🇵🇰-Land Pakistan Military : UNO Peacekeeping operations

G Pakistan Land Forces


A Legend
Jan 25, 2024


Pakistan is also proud to have achieved the goal of deployment of 15 % female staff officers in UN Peace Keeping Missions – the benchmark set by the UN.


The Peace Force:(An Overview of Pakistan Army Contributions to UN Peacekeeping Missions)

Pakistan Army has a long and cherished history of serving under the umbrella of United Nations. Pakistan’s journey with UN Peacekeeping operations began in 1960 when it deployed its first ever contingent in the United Nations Operations in Congo (ONUC).

Over the past 55 years, Pakistan has been the most significant and consistent contributor for the UN Peacekeeping around the World. Pakistan has hitherto participated in 41 UN Peacekeeping Missions including some of the most challenging missions.

Uptil now, 144 Pakistani peacekeepers have sacrificed their lives including 23 officers in the noble cause of helping humanity, building peace and bringing stability across the regions. Almost an equal number of Pakistani peacekeepers have been wounded while promoting and advancing the noble cause of international peace.


Pakistan’s commitment to the UN for promoting international peace and prosperity stems from the vision of Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah:- “Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of the world. We believe in the principle of honesty and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world.

Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples of the world and in upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter."

Pakistan’s contribution to the UN peacekeeping has been as widely ranged as the varied cultural, geographical, political and security conditions in which it had to operate.

Brief appraisal of Pakistan’s contributions to the UN is as under:- Pakistan has contributed more than 1, 60,000 troops till date in 23 countries in almost all continents of the world. Pakistan has remained one of the largest troops contributing country consistently for many years.

Peacekeeping operations have been conducted to create conditions for sustainable peace; may it be confidence-building measures, power-sharing arrangements, electoral support, strengthening the rule of law, economic and social development or protection of civilians in war ravaged lands; the men and women of Pakistan Army have risen above all expectations and served the humanity.
Pakistan’s UN Missions at a Glance (1960-2019)
First peacekeeping mission of Pakistan :UN Mission Congo (1960)
Countries Pakistan participated in : 28
Martyrs in peacekeeping missions : 156 including 24 officers

UN awards 2 Pakistani female peacekeepers for gender advocacy

September 20, 2024

Major Sania Safdar receive the 2023 ‘Certificate of Recognition’ for advocating gender equality, in Cyprus on Aug 14, 2024. — Photo via X/@UNinPak.

Major Sania Safdar receive the 2023 ‘Certificate of Recognition’ for advocating gender equality, in Cyprus on Aug 14, 2024. — Photo via X/@UNinPak.

The United Nations has awarded two Pakistani female peacekeepers with the Gender Advocacy Award for their “outstanding performance”, a statement from the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the ISPR said the awards were presented to Major Sania Safdar, part of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Cyprus, and Major Komal Masood, who served in the Central African Republic, “for their outstanding performance and commitment in promoting the ideals of UN”.

The accolades were presented by the under-secretary general in the UN’s Department for Peace Operations at its New York headquarters.

“While serving in [an] international environment, both officers demonstrated exceptional professionalism [and] dedication,” the ISPR noted.

It added that the two peacekeepers “made [a] significant contribution to Mission’s Peace and Stability efforts, especially with regards to advancing women’s meaningful participation in Peacekeeping Operations within the mission”.

Pakistan commemorates International Peacekeepers Day​

Pakistan currently has around 3,000 peacekeepers deployed in missions across the African continent, says ISPR

News Desk

photo afp


Pakistan joins the international community today in commemorating the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, paying tribute to the brave men and women who have served in United Nations peacekeeping missions worldwide.

As one of the largest contributors to UN peacekeeping, Pakistan currently has around 3,000 peacekeepers deployed in missions across the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Abyei, Central African Republic, Cyprus, Western Sahara, and Somalia. Since 1960, Pakistan has contributed 235,000 troops to UN peacekeeping operations in 48 missions across 29 countries, spanning nearly all continents.

"Pakistan is proud of its long-standing commitment to UN peacekeeping. Our peacekeepers have demonstrated exceptional courage, professionalism, and dedication to promoting peace and stability in conflict-ridden regions. Overall, 181 Pakistani peacekeepers have made the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty," said a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Wednesday.

"On this International Peacekeepers Day, we honour their service and sacrifice for the noble cause of global peace," the ISPR added.

Pakistan remains committed to the United Nations Uniform Gender Parity Strategy (UGPS) for enhanced representation of women in uniform and the Secretary-General’s Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative, which aims to improve the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping operations.

Additionally, Pakistan supports initiatives aimed at improving the safety and security of UN peacekeepers, particularly those serving in high-risk environments.

"Pakistan’s contributions to UN peacekeeping are a testament to our nation’s commitment to international peace and security. Pakistani peacekeepers will continue to work towards the upliftment of local communities in troubled regions," said the military’s media wing.

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