[🇵🇰] Afghani mass deportations from Pakistan restart

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[🇵🇰] Afghani mass deportations from Pakistan restart
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G Pakistan Affairs Forum


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024


Axis Group

Pakistan needs to stop letting them have access to our passports now too


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Some sympathetic and pro taliban Pakistani's quote a mind boggling figure of 12 to 15 million Afghani refugees in Pakistan. Their reasoning is that Afghan refugees are now producing their second generation in Pakistan and they've multiplied like rabbits. So you can't deport them all. You can only deport the older generation of Afghani who have the UN issued refugee cards from the 1980's. In other words many KPK people are very pro taliban and use them as a vote base/ cheap labor/ street thug power. These political islamist parties have the most to lose and are not happy, if the afghani get forced out.
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Should give these Afghans Pakistani citizenship. It would boost our economy if they serve in the labour and in the military.
oh bhai, that's what we thought 40 years ago. Problem now is that most of the terror attacks on our millitary barracks, police compounds/ housing societies, gubment offices or utility company offices/ facilities/ air ports etc......have been attacked by Afghani. The other major issue is these Afghani brainwash pashto, cuz our pashto not as violent/ tribal. indoctrinated, so these jungli afghani have a very negative influence on our KPK awaam. Seedhay saaday log get brainwashed into violent Islamic jihadi culture. Its a real drama in our country.
Should give these Afghans Pakistani citizenship. It would boost our economy if they serve in the labour and in the military.

How-come having these trash vermin who hated us from day one did not boost our economy but had the opposite effect? Like what next? Importing a dozen million Bharatis will benefit our drying up country and enhance our military?

I personally wish the country would deport trolls like you. Why don't you take them into your house in Canada? They'll boost your household income and provide first class security. That seems like the most fitting solution. Any objections?
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Khwaja Asif blows the entire myth of strategic depth fraudulent narrative right out of the water. The damage from all these fallacious narratives from 40 years ago has come to bite us on our bum. Afghanistan is the dead albatross of Gen Zia listening to the US nonsense of our country being told to commit suicide for US geo-political objectives. Only the astute will understand as to why Bhutto (as despicable as he was) was hanged and Zia brought on by the CIA:

How-come having these trash vermin who hated us from day one did not boost our economy but had the opposite effect? Like what next? Importing a dozen million Bharatis will benefit our drying up country and enhance our military?

I personally wish the country would deport trolls like you. Why don't you take them into your house in Canada? They'll boost your household income and provide first class security. That seems like the most fitting solution. Any objections?
Maybe Pakistan should deport trolls like yourself who only knows how to harass other members.

Any objections?

As for the Afghan refugees if they are productive citizens we should give them citizens.
Maybe Pakistan should deport trolls like yourself who only knows how to harass other members.

Any objections?

As for the Afghan refugees if they are productive citizens we should give them citizens.

A troll is someone who calls critiquing his stupid comments as "harassment."

A troll is someone who repeatedly posts nonsensical comments people are tired of reading.

A troll is someone who was previously banned and keeps coming back like you were on the previous forum, only to come back uninvited with the same nonsensical rhetoric that you never backed up once with logic, let alone evidence.
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Iranio ne to ban lugga diya hae Afghanio per...... 😛......Afghani can't be even present in many irani provinces any more. Its illegal to be afghani and be present in these 16 provinces.

oh bhaaanch......😛

Iranio ne to ban lugga diya hae Afghanio per...... 😛......Afghani can't be even present in many irani provinces any more. Its illegal to be afghani and be present in these 16 provinces.

oh bhaaanch......😛

Pakistan should just speed up the mass deportations, anyone with no citizenship to go back to Afghanistan imiddieatly!

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