Military Ballistic vs Cruise missiles: Major differences and which is more dangerous? Understanding their threat levels and capability

Military Ballistic vs Cruise missiles: Major differences and which is more dangerous? Understanding their threat levels and capability
More threads by Krishna with Flute

G Military Watch Forum
Short Summary: Ballistic Vs Cruise Missile.
Pak got a lot of that tech from the DPRK too, didn't they ? Both the bomb and delivery systems.

That crooked scientist physicist guy, AQ Khan... who got in a lot of trouble for it ? Or something đŸ€”
China outsources some very sensitive bits out to the DPRK for forward exporting to clients to avoid the US sanctions regime. These days fat kim is sporting Russian ICBMs bhai. They got to leapfrog a lot of steps via direct Russian transfer of tech.

AQ Khan got the centrifuge design documents from Urenco in Holland. Which was no biggie. Almost everything of value like materials/ bomb design and the U-235 were transferred to Pakistan by China.
Europe se bhi nuclear secrets chori kari thi... for shame, man. Galt gal !

India did it on parsi (homi bhaba) and I presume some brahmands ki mehnat, and of course Abdul Kalam Ji, our missile man and favorite mull in the whole wide world. 😍
No you guys got a lot of help from Canada early on in the 1960's. Most of your goods were procured/ smuggled clandestinely and then of course a lot of help from the drunk Russian suar Yeltsin (rocket engines/ telemetry etc) upon the dissolution of the USSR.
Now a days the hybrid sort of missiles are gaining Popularity. They follow a mix of Ballistic and Cruise trajectory, and they are optimized for mission requirements. Avinash Chander called them Shaped Trajectory missiles.

These hypersonic Glide vehicles create a new category where they gather a lot of Potential energy when the ascend. While descending, they convert this potential energy into kinetic energy and glide to target with that. In many such cases, these flights are not powered. Indian HGV made some BMD deception maneuvers in its terminal phase.

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