🇮🇷 Iran has a new president and new hope

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G   Iranian Defense Forum
We are South Asian Muslims of the North West who wanted independence from British Empire. What else? Yes those wannabe Arabs are idiots too.
We are Muslims and Pakistanis and we are proud of that.
What a stupid take.

Surely Pakistan has its own history separate to that of the gangetic nation to its east.
This new guy will be walking around iran with mullah agents with daggers, if he says or goes out of control they will just stick dagger in him and say look it those evil americans and israelis.

speaking english is not going to make you much more clever, in world war germans spoke thier own language but were decades ahead in science and technology compared to usa. difference is germans did not copy usa system or britain, they had their own research and educational programs which was far better and tuned to natural way of doing things. for example they were ahead in medicine and were concentrating on nutrition diet and natural healing. most germans before work would work out and stretch then start work. hitler also introduce hard sports in schools to toughen up population.
hitler also banned animal torture and promoted cigarette dangers. he himself was vegetarian.
hitler also had breeding programs to create perfect aryan.
Yes he was in on it with the Soviets. In his early days he used to be a communist. Jews who were living in Ghettos started assimilating in German society. This triggered the Rabbis hence their support for a figure who would segregate them and hence give a valid reason for Israel to come into existence.
yh the cats out of the bag. game over.
Hopefully the new leader of Iran will have better relations with the West. lol. They should focus on developing their country than wanting to erase Israel. Israel is not going away since USA government support Israel. Israel is like a province of USA. lol.

I too am anti-Israel. But USA supports Israhell. I believe Two State Solution. I do believe the Jews are outsiders to Palestine.

BUT USA supports that little hell called Israel.
Do Pakistani kids no longer salam elders ? The culture has changed a lot. When we were kids , we were taught that salam is sunnah and answering salam is wazeb. Or are we talking about fake Muslims or fake Pakistanis who know about islam from reading Internet and has no cultural knowledge ?
Do Pakistani kids no longer salam elders ? The culture has changed a lot. When we were kids , we were taught that salam is sunnah and answering salam is wazeb. Or are we talking about fake Muslims or fake Pakistanis who know about islam from reading Internet and has no cultural knowledge ?

ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّٰهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Gents all the gossip aside, I'm reading on many Irani journals now that Iran's totally broken free of all western financial constraints. They don't need the west for jack shiit! With this new BRICS currency about to be unleashed like a new Euro, any leverage the west had on da Irani's is gon be severely diminished. They don't really need da west anymore, our bewquff jharrnail twiddling their thumbs here? we should be the biggest buyers of this new BRICS currency.......we need to learn from this Irani drama and do the same. I will be so disappointed if Iranis win over us bewquff. We are the top dog in muslim world and always have been hands down......and we can't ever be number two!.......No way. Munira better get our ass in gear soon. Wes king shiit, and everyone knows it, weslways been.......we've just have bad governance, bewquff idiot bureaucrats letting us down. Our jharrnail need to get down to business right away. We can do it, just need to focus!
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Iran won't bow to US pressure, says Masoud


Iran's supreme leader appoints Masoud Pezeshkian president
Agence France-Presse . Tehran 28 July, 2024, 14:15

A handout picture made available by the office of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, shows Iran's President elect Masoud Pezeshkian attending a meeting with Iranian members of parliament, in Tehran on July 21, 2024. | AFP photo

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Sunday gave his official endorsement of reformist Masoud Pezeshkian as the Islamic republic's ninth president.

In a message read by the director of Khamenei's office, he said: 'I endorse the vote (for) the wise, honest, popular and scholarly Mr Pezeshkian and I am appointing him as the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran'.

The new president is due to be sworn in before parliament on Tuesday.

The endorsement ceremony was held in the capital Tehran in the presence of senior Iranian officials and foreign diplomats, and broadcast on state TV.

Pezeshkian won a runoff election on July 5 against the ultraconservative Saeed Jalili to replace president Ebrahim Raisi who died in a helicopter crash in May.

The 69-year-old reformist secured more than 16 million votes, or about 54 percent of the roughly 30 million ballots cast.

Turnout in the runoff election stood at 49.8 per cent, up from a record low of about 40 per cent in the first round, according to Iran's electoral authority.

Jalili attended Sunday's ceremony, as did former moderate president Hassan Rouhani who had backed Pezeshkian's presidential bid along with Iran's main reformist coalition.

Pezeshkian was the only candidate representing Iran's reformist camp allowed to stand in the election, for which all contenders were approved by the conservative-dominated Guardian Council.

Iran's president is not head of state, and the ultimate authority rests with the supreme leader -- a post held by Khamenei for the last 35 years.

Following Khamenei's official endorsement, Pezeshkian thanked the leader and the Iranian people, vowing to carry the 'heavy burden' of the presidency.

The election came against a backdrop of heightened regional tensions since the Gaza war began in early October, disputes with Western powers over Iran's nuclear programme, and domestic discontent over the state of the sanctions-hit economy.

On the campaign trail, Pezeshkian had pledged to try to revive a 2015 nuclear deal with the United States and other world powers, which imposed curbs on Iran's nuclear activity in return for sanctions relief.

The deal collapsed in 2018 after Washington withdrew from it.

Pezeshkian has in a recent article called for 'constructive relations' with European countries, even though he accused them of reneging on commitments to mitigate the impact of US sanctions.

Pezeshkian is a heart surgeon who has represented the northwestern city of Tabriz in parliament since 2008.

He served as health minister under Iran's last reformist president Mohammad Khatami, who held office from 1997 to 2005.​

Iran's new president sworn in with chants of 'Death to America, Israel'
Published :
Jul 30, 2024 22:04
Updated :
Jul 30, 2024 22:05

Iran's new President, Masoud Pezeshkian speaks during his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Tehran, Iran on July 30, 2024 — WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS

Iran's new president Masoud Pezeshkian was sworn in on Tuesday, after winning an election earlier this month by promising to improve ties with the world and ease restrictions on social freedoms at home.

"We will pursue constructive and effective interaction with the world based on dignity, wisdom, and expediency," Pezeshkian, a relative moderate, told a parliament session attended by foreign dignitaries and broadcast live on state television.

His victory has lifted hopes of a thaw in Iran's antagonistic relations with the West that might create openings for defusing its nuclear standoff with world powers.

But Pezeshkian takes office at a time of escalating Middle East tensions over Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza and cross-border fighting with Iran's ally Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Iran, which backs the groups which describe themselves as the "Axis of Resistance" to Israel and U.S. influence in the Middle East, has accused the United States of supporting what it calls Israeli crimes in Gaza.

"Those who supply weapons that kill children cannot teach Muslims about humanity," Pezeshkian said to chants of "Death to America," and "Death to Israel".

Leaders of Iran's Palestinian allies Hamas and the Islamic Jihad as well as senior representatives of Yemen's Tehran-backed Houthi movement and Lebanon's Hezbollah attended the ceremony.

Pezeshkian, who is expected to name his cabinet within two weeks, replaces hardline Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash in May.

As the ultimate authority in Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has the final say in all state matters, including foreign and nuclear policy.

He must also approve Pezeshkian's selections for key cabinet posts, such as the foreign, oil and intelligence ministers.

As well as mounting pressure from the West over Tehran's fast-advancing nuclear programme, Pezeshkian faces the huge task of breaking Iran free of the crippling US sanctions, reimposed after Washington ditched Iran's 2015 nuclear deal with major powers.

Indirect talks between Tehran and Washington to salvage the nuclear accord with six major powers have stalled since 2022, with both sides accusing the other of unreasonable demands.

"My government will never succumb to bullying and pressure ... Pressure and sanctions do not work ... and the Iranian people should be spoken to with respect," said Pezeshkian.​

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