[🇧🇩-Land] Bangladesh Army and The War of Independence

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[🇧🇩-Land] Bangladesh Army and The War of Independence
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Short Summary: The contribution of Bangladesh army in our war of independence.


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Jan 24, 2024


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The indomitable spirit of the Bangladesh Army in the War of Independence
Md Ahsan Ul Hossain
Published :
Mar 25, 2025 23:59
Updated :
Mar 25, 2025 23:59


A group of freedom fighters in 1971 —AP Photo

Independence & National Day 2025

Independence Day, observed on March 26, holds a special place in the heart of every Bangladeshi. It marks the day the nation began its journey toward freedom, breaking the chains of oppression and injustice. The Liberation War of 1971 was a watershed moment in history, a time when the people of Bangladesh stood up to demand their rightful independence from the brutal oppression. At the forefront of this monumental struggle stood the Bangladesh Army. With immense courage, resilience, and unshakable patriotism, the army became the driving force behind the fight for independence, earning its place in history as one of the most critical contributors to the nation’s birth.
The Bangladesh Army’s role in the Liberation War went far beyond the battlefield. They were the symbol of resistance, the beacon of hope, and the catalyst for a collective uprising that inspired millions across the country. Despite being a fledgling force with limited resources, the army exhibited extraordinary resolve, demonstrating that courage and determination can overcome even the most daunting odds. Their actions on the front lines, their commitment to protecting innocent lives, and their unwavering belief in the cause of freedom galvanised the entire nation. The sacrifices made by the soldiers during this critical period laid the foundation for the Bangladesh we know today—a proud, independent nation. The valor and sacrifice of the Bangladesh Army remain etched in the annals of history, reminding future generations of the price paid for the country’s hard-won freedom.

THE OUTBREAK OF WAR—A NATION’S CALL ANSWERED BY THE ARMY: The Liberation War was born out of decades of political and cultural discrimination, as the people of East Pakistan were consistently marginalised by the ruling elite. The breaking point came on the night of March 25, 1971 when the adversary forces launched Operation Searchlight, a brutal crackdown aimed at crushing the aspirations of the Bengali people. The horrors of that night sent shockwaves across the region. It was in these dark hours that the Bangladesh Army began to take shape. Bengali officers and soldiers serving in the Army, defected to join the liberation effort. These brave individuals became the nucleus of the Bangladesh Army, bringing with them not only military expertise but also the determination to liberate their motherland.

FORMATION OF THE BANGLADESH ARMY: When the war broke out on March 25, 1971, and the rival army launched Operation Searchlight, it became clear that the formation of an organised resistance force was essential for the survival of the Bengali people. The newly-formed Bangladesh Army began to take shape with the defection of Bengali officers and soldiers from the Pakistani military, who refused to follow orders to oppress their own people. These defectors were joined by local volunteers and civilian militants, many of whom had no formal military training but were driven by an unyielding desire for independence.

The army’s foundation was a blend of these passionate individuals who came together to form the core of the resistance. These fighters were often ill-equipped and lacked the basic necessities for warfare, but their determination and loyalty to the cause became the driving force behind their success. The establishment of training camps, despite the resource constraints, was essential for organizing and equipping the new force. The Bangladesh Army, even in its infancy, displayed a remarkable level of discipline and commitment to their goal. This group of fighters, initially operating in small units and guerilla cells, soon expanded and began launching successful strikes against the enemy. Over time, with the strategic guidance of senior commanders and support from the local population, the Bangladesh Army evolved into a structured and well-coordinated military force capable of engaging the Pakistani Army on multiple fronts.

THE ARMY’S ROLE - TURNING THE DREAM OF FREEDOM INTO REALITY: Leadership in the War. The Bangladesh Army was not just a fighting force; it was the backbone of the Liberation War. Its leaders inspired confidence in the freedom fighters, organised resistance efforts, and led the charge in key battles. Their presence on the battlefield was a source of hope for the nation.

Guerrilla Warfare Tactics. One of the army’s most significant contributions was the use of guerrilla warfare tactics to counter the might of the adversary. Operating in small, agile units, the army launched surprise attacks, ambushes, and sabotage operations. This strategy caused immense disruption to enemy supply lines and communications, weakening their grip on occupied territories.

Training civilian fighters. The Bangladesh Army played a critical role in mobilizing and training thousands of civilian volunteers. These individuals, many of whom had no prior military experience, were transformed into disciplined freedom fighters. The army’s training camps became the crucibles where ordinary citizens became warriors, ready to lay down their lives for the nation.

Coordinated Military Operations. As the war progressed, the Bangladesh Army undertook several large-scale operations that struck at the heart of the enemy’s military infrastructure. These operations were meticulously planned and executed, showcasing the army’s growing strength and sophistication.

Building Morale and Unity. Perhaps the army’s greatest contribution was its ability to inspire and unite the people of Bangladesh. Their bravery on the battlefield and unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom galvanized the nation. The army became a symbol of hope and resistance, embodying the spirit of an entire people fighting for their liberation.

MAJOR OPERATIONS AND BATTLES - STORIES OF COURAGE AND SACRIFICE: Battle of Kamalpur (July–December 1971.: The Battle of Kamalpur was one of the fiercest engagements of the war, demonstrating the extraordinary courage and resilience of the Bangladesh Army. Kamalpur, a heavily fortified military outpost on the northern border, became the target of repeated assaults by freedom fighters. Despite heavy casualties, the Bangladesh Army persisted, launching successive attacks under the leadership of fearless commanders. In December 1971, after months of relentless pressure, the rival forces surrendered. This victory was not just a military success; it symbolised the unwavering determination of the Bangladesh Army to achieve liberation, even at great personal cost.

Battle of Kushtia (April 1971). In the early days of the war, the Battle of Kushtia showcased the raw courage of the Bangladesh Army. A small group of Bengali soldiers and civilians defended the town of Kushtia against a much larger force. Using guerrilla tactics and their intimate knowledge of the terrain, the defenders inflicted heavy losses on the enemy, delaying their advance and buying valuable time for the resistance to organize. This battle, fought with limited resources, highlighted the indomitable spirit of the Bangladesh Army and their ability to inspire hope even in the most desperate circumstances.

Operation Jackpot (August 1971). Operation Jackpot was a series of meticulously planned attacks on opponent’s naval installations and supply lines. The Bangladesh Army, working in coordination with naval commandos, executed these daring operations with precision. By crippling the enemy’s logistics, Operation Jackpot dealt a significant blow to the rival military’s ability to sustain its operations. These examples of valor and sacrifice demonstrate the critical role played by the Bangladesh Army in shaping the outcome of the Liberation War.

SACRIFICES OF THE BANGLADESH ARMY: The freedom that Bangladesh enjoys today came at an immense cost. The Bangladesh Army paid a heavy price, with countless soldiers and officers laying down their lives in the line of duty. These sacrifices were not just acts of bravery, they were acts of love for the nation. Every fallen soldier represents a story of courage, of someone who chose to stand and fight in the face of overwhelming odds. Their sacrifices remind us of the true cost of freedom and the debt that every citizen of Bangladesh owes to the army.

MARCH 26 - A DAY TO HONOR AND REMEMBER: Independence Day is a time to celebrate the birth of a nation, but it is also a time to remember the sacrifices that made this freedom possible. The Bangladesh Army’s role in the Liberation War is a legacy of courage, resilience, and unwavering patriotism. On this day, we honor the heroes who fought on the battlefield, the leaders who guided the resistance, and the countless soldiers who gave their lives for the dream of an independent Bangladesh. Their sacrifices have left an indelible mark on the nation’s history, reminding us of the strength and unity that made independence possible. It is essential to remember that their struggle was not only against foreign occupation but also for the preservation of human dignity, justice, and the right to self-determination. The Bangladesh Army’s commitment to freedom serves as a powerful example of what can be achieved when a people stand together, united by a common cause. On this Independence Day, as we reflect on the past, let us also reaffirm our responsibility to uphold the values they fought for—freedom, justice, and unity. Their courage and sacrifices paved the way for the Bangladesh we know today, and it is our duty to ensure that their legacy endures for generations to come. May we continue to honor their memory by building a nation that reflects the ideals of peace, equality, and prosperity for all.

As we stand on the eve of Independence Day, it is essential to reflect on the profound sacrifices made by the Bangladesh Army during the Liberation War of 1971. Their valor, dedication, and selfless commitment turned the dream of freedom into a living reality. Their fight was not merely for independence, but for dignity, justice, and the preservation of a nation’s identity. The Bangladesh Army’s legacy continues to serve as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of the strength that comes from unity and determination. Their actions were a testament to the resilience of a people who refused to be silenced, and the impact of their sacrifices continues to reverberate across generations.

As we honour their contributions on this momentous occasion, let us renew our commitment to upholding the values they fought so valiantly for freedom, justice, and unity. The foundation they laid for our nation must be cherished and nurtured by every generation. It is not only our duty to remember, but also to build a future that reflects their dreams—a Bangladesh where peace, equality, and justice prevail. On this Independence Day, we not only celebrate the birth of our nation but also reaffirm our responsibility to build a Bangladesh that reflects the ideals of peace, equality, and prosperity for which they sacrificed everything. Let their courage and resilience guide us toward a brighter future, as we remain steadfast in our dedication to preserving the freedoms they fought so hard to secure and ensuring that the spirit of unity they embodied continues to guide us forward.

Capt Md Ahsan Ul Hossain, presently serving in School of Infantry & Tactics (SI&T) , Jalalabad Cantt,Sylhet.​
দেশের সার্বভৌমত্ব-স্বাধীনতা অক্ষুণ্ন রাখতে সবসময় প্রস্তুত সেনাবাহিনী (Bangladesh army is ready to protect the sovereignty and independence of Bangladesh)


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