Central & North Asia Afghans are starving

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Central & North Asia Afghans are starving
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G  Central & North Asia Affairs


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024


Axis Group

Afghani can't do. All their people are starving. What a failure as a society. And all the third class Pakistani cabby who pin their hopes of a future upon these tribals. Any pakistani who thinks talibunny are kool and not animals should be immediately deported to Kabul to be with their brothers over there:
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There's some good news in da pipeline coming thru now.......After eid, we're going to deport another couple million more of these kaafirs back.......Inshallah!.....Rana Sanaulla gearing up to do this hopefully.
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is this munira idea of controling budget by deporting afghans back he saves a couple million which he can transfer to his bank.
Bhai, the faster we deport them, the lesser the terror. Most of the terrorist attacks are being done by these badmash afghani. They call us daal khor and kaalia and hendu-pak and whatnot. Time for them to go back to their own country now.
They call us daal khor and kaalia and hendu-pak and whatnot. Time for them to go back to their own country now.
Daal is the best thing you can have to keep the stomach fit. Most illnesses arise from bad stomach. I need daal every single day. People who don’t eat daal have often issues with constipation. However, I disagree with skin color as most Afghanis are not as light-skinned as advertised and we have plenty of people who are brighter than the Afghanis. And I am one of them. Lol
if it was other way around we be enslaved, beaten, shot dead, used for their agenda, to be brainwashed, to hate ourselves,
i can imagine the afghans chaining up pakistanis and putting them to slave labour.
Their country was run over by da Soviets cuz their elite back in da day was very trendy wendy communist/marxist. Then millions of their jahil poured into our country. We had to put up with their nasty drug using/ dealing and gun toting tribal society. We never told the Soviets to invade Afghanistan. We are the victims here. More than 150k Pakistani citizens are dead and double that injured/maimed for life now and millions uprooted due to insurgency in KPK, because of Afghanistan. We should deport them all and seal our borders and any Pashto that complains, should also be deported to Afghanistan ASAP.
you need check points and metal/bomb detectors. also dogs.
That massive attack in KpK where a 110 police were killed in suicide bombing when the roof collapsed from the blast, the chowkidar who survived told the media that resident imam (namaz de qari sahb) of the police masjid within the compound was a harami afghani Pashto. He allowed the suicide bombers into the police complex. This is what these Pashto are capable of. I don’t trust them. Namazi badmash allowed suicide bombers to get in. This is seriously messed up.
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Afghani suar telling Iraandi dat if yous don't deport our basturd suars, then we won't cut your water in one of the eastern rivers. If you keep our suar in your country, then no praablum:


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