[🇵🇰] RigVedic Period of Pakistan

[🇵🇰] RigVedic Period of Pakistan
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G Pakistan Affairs Forum
Short Summary: A short description of the RigVedic period of Pakistan, the geographical India.
Saeraki speaking ?
Oh no seraiki is south punjab/ north sindh. Here in Haripur about 500 miles north of Multan people speak either hindko or Pashto generally and few speak Punjabi.

This area is the home of Ashok. He lived here and then later chandragupta. Lot of invasions over the last 2700 years. The Achaemenids were here and then the Greeks came and then again the Parthians after the Greeks then the Scythians……then the central asian guppu came and destroyed Taxila. Destroyed all the monasteries and Stupas and the oldest university of the world. Now just ancient ruins of Dharmarajika, Jaulian and Sirkap remain.

Just like Moenjodaro bhai…..a very haunting and ancient city.
NW India is very close to us in Punjab/ Sindh......its the same culture same language......

Likewise Pashto/ Balochi are much closer to the Iranis culturally/ linguistically. Hell Afghanistan's national language is Persian, who are we kidding man?

Its true bhai.....thank god they're not shia or else we wouldn't even exist as a country.......do mintt main they'd have gone there and joined the Iranis.

NW Indians that you write of are only a tiny percent of the Bharati population. Plus much of their commonality is purely linguistic.

Seen plenty of Northern Bhratis in Canada, they don't look like Eastern Pakistanis too much.
Traveled to rural Sindh last year, didn't find any rural Sindhis that look Pajeet.

It got me thinking how many exaggerated lies we've been fed.
NW Indians that you write of are only a tiny percent of the Bharati population. Plus much of their commonality is purely linguistic.

Seen plenty of Northern Bhratis in Canada, they don't look like Eastern Pakistanis too much.
Traveled to rural Sindh last year, didn't find any rural Sindhis that look Pajeet.

It got me thinking how many exaggerated lies we've been fed.
We only care about NW Indians (10% at most) because they are like us. Anybody else in India is not our lineage nor our culture they are aboriginal people of original India like traditional land owners.

I've sat down with Indians all da time and only their NW area is close to us culturally until Delhi/ Agra at the most (maybe 1% to 2% of their awaam if you include Brahmunndzz/ khatri).......after that bhai its just dalit aboriginal people.

Best of luck to them and the same going south of Delhi, the dalit country starts very quickly.

Wes da invaders from Ukraine/ Caucasus/ Iran/ Afghanistan over the last 5k years or so........this India is really their dalit country.

99.99999999% dalit hain bhai, ab kya bolain no?

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