🌍 Istanbul getting very expensive

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G  Middle Eastern & African Affairs
slick but sly ugly bas tards more money than sense. if i had money like them i wouldn't even buy luxury cars instead build my own everything my own. once oil runs out the westerners wont even piss on uae even if it on fire.
Just wait......oil shaikh will be the first to introduce AI robots and taxi's etc......lol......it'll take them a second to replace 100 people with one capable AI android
man I seen 10 living in a bdr apt in the rola neighborhood in Sharjah.......I couldn't believe it. When their day ends most got like $20 in wages for a 12 hr day. It is slavery.
Therefore, it is criminality that UAE shows off richness and luxury by sucking blood from the poor laborers. Can they show the same richness if they had to pay similar salaries as the EU law permits? NO.
Just wait......oil shaikh will be the first to introduce AI robots and taxi's etc......lol......it'll take them a second to replace 100 people with one capable AI android
No. They can not abuse and utilize poor foreign female maids, in that case, with robots! You know what I mean. Often, fathers and sons use the maids in turn. Disgusting.
No. They can not abuse and utilize poor foreign female maids, in that case, with robots! You know what I mean. Often, fathers and sons use the maids in turn. Disgusting.
oh yaar saara UAE full of gashtian......lol.......total gashti scene. Everywhee you look its prostitutes. Toba toba.......lol
So much prostitution in the GCC its not even funny folks.......All sorts of prostitutes from every imaginable country. They all come out at night and walk around.
but they will need ppl to set up ai and to run them.
Whole GCC under hindu control right now. Every where the hindu dominating business. Most of our ghareeb running truck naan chola stop Dhabbay in GCC. Man, If I see those Steppand wolf King Qamar Ahmad bhutta and others from dat other lunn pdf forum in Manchester area......mainay sub de saamnay pharr k maarna hae un saaron ko. I will beat them up without mercy because they are ignorant. We cannot have Pakistani supporting Al-Qaeda or Daesh or Talibunny. Not acceptable anymore defending neo-colonialism either like these Al-Baqistani do on dat other forum. That other forum should be shut down for hosting western backed psyop muzlim jihadi people fooling our colored migrants in the UK and US. Just like dat mulhid-ulla channel run by Harris Sultaandd!
You guys see his propaganda?......lol......He's an ASIO asset this guy. He's in da Western intelligence/ CIA/ Mossad echo chamber just like all the ghareeb muzlims...... :p......he's a tool for fooling our lower caste pre-colonial liberal chutiya people. He'd never admit dat behind this terror, sits da west. He won't admit it even if his life depended upon it. What a basturd he is and a total liar:
Whole GCC under hindu control right now. Every where the hindu dominating business. Most of our ghareeb running truck naan chola stop Dhabbay in GCC. Man, If I see those Steppand wolf King Qamar Ahmad bhutta and others from dat other lunn pdf forum in Manchester area......mainay sub de saamnay pharr k maarna hae un saaron ko. I will beat them up without mercy because they are ignorant. We cannot have Pakistani supporting Al-Qaeda or Daesh or Talibunny. Not acceptable anymore defending neo-colonialism either like these Al-Baqistani do on dat other forum. That other forum should be shut down for hosting western backed psyop muzlim jihadi people fooling our colored migrants in the UK and US. Just like dat mulhid-ulla channel run by Harris Sultaandd!
i live near manchester but ppl in my area are anti Indian and also anti establishment yes pakistan sides are not liked much either.
Yes we are for islamic values and antiusury in pakistan but we know about cia terror groups.
You guys see his propaganda?......lol......He's an ASIO asset this guy. He's in da Western intelligence/ CIA/ Mossad echo chamber just like all the ghareeb muzlims...... :p......he's a tool for fooling our lower caste pre-colonial liberal chutiya people. He'd never admit dat behind this terror, sits da west. He won't admit it even if his life depended upon it. What a basturd he is and a total liar:

i cannot believe it in this day and age that there are dumb bas trd muslims who fall for cia trickery and end up doing their bidding. cia targets ignorant illiterate poor desperate muslims to use.
i live near manchester but ppl in my area are anti Indian and also anti establishment yes pakistan sides are not liked much either.
Yes we are for islamic values and antiusury in pakistan but we know about cia terror groups.
Its a very clever ploy run by the MI-5 in da UK........UK ich rehna si, then you support da state narrative......vurna!
They are panicking due to recent elections and claiming Islamist are taking over england but propaganda is not working. i bet they will do something like false flag to blame Muslims.
They've got some retards already groomed and ready to undertake some false flag......you know it......Brainwashing totally works. That's all what this islamic terorism is all about. US/ UK brainwashed UK/ US cabby or intelligence agent machinations. Behind Islamic terror sits da west.......everyone knows yaar......lol
If you can easily get cheap labor for false flag ops, you have to ask question why they are so poor. Why they can not easily get cheap labor from other population? Whose fault it is? When you have an oversupply of poor and desperate people, everyone will exploit them. It has been the norm since ancient times.
i cannot believe it in this day and age that there are dumb bas trd muslims who fall for cia trickery and end up doing their bidding. cia targets ignorant illiterate poor desperate muslims to use.
He's an ASIO asset. He's signed up for da job. Why else would he be saying dat Islam is shiit and all muzlims are idiota no? He's a fraudster. What he refuses to say on his program is dat da ones doing all da terror all around da world are indirectly western assets and on intelligence agency payroll.
He's an ASIO asset. He's signed up for da job. Why else would he be saying dat Islam is shiit and all muzlims are idiota no? He's a fraudster. What he refuses to say on his program is dat da ones doing all da terror all around da world are indirectly western assets and on intelligence agency payroll.
Why do Muslims go to their payroll ? Because their own country is full of garbage that brainwashed them from childhood. The ignorant parents and teachers already do half of the recruiting by brainwashing them. Then they are ready to go.
Why do Muslims go to their payroll ? Because their own country is full of garbage that brainwashed them from childhood. The ignorant parents and teachers already do half of the recruiting by brainwashing them. Then they are ready to go.
And the CIA/ Mossad/ RAW know our society inside n out. You remember that guy Naeem who used to read the evening 6;00pm khabarnama on KTV back in the 80's/ 90's......he's a family friend of ours and told me a story about a middle aged PN admiral sahb. Anyway da story goes dat PN admiral sahb goes to UK for a training course and marries a beautiful Irani muzlim lady in London......Subhaanallah! Then after a few years they living on Manorra Island in da prestigious/ very ritzy naval officers complex over there. Life is great........I remember meeting them too in one of our family functions dinners as usual back in the early 90's......blurry memories. Anyway around 2000 or so, we found out that our stud fit Admiral sahb had died from mysterious causes in his sleep, and wife and son were missing! Nobody knew where they went. Even today, nobody knows who dat lady was and why she disappeared like dat taking da kid along wid her. God knows what secrets of our navy she took when she left. Nobody can find her, even today......lol

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