a result, many voters are sceptical about Pezeshkian's ability to fulfil his campaign promises.

"Pezeshkian's power as the president to fulfil his campaign promises is zero," said Sholeh Mousavi, a 32-year-old teacher in Tehran, before Friday's first round of voting.

"I want reforms but Pezeshkian cannot improve the situation. I will not vote. "

Pezeshkian, the sole moderate among the six candidates who were approved by a hardline watchdog body to stand, has pledged to foster a pragmatic foreign policy and ease nuclear tensions with the West. Two hardline subsequently candidates pulled out.


At the same time, Pezeshkian promised in TV debates and interviews not to contest Khamenei's policies, which analysts said risks further alienating the urban middle class and young voters. These groups no longer seek mere reform and instead now directly challenge the Islamic Republic as a whole.

As a lawmaker since 2008, Pezeshkian, who is an Azeri ethnic minority and supports the rights of ethnic minorities, has criticised the clerical establishment's suppression of political and social dissent.

In 2022, Pezeshkian demanded clarification from authorities about the death of Mahsa Amini, a woman who died in custody after she was arrested for allegedly violating a law restricting women's dress. Her death sparked months of unrest across the country.

But at a Tehran University meeting earlier this month, responding to a question about students imprisoned on charges linked to anti-government protests, Pezeshkian said "political prisoners are not within my scope, and if I want to do something, I have no authority".

During the Iran-Iraq war in 1980s, Pezeshkian, who held roles as both a combatant and a physician, was tasked with the deployment of medical teams to the front lines.

He was health minister from 2001-5 in Khatami's second term.

Pezeshkian lost his wife and one of his children in a car accident in 1994. He raised his surviving two sons and a daughter alone, opting to never remarry.​


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

Iran election shows declining voter support amid calls for change
Agence France-Presse . Tehran 30 June, 2024, 22:31


| AFP photo

The first round of Iran's presidential election revealed shrinking support for both reformists and conservatives even though some voters are pushing for change by backing the sole reformist candidate, analysts say.

Masoud Pezeshkian, the reformist contender, and ultraconservative Saeed Jalili led the polls held on Friday to replace the late ultraconservative president Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash last month.

Friday's vote, marked by a historically low turnout, 'clearly shows that both reformists' and conservatives' bases have considerably shrunk,' said Ali Vaez of the International Crisis Group think tank.

In the lead-up to the election, Iran's main reformist coalition supported Pezeshkian, with endorsements by former presidents Mohammad Khatami and Hassan Rouhani, a moderate.

'The reformists brought out the big guns and tried their best to mobilise their base,' Vaez said on social media platform X, but 'it was simply insufficient.'

Likewise, the conservatives failed to garner sufficient votes 'despite the tremendous resources they deployed,' he added.

Vaez pointed out that the combined votes of Jalili and conservative parliamentary speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, who came in third, totalled 12.8 million.

That figure was well below Raisi's nearly 18 million votes in the 2021 election.

Of the 61 million eligible voters, only about 40 per cent cast ballots, marking a record low turnout in the Islamic Republic where some people have lost faith in the process.

More than one million ballots were spoiled.

For Vaez, the decline in turnout, from around 49 per cent in 2021, was 'a real embarrassment for the leadership' in Iran, where ultimate political power lies with the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Political commentator Mohammad Reza Manafi said Pezeshkian's lead reflected a push for 'fundamental changes' regarding the economy and relations with the rest of the world.

However, those favouring Pezeshkian 'do not expect a miracle or a quick solution but hope he can gradually prevent conditions from worsening,' Manafi added.

Iran has been reeling from the economic impact of international sanctions, which have contributed to soaring inflation, high unemployment and a record low for the Iranian rial against the US dollar.

The vote also came amid heightened regional tensions over the Gaza war between Israel and Tehran's ally Hamas, and diplomatic tensions over Iran's nuclear programme.

Pezeshkian, an outspoken heart surgeon who has represented the northwestern city of Tabriz in parliament since 2008, came out on top thanks to his 'clean record without any accusations of financial corruption,' said Manafi.

Official figures showed Pezeshkian with 42.4 per cent of the vote, against 38.6 per cent for Jalili.

The reformist has urged 'constructive relations' with Washington and European capitals to 'get Iran out of its isolation.'

In contrast, Jalili is widely recognised for his uncompromising anti-West stance.

He is a former nuclear negotiator and currently a representative of Khamenei on the Supreme National Security Council, Iran's highest security body.

During his campaign, he rallied a substantial base of hardline supporters under the slogan 'no compromise, no surrender' to the West.

He staunchly opposed the 2015 nuclear deal with the United States and other world powers which imposed curbs on Iran's nuclear activity in return for sanctions relief.

At the time, Jalili argued that the pact violated Iran's 'red lines' by accepting inspections of nuclear sites.

The deal collapsed in 2018.

In a Sunday column in the ultraconservative Javan daily, political expert Ali Alavi hailed Jalili's 'honesty and truthfulness, unlike the others.'

The candidate also received support from Ghalibaf, who after Saturday's result urged his support base to back Jalili in next Friday's runoff.

Two ultraconservatives who dropped out a day before the election have also endorsed Jalili.

But on Sunday the reformist newspaper Etemad quoted former vice president Isa Kalantari warning against a continued conservative grip on the government.

'The country will be in peril and it will face numerous problems and challenges,' he said.

Vaez said the 'Jalili fear factor can't be overlooked.'

'Many who didn't vote in this round might in the next one: not because they hope for better, but because they fear the worse.'

Political analyst Mohammad Marandi, however, said Jalili may not be 'the sort of radical that is depicted by his opponents.'

Marandi believes that Iran, under either of the two candidates, will 'continue to pursue strong ties with the Global South' countries.

He added that they 'will still attempt to see what can be done with the nuclear deal,' though Jalili 'will just approach it with more scepticism.'​


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

At the end of da day the irani’s are a chutiya outfit. They could’ve managed this far better along secular/ socialist lines like a European country instead of all this ghareeb muslim drama and playing the Islamic grandma for the whole region.

My way would’ve been a far easier way out of neocolonialism than this huge confrontation like maula jutt filumm. Saareyaan gareeban da Abbu bun gya si. Bewquff…..😝

Khotay Irani just like us pendu Sultan Rahi/ Noori Nutth lakir de faqir …..😝👌

Tussi main khabardar kar reya hain ga……don’t fukk wid me cuz I’m maula jatt king of Punjab Ohaaayyy!

I goin mess yous up. 😝👌

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