Americas' Number of Chinese illegally jumping the US border fences - Monthly updates.

Americas' Number of Chinese illegally jumping the US border fences - Monthly updates.
More threads by Hamartia Antidote

G   The Americas' Affairs
They will become US citizens like you one day, I lived in US and I know how it works.

No they won't. What ignorance are you talking from?

If you jump a border fence and sneak into a country without any proper id you are not going to become a citizen. There is no magic timer that goes off suddenly causing citizenship paperwork to appear out of thin air.

How your mind works is simply baffling.
You are just doing desperate coping to try and explain things away.
No they won't. What ignorance are you talking from?

If you jump a border fence and sneak into a country without any proper id you are not going to become a citizen. There is no magic timer that goes off suddenly causing citizenship paperwork to appear out of thin air.
They will, maybe your ancestors became the US citizen the same way, they follow some fixed procedeurs and in the end all of them become US citizens. this is very typical for illegal immigrants from Fujian province in China. They actually all have some relatives who are US citizens and the connections help them to become US citizens on day.
They will, maybe your ancestors became the US citizen the same way,

They filled out some immigration paperwork, got on a boat that took them to Elis Island, got processed by US customs and given legal paperwork.

This is far different than somebody illegally jumping over a remote border fence and running for their lives through the Arizona desert. LOL!!!!!


Chinese Stuffed in the trunk of a car!


More Chinese in a car trunk...oh sure future citizens...LOL!!

Apparently you have a weird problem understanding this difference.

These people are going to be working under the table in fields picking vegetables or worse in some sketchy Asian massage parlor as prostitutes.
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They filled out some immigration paperwork, got on a boat that took them to Elis Island, got processed by US customs and given legal paperwork.

This is far different than somebody jumping over a remote border fence and running through the Arizona desert. LOL!!!!!

Apparently you have a problem understanding this difference.
They reach US by different routes, some from the sea and some via land, there is a vast criminal networks operating in US doing this kind of business, those people all have families in US who pay huge money to smuggle their families into US. A lot of frauds and scams involved in this business. I lived in US and heard a lot of those people. Many local lawyers in US make their living solely from those people.
They reach US by different routes, some from the sea and some via land, there is a vast criminal networks operating in US doing this kind of business, those people all have families in US who pay huge money to smuggle their families into US. A lot of frauds and scams involved in this business. I lived in US and heard a lot of those people. Many local lawyers in US make their living solely from those people.

Oh so now suddenly you admit Chinese nationals are fleeing China and entering the US illegally.

Suddenly no mention of this citizenship paperwork magically appearing. Glad you gave up on that silliness!
Oh so now suddenly you admit Chinese nationals are fleeing China and entering the US illegally.

Suddenly no mention of this citizenship paperwork magically appearing. Glad you gave up on that silliness!
I never denied that some Chinese nationals illegally travel to US.
The stories I heard in US was that in Fujian rural villages, some smugglers go to almost every house and try to convince the locals to make that trip, they promoise them the heavens and the local villages don't have much knowledge about the outside world and many fall for the scam. Most of them have families living in US, most are very distant relatives though, this is why most Chinese illegal immigrants into US are mainly from one province, Fujian.
They pay the "snake heads" around $50,000 and the smugglers will arrange a trip for them to reach US, after reaching US, the smugglers usually also take care of them for a short period of time, helping them to find a job and getting a lawyer for their naturalization process.
Those illegal immigrants are mostly from rural mountainous regions in Fujian province who can barely read, this is the reason many of them fall for the scam. there is a joke among the Chinese communities in US, I don't know it's true or just a joke. It's said that those illegal immigrants are basically iliterates, when they see People's bank of China, 中国人民银行 in New York China town, they read 中国人民很行 Chinese people are really good.
I never denied that some Chinese nationals illegally travel to US.
The stories I heard in US was that in Fujian rural villages, some smugglers go to almost every house and try to convince the locals to make that trip, they promoise them the heavens and the local villages don't have much knowledge about the outside world and many fall for the scam. Most of them have families living in US, most are very distant relatives though, this is why most Chinese illegal immigrants into US are mainly from one province, Fujian.
They pay the "snake heads" around $50,000 and the smugglers will arrange a trip for them to reach US, after reaching US, the smugglers usually also take care of them for a short period of time, helping them to find a job and getting a lawyer for their naturalization process.

LOL! It doesn't work that way. The only way that works is if you turn yourself in at the border/embassy and ask for asylum.
Jumping the border and entering the US illegally will likely immediately disqualify you from any naturalization process.
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ok, so if that is somehow true you will then have to admit the number of Chinese nationals becoming US citizens or wanting to stay in the US must be spiking up.
I never denied it, the same scam also happened to Myanmar when smugglers tricked tens of thousands, some of them are rich people, into Myanmar and locked them up once they were there, they promised moon to you and crazy enough, many people just believed them.
As for US immigration law, even when I was in US I found a big flaw to it. say one person gets into US illegally and somehow gets US citizenship, this person's immediate family suddenly becomes elligible to immigrate to US, and after they become US citizens, their immediate families also become elligible, and so on and so forth, the number just increases expontentially in a decade.
I never denied it, the same scam also happened to Myanmar when smugglers tricked tens of thousands, some of them are rich people, into Myanmar and locked them up once they were there, they promised moon to you and crazy enough, many people just believed them.

LOL! I don't understand this "tricked" part.
First you say they pay somebody like $50,000 to get the naturalization paperwork going, then apparently after years of going through the naturalization process they suddenly feel "tricked". Can you elaborate on the logic of that?

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