🇮🇷 Iran has a new president and new hope

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Iranian Moderator
Jan 24, 2024
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IRANIANFLAGIran's new President is Dr. Masoud PezeshkianIRANIANFLAG...
  • Elected with a decisive 53% of votes
  • He is 69 years old and a cardiac surgeon
  • He is not a mullah and wants to make Iran a "normal" country
He has a hard road ahead and I wish him good luck :)
Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian is a reformist. The question is if his reformist agenda also include the de-mollafication of Iran. His appointment is linked to improve relations with the US and EU as mollah regime needs money and business. Iran can not change into a secular state in one day based on the reality. It will take many gradual steps to get rid of the mollah regime. Can Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian start the de-mollafication process ? Only the time will tell. My assesment is that Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian will become the soft face of the mollahs to extract deals from the west. Nothing more.
@Old School @Lulldapull @Malang @Mkesath @Azad Kashmir @ThunderCat @LegionnairE

What do you think? Will Iran change into a secular nation now?
Man, they are far more secular than our society in a lotta ways. No irani does suicide bombing. We never hear shia sunni fighting there despite 20% sunni population. We also never hear Christy X-Tian fighting mainstream muslim and they got like 2 million Armenians living there. Same on anti-Jewish violence. Never heard of it.

The main issue in Iran is this hijab issue and no bars/ alcohol and night clubs/ casinos and all the fun things to do, so the tourists don't wanna go there.

I just saw pics of my friends trip to Egypt, and the nice areas of Cairo/ Alexandria those ferry trips on the nile boats down to Abu Simbal.......Damn bro, Egypt has done an awesome job on its tourism sector.

I would choose Egypt over Iran in two milli seconds if I were to choose where to vacation.
Man, they are far more secular than our society in a lotta ways. No irani does suicide bombing. We never hear shia sunni fighting there despite 20% sunni population. We also never hear Christy X-Tian fighting mainstream muslim and they got like 2 million Armenians living there. Same on anti-Jewish violence. Never heard of it.

The main issue in Iran is this hijab issue and no bars/ alcohol and night clubs/ casinos and all the fun things to do, so the tourists don't wanna go there.

I just saw pics of my friends trip to Egypt, and the nice areas of Cairo/ Alexandria those ferry trips on the nile boats down to Abu Simbal.......Damn bro, Egypt has done an awesome job on its tourism sector.

I would choose Egypt over Iran in two milli seconds if I were to choose where to vacation.

Sadly, Egypt has a lot of flack for being one of the worst tourist accompanying countries. People disliked the way the Egyptian government handled it. They even preferred Pakistan far better.
Man, they are far more secular than our society in a lotta ways. No irani does suicide bombing. We never hear shia sunni fighting there despite 20% sunni population. We also never hear Christy X-Tian fighting mainstream muslim and they got like 2 million Armenians living there. Same on anti-Jewish violence. Never heard of it.

The main issue in Iran is this hijab issue and no bars/ alcohol and night clubs/ casinos and all the fun things to do, so the tourists don't wanna go there.

I just saw pics of my friends trip to Egypt, and the nice areas of Cairo/ Alexandria those ferry trips on the nile boats down to Abu Simbal.......Damn bro, Egypt has done an awesome job on its tourism sector.

I would choose Egypt over Iran in two milli seconds if I were to choose where to vacation.
Yes Sir I agree with you. Egypt has developed tourism. Many Europeans love to go Sharm al Sheikh, the boat ride in river Nile, Alexandria, Pyramids of Giza and the Cairo city.

Egypt has a lot to offer and one of the most tourist friendly country in North Africa.

But I don’t agree with Iran not having Sunni Shia fight despite being 20% Sunni as described in your post. Iran barely lets Sunnis breathe, let alone allowing mosques or giving same freedom to their Shia counterparts
Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian is a reformist. The question is if his reformist agenda also include the de-mollafication of Iran. His appointment is linked to improve relations with the US and EU as mollah regime needs money and business. Iran can not change into a secular state in one day based on the reality. It will take many gradual steps to get rid of the mollah regime. Can Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian start the de-mollafication process ? Only the time will tell. My assesment is that Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian will become the soft face of the mollahs to extract deals from the west. Nothing more.
your assessment is correct ..the new President can not change the "ISLAMIC" and Mullah driven nature of government but look at the results of this election and it is an eye opener and way of the future:
  • 51% of Iranian eligible voter population boycotted the election because they outright reject "Islamic Republic" as a way of governance in Iran
  • of the remaining 49% who accept Islamic system, 53% do not agree with the current policies and voted for Dr Pezeshkian (vote for change)
  • only 13 million representing less than 15% of voter population voted for hardline mullah driven system..
Iran will be a secular nation in a decade..question is will it happen gradual and peaceful or the 85% unhappy population will rebel against the 15% who are in power now...time will tell!!.
your assessment is correct ..the new President can not change the "ISLAMIC" and Mullah driven nature of government but look at the results of this election and it is an eye opener and way of the future:
  • 51% of Iranian eligible voter population boycotted the election because they outright reject "Islamic Republic" as a way of governance in Iran
  • of the remaining 49% who accept Islamic system, 53% do not agree with the current policies and voted for Dr Pezeshkian (vote for change)
  • only 13 million representing less than 15% of voter population voted for hardline mullah driven system..
Iran will be a secular nation in a decade..question is will it happen gradual and peaceful or the 85% unhappy population will rebel against the 15% who are in power now...time will tell!!.
Iran's path to a secular state will be a gradual and peaceful evolution. Iran has a very large, well, and highly educated population, unlike other Muslim countries. They know that, historically, all revolutions are doomed for failure. On the other hand, evolution is durable. Islam, as we know, exists due to the overwhelming illiterate and semi-educated population in Asia and Africa. Most Muslims can not understand "critical English" writing, as 99% of the world's knowledge is written in English. Once they do, Islam will collapse by itself.
Iran's path to a secular state will be a gradual and peaceful evolution. Iran has a very large, well, and highly educated population, unlike other Muslim countries. They know that, historically, all revolutions are doomed for failure. On the other hand, evolution is durable. Islam, as we know, exists due to the overwhelming illiterate and semi-educated population in Asia and Africa. Most Muslims can not understand "critical English" writing, as 99% of the world's knowledge is written in English. Once they do, Islam will collapse by itself.
Iran is never going to be secular unless there is a revolution bigger than the revolution of Khamenei.
Iran is never going to be secular unless there is a revolution bigger than the revolution of Khamenei.
When you study history, you will see that revolution doesn't work in religious affairs because you can not force someone to be religious, nor can you force them to be secular. The Iranian Islamic revolution didn't make people religious as 90% of Iranian consider themselves to be atheist. Europe did not need a revolution to eliminate the church authority during the Enlightenment. They slowly became secular. Pakistan and South Asians have no chance to be secular, as 99% of these people suffer from jahiliyyat. The majority of Iranians do not have this issue. Iranians were already very much secular with a strong secular base. Jahils are more prone to typical religions, while you see that secular followers come from the educated class.
I know for a fact the western jihadists are very patiently waiting with their crosses in their right hand and the bibles in their left. They will swarm attack Iran at the slightest hint of a liberal environment. The first thing they do is to create home churches in secret. If you turn Christy X-Tian, the church will give you money every month if you can convert people in secret. What has happened in the KRG, is exactly what they'd like to repeat in Iran.

Man even the Zoroastrian/ Parsi priesthood very patiently waiting to get in there when its safe.

It would be a massive victory for the West, if they can turn Iran. Russia/ China would get rocked!

And seeing Iran fall to the church would rip the heart out of Islam. It would truly be the end of any resistance in the middle east.
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I know zartoshti parsi priests and so many one world Christy X-Tian evangelists salivating at the thought of conquering Iran like they have done to all the other ghareeb Muslim countries. It would just suck da wind out of the Muslim lungs and suffocate them. All this war in the ME would end overnight. Sunni muzlim already toady……the takeover of Iran would be a massive victory for the west. And if it’s done right then all the resistance to convert India and China would collapse too, when the west can use all these new converts as cannon fodder against Russia and China in battling them.

It would truly be an epic victory.

Irani establishment key phatt gaee hae. They know their population is totally secular. And they have a huge country which they can’t defend with the little population they got….
The Iranian Islamic revolution didn't make people religious as 90% of Iranian consider themselves to be atheist.

Pakistan and South Asians have no chance to be secular, as 99% of these people suffer from jahiliyyat. The majority of Iranians do not have this issue. Iranians were already very much secular with a strong secular base. Jahils are more prone to typical religions, while you see that secular followers come from the educated class.
No Sir I disagree

While there are secular in every society including Pakistan and Iran, the majority of Iranians are religious and very emotional people. You cannot debate with Iranian people as you will always fear of personal attacks if you disagree with their views.

This is going to be a very long discussion if we discuss in detail by comparing various aspects of secularism with Iran so I would respectfully disagree and move on.

Iran would need a revolution to soften its policies first then a gradual process of reform will begin and requires decades if not centuries to change the public opinion from Islamist to liberal or secular.
No Sir I disagree

While there are secular in every society including Pakistan and Iran, the majority of Iranians are religious and very emotional people. You cannot debate with Iranian people as you will always fear of personal attacks if you disagree with their views.

This is going to be a very long discussion if we discuss in detail by comparing various aspects of secularism with Iran so I would respectfully disagree and move on.

Iran would need a revolution to soften its policies first then a gradual process of reform will begin and requires decades if not centuries to change the public opinion from Islamist to liberal or secular.
Oh paa G dunya di secular tareen qaum hae gee Irani turani!

I have never in my life met a muzlim Irani overseas…

No Sir I disagree

While there are secular in every society including Pakistan and Iran, the majority of Iranians are religious and very emotional people. You cannot debate with Iranian people as you will always fear of personal attacks if you disagree with their views.

This is going to be a very long discussion if we discuss in detail by comparing various aspects of secularism with Iran so I would respectfully disagree and move on.

Iran would need a revolution to soften its policies first then a gradual process of reform will begin and requires decades if not centuries to change the public opinion from Islamist to liberal or secular.
At the Pakistani military intelligence school, all officers must learn the difference between a coup and a revolution and history in depth in their curriculum. They are not the same regular forum people (whose guns are bigger !) or journalists you have seen in the last 15-20 years.
I have never seen any religious Iranian outside Iran in the last 40 years in Europe, America, and elsewhere. There are fake Iranian asylum seekers ( Afghani), of course.
I also have to correct you because Iran never had an Islamic revolution in 1979 in the real sense. Technically, it was a coup in which communists were also involved. Later, Khomenei killed his communist partners and hijacked the power on behalf of the mollahs. A coup never becomes a revolution by just claiming it. Real revolutions have some different characteristics. @Aryobarzan can confirm it.
Oh paa G dunya di secular tareen qaum hae gee Irani turani!

I have never in my life met a muzlim Irani overseas…

That is because when the revolution tookover, the secular Iranians or say the sympathisers of the Shah fled abroad. They have been living abroad since then and have 3 generations.

They have little to do with Islamic Iran as they have a stance similar to the USA and they consume alcohol like mineral water.
At the Pakistani military intelligence school, all officers must learn the difference between a coup and a revolution and history in depth in their curriculum. They are not the same regular forum people (whose guns are bigger !) or journalists you have seen in the last 15-20 years.
I have never seen any religious Iranian outside Iran in the last 40 years in Europe, America, and elsewhere. There are fake Iranian asylum seekers ( Afghani), of course.
I also have to correct you because Iran never had an Islamic revolution in 1979 in the real sense. Technically, it was a coup in which communists were also involved. Later, Khomenei killed his communist partners and hijacked the power on behalf of the mollahs. A coup never becomes a revolution by just claiming it. Real revolutions have some different characteristics. @Aryobarzan can confirm it.
Dear Sir or Madam

Whether the kharbooza falls on the knife or the knife falls on the kharbooza, it is the melon that gets sliced. The 1979 revolution is recognised simply as the revolution, and whether it meets the technical definition of a revolution is irrelevant. When Pervez Musharraf seized power, he claimed it was not martial law but a temporary takeover. Historians have consistently referred to it as a coup.

Why do we have to compare each revolution to the French Revolution when the monarch and their descendants were slaughtered on the streets.

I have responded to Sir LulladaPull regarding overseas Iranians in the quoted section.

Yours Sincerely

I have never in my life met a muzlim Irani overseas…


Being religious does not equate to being a Muslim every time. Iranians overseas see themselves as atheists, Zoroastrians, and so forth. Still, they are also strong when you go against your viewpoint as most are those who left after the current took over the pro-Shah government.
Being religious does not equate to being a Muslim every time. Iranians overseas see themselves as atheists, Zoroastrians, and so forth. Still, they are also strong when you go against your viewpoint as most are those who left after the current took over the pro-Shah government.
Yaar just watch what happens now……yahudi/ Maseehay evangelist log have infiltrated Irani society. They got a a country bigger than Pak and Turkey put together with only 80 million people. Just to put this into perspective we are talking an area as big as Western Europe, but Western Europe has 450 million people to Irans only 80 million. So covert operations and infiltration is eaaazy peeezy bro……araaam say these westerners can get in n out without anyone noticing.

People think the irani’s are tough and can man their borders?….

No way dude that’s their biggest weakness.

This is exactly how the west destroyed Qazzafis Libya…..

Long before nato attacked Libya, tens of thousands of Spec Ops people were already in place.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all that Israel’s already infiltrated Iran from top to bottom.

Money turns people bro…..a suit case of $2 million dollars and US passports……almost anybody will fall for that.
That is because when the revolution tookover, the secular Iranians or say the sympathisers of the Shah fled abroad. They have been living abroad since then and have 3 generations.

They have little to do with Islamic Iran as they have a stance similar to the USA and they consume alcohol like mineral water.

Dear Sir or Madam

Whether the kharbooza falls on the knife or the knife falls on the kharbooza, it is the melon that gets sliced. The 1979 revolution is recognised simply as the revolution, and whether it meets the technical definition of a revolution is irrelevant. When Pervez Musharraf seized power, he claimed it was not martial law but a temporary takeover. Historians have consistently referred to it as a coup.

Why do we have to compare each revolution to the French Revolution when the monarch and their descendants were slaughtered on the streets.

I have responded to Sir LulladaPull regarding overseas Iranians in the quoted section.

Yours Sincerely

Welcome to political philosophy of Baba Malang !
Yaar just watch what happens now……yahudi/ Maseehay evangelist log have infiltrated Irani society. They got a a country bigger than Pak and Turkey put together with only 80 million people. Just to put this into perspective we are talking an area as big as Western Europe, but Western Europe has 450 million people to Irans only 80 million. So covert operations and infiltration is eaaazy peeezy bro……araaam say these westerners can get in n out without anyone noticing.

People think the irani’s are tough and can man their borders?….

No way dude that’s their biggest weakness.

This is exactly how the west destroyed Qazzafis Libya…..

Long before nato attacked Libya, tens of thousands of Spec Ops people were already in place.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all that Israel’s already infiltrated Iran from top to bottom.

Money turns people bro…..a suit case of $2 million dollars and US passports……almost anybody will fall for that.
No Arab or South Asian Muslim name holder can understand Iran. Iranians are light years ahead of other Muslim name-holders in terms of education and culture. Even Syrians or Lebanese won't either, even though Iran rules them indirectly. Only people who really understand Iran is the Israelis. They know exactly what Iran is.

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