South Asia [VIDEO] Assassination of the Indian Muslim politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf Ahmed

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South Asia [VIDEO] Assassination of the Indian Muslim politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf Ahmed
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G  South Asian Affairs
They don't deserve to suffer
I know, I'm very kind and merciful too bhai.....hum bhee musalmaan hain gay. I'm not some hilljack or hindu or yahudi or X-Tian.....but wait until you run into an Indian muzlim phraand......let alone a half educated Afghani. At that exact moment you will know exactly what I'm saying. Let me tell you.....arbi, irani turani, turkish don't hate us. However for some godforsaken reason the Indians, the Afghani and the Central Asians hate us. This is the strangest drama I've come across. 😛....kamal hae!
I know, I'm very kind and merciful too bhai.....hum bhee musalmaan hain gay. I'm not some hilljack or hindu or yahudi or X-Tian.....but wait until you run into an Indian muzlim phraand......let alone a half educated Afghani. At that exact moment you will know exactly what I'm saying. Let me tell you.....arbi, irani turani, turkish don't hate us. However for some godforsaken reason the Indians, the Afghani and the Central Asians hate us. This is the strangest drama I've come across. 😛....kamal hae!
They don't hate us, where are you getting that from ?
They don't hate us, where are you getting that from ?
Refrain from pro-Irani/Turani troll- propaganda and anti-Pakistan rhetorics
They don't, I have a ton of Indian muslim friends, I am very much fond of them. Same with afghans, nice people most of them.
I want Irani turani racial supremacist to barge in thru da door and destroy da afghani kaafir for us. This ma dream!…..🤓……dis is exactly what I want in our region. Right now we got a serious death defying drama goin on where afghani killing our young men…..only a much bigger badmash like Irani turani racial supremacist can demolish da lower caste afghani and turn him into a toad. This is what I want. Just like how Irani have turned everybody out their west into junkies and jiggers.

We need to have our wits about us… our west, right there is da merciless hammer of hell…..cuz they’ve already done dis in da Sy-Raaq on a WW2 magnitude scale, we just need to be da anvil on da afghani in da middle.

Araam say kaam hona hae…..😝… body goin find out nutthin

PS.....we are too innocent to do dirty work/ take da garbage out bro......we can't do it, cuz wes never done dis...... it ain't in our DNA.....We are sharif/ be-gunnah seedhay saaday log. We can’t kill right?
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I want Irani turani racial supremacist to barge in thru da door and destroy da afghani kaafir for us. This ma dream!…..🤓……dis is exactly what I want in our region. Right now we got a serious death defying drama goin on where afghani killing our young men…..only a much bigger badmash like Irani turani racial supremacist can demolish da lower caste afghani and turn him into a toad. This is what I want. Just like how Irani have turned everybody out their west into junkies and jiggers.

We need to have our wits about us… our west, right there is da merciless hammer of hell…..cuz they’ve already done dis in da Sy-Raaq on a WW2 magnitude scale, we just need to be da anvil on da afghani in da middle.

Araam say kaam hona hae…..😝… body goin find out nutthin

PS.....we are too innocent to do dirty work/ take da garbage out bro......we can't do it, cuz wes never done dis...... it ain't in our DNA.....We are sharif/ be-gunnah seedhay saaday log. We can’t kill right?
How do we get closer to iran? Do they like us?
But what would you say, should Pakistan ease the access for iran through it's borders? We can do that
Yaar we got told to get rid of China (economically, cut the link). Iran's just weaseling its way in with small time smuggling $5 billion only (for now). Always remember, the two enemies we got, India/ afghani. Nobody else is our enemy.

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