Q&A If your relatives are determined to kill your dear ones for property

Q&A If your relatives are determined to kill your dear ones for property
More threads by Bagheera0084

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Mar 7, 2024


Axis Group

If your relatives are determined to kill you or your dear ones for property, what would you do?

Police won't give you protection if you can't/don't pay enough bribes. Police are corrupt and crime control is the last thing on their mind.

Probably the answer to above question is: Might is Right. Probably in such situations, the stronger party (rich and powerful) wins and the weaker party can do nothing about it.

Moreover their (those relatives) following characteristic make them much much much more dangerous. Due to decades of their apparently good behaviour, they never showed any sign of their criminal tendencies until below events. Hence you didn't expect any danger from them. So no question of even slightest of precaution. Then suddenly after so many years (after some decades) they began to show their real nature - encroached on your property, spread false canards about you or your dear ones by telling a lot of lies to society, their servants scuffled with your supporter (the supporter on your side was just a well-wisher because since you are not rich or powerful, unlike your relatives you can't afford a servant), made intimidating threats, etc. Worse, there are compelling reasons to believe that, in connection with the property issue, they had already murdered, without 'intimation', a couple of other unsuspecting relatives quietly and the murders were passed off as natural deaths. It was the effect of their quality of not showing their real nature.
If your relatives are determined to kill you or your dear ones for property, what would you do?

Police won't give you protection if you can't/don't pay enough bribes. Police are corrupt and crime control is the last thing on their mind.

Probably the answer to above question is: Might is Right. Probably in such situations, the stronger party (rich and powerful) wins and the weaker party can do nothing about it.

Moreover their (those relatives) following characteristic make them much much much more dangerous. Due to decades of their apparently good behaviour, they never showed any sign of their criminal tendencies until below events. Hence you didn't expect any danger from them. So no question of even slightest of precaution. Then suddenly after so many years (after some decades) they began to show their real nature - encroached on your property, spread false canards about you or your dear ones by telling a lot of lies to society, their servants scuffled with your supporter (the supporter on your side was just a well-wisher because since you are not rich or powerful, unlike your relatives you can't afford a servant), made intimidating threats, etc. Worse, there are compelling reasons to believe that, in connection with the property issue, they had already murdered, without 'intimation', a couple of other unsuspecting relatives quietly and the murders were passed off as natural deaths. It was the effect of their quality of not showing their real nature.
Oh yaar ab to kidnapping hoti hae…..you go back to your village or city, neighborhood badmash find out. Then they kidnap your niece or nephew or cousin and demand 5 crore to release them…..after pols investigation you find out your own relatives were involved to extort money from you.

Best policy is to be very quiet when you visit back home….and just say you are broke.
Oh yaar ab to kidnapping hoti hae…..you go back to your village or city, neighborhood badmash find out. Then they kidnap your niece or nephew or cousin and demand 5 crore to release them…..after pols investigation you find out your own relatives were involved to extort money from you.

Best policy is to be very quiet when you visit back home….and just say you are broke.
The matter is still same. To do what you suggest you have to be rich and/or powerful. What can non-rich and powerless do?

And make your style of writing clearer. Staging the kidnapping of niece/nephew. Then from whom should ransom be asked? How will police conclude that the relatives themselves were involved? And how will kidnapping help in property issue?
The matter is still same. To do what you suggest you have to be rich and/or powerful. What can non-rich and powerless do?

And make your style of writing clearer. Staging the kidnapping of niece/nephew. Then from whom should ransom be asked? How will police conclude that the relatives themselves were involved? And how will kidnapping help in property issue?

oh bhai, there is usually an inheritance drama going on usually. Who gets what share in land or family jewelry or house/ bangla.....the ones overseas generally got more money, so your relatives in cahoots plan a kidnapping of somebody in your family. A big drama is created. Then everybody chips in for ransom, but you as an overseas fat cat are expected to pony up the lions share.

Many things get accomplished here:

1. You lose the most money

2. And more importantly you get intimidated/ discouraged into sticking around or revisiting again

3. Due to point number 2, you are convinced to sell your land/ property etc in a distressed setting

4. Pols itself is involved cuz the thaandar gets his cut. He also provides the kidnappers and provides them protection.

5. Sometimes homicides happen in these types of cases. Sometimes they are deliberate, sometimes accidental.

Tannu pata ne hae ga what the hell is going on in our country.

This above incident happened to my mama near our village in Haripur........Maamay da behnoi got his own son kidnapped and then my mama had to put up 5 crore to get the boy 'released'.......lol
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If your relatives are determined to kill you or your dear ones for property, what would you do?

Police won't give you protection if you can't/don't pay enough bribes. Police are corrupt and crime control is the last thing on their mind.

Probably the answer to above question is: Might is Right. Probably in such situations, the stronger party (rich and powerful) wins and the weaker party can do nothing about it.

Moreover their (those relatives) following characteristic make them much much much more dangerous. Due to decades of their apparently good behaviour, they never showed any sign of their criminal tendencies until below events. Hence you didn't expect any danger from them. So no question of even slightest of precaution. Then suddenly after so many years (after some decades) they began to show their real nature - encroached on your property, spread false canards about you or your dear ones by telling a lot of lies to society, their servants scuffled with your supporter (the supporter on your side was just a well-wisher because since you are not rich or powerful, unlike your relatives you can't afford a servant), made intimidating threats, etc. Worse, there are compelling reasons to believe that, in connection with the property issue, they had already murdered, without 'intimation', a couple of other unsuspecting relatives quietly and the murders were passed off as natural deaths. It was the effect of their quality of not showing their real nature.
o bhai we are Hindu Baniyas , here property despiutes are not like that .. such thing's are only heard in crime thriller's that too west bengal and bihar or down south in andhra specially in poor RED NAXALLI Infested areas

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