Military Ballistic vs Cruise missiles: Major differences and which is more dangerous? Understanding their threat levels and capability

Military Ballistic vs Cruise missiles: Major differences and which is more dangerous? Understanding their threat levels and capability
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Short Summary: Ballistic Vs Cruise Missile.
Jan 26, 2024
Axis Group

Ballistic vs Cruise missiles: Major differences and which is more dangerous? Understanding their threat levels and capabilities​

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Ballistic vs Cruise missiles: Major differences and which is more dangerous? Understanding their threat levels and capabilities

Ballistic vs Cruise missiles: Major differences and which is more dangerous? Understanding their threat levels and capabilities© Analiza Pathak
Russia's Oreshonik missile strike on Ukraine has shocked the entire world. The Oreshonik is a medium-range ballistic missile, and this marks the first time Russia has used this missile in a combat zone. Even a week after the attack, the missile continues to be a hot topic of discussion. Many experts have begun comparing the Russian Oreshonik missile with the ballistic and cruise missiles present in Western arsenals. This raises the question: what are the differences between ballistic and cruise missiles, and how do they differ from each other?

About ballistic missile​

A Ballistic Missile (BM) is a type of missile that uses projectile motion to deliver a warhead to its target. These missiles ascend tens of kilometers into the atmosphere before descending toward their target, utilizing the force of gravity. Short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs) typically remain within Earth's atmosphere, while most long-range missiles travel outside the atmosphere. The most advanced type of ballistic missile is the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), capable of traveling across continents and, in some cases, completing an orbital flight.

Ballistic missiles generally have three main flight phases:

  • Boost Phase: The missile's rocket motors fire, propelling it upward.
  • Midcourse Phase: Begins when the rocket motor stops firing, and the missile's payload starts traveling toward its target in a free-fall trajectory.
  • Terminal Phase: The payload makes its final descent toward the target.
Some advanced ballistic missiles feature an additional Post-Boost Phase, during which onboard Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs) alter their trajectories to evade enemy air defenses and enhance strike effectiveness.

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About cruise missiles​

Cruise Missiles are jet-engine-powered weapons that remain within the atmosphere throughout their flight. They typically fly at extremely low altitudes, often just a few meters above the surface. This low-altitude flight helps evade enemy radar detection, making them stealthy and effective. Cruise missiles are designed for precision strikes against land and sea-based targets. If equipped with a nuclear warhead, they can target large areas or entire carrier strike groups, as seen with Russia's P-800 Oniks. Conventional cruise missiles, on the other hand, are calibrated for precision attacks on smaller targets like buildings or bunkers.

Cruise missiles can alter their paths to reach targets, using advanced navigation systems such as:

  • GPS
  • Inertial guidance
  • Terrain mapping
  • Other guidance technologies.Some advanced models even allow manual guidance by human operators during the terminal phase.

Advantages and disadvantages of Cruise Missiles​


  • Cost-Effective: They are much cheaper than ballistic missiles, often costing only 15% of a typical tactical ballistic missile.
  • Stealth: Their low-altitude flight makes them harder to detect.
  • Accuracy: Cruise missiles are highly precise, capable of striking designated targets with minimal collateral damage.

Limited Payload: Unless equipped with nuclear warheads, their destructive capacity is generally lower.
  • Range Limitations: Cruise missiles typically carry smaller payloads, with the largest being 1,362 kg (e.g., the U.S. AGM-86 ALCM), while most average around 500 kg.
Cruise missiles remain a versatile and strategic weapon in modern military arsenals, balancing precision, stealth, and cost.

Why are ballistic missiles dangerous?​

Ballistic missiles are considered highly dangerous due to their unique characteristics and capabilities, despite generally being less accurate than cruise missiles. While cruise missiles can strike targets with meter-level precision, ballistic missiles may miss targets by tens or even hundreds of meters. However, they compensate for this with several advantages:

  • Massive Payload Capacity: Ballistic missiles can carry significantly larger payloads compared to cruise missiles. For instance, Russia's RS-28 Sarmat boasts a payload capacity of 10,000 kilograms, enabling it to deliver devastating destruction.
  • Incredible Speed: Ballistic missiles follow an arcing trajectory, allowing them to accelerate to hypersonic speeds, making them extremely difficult to intercept. In contrast, cruise missiles generally operate at subsonic or supersonic speeds, which are easier to track and counter.
  • Kinetic Energy Impact: The high speeds at which ballistic missiles descend amplify the kinetic energy of their payload, resulting in greater destruction upon impact, even without explosive warheads.
  • Range and Versatility: Ballistic missiles can travel vast distances, with some, like Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), capable of reaching targets across continents.
These features make ballistic missiles a formidable weapon, especially in the context of strategic and large-scale military operations. Their combination of speed, range, and destructive capacity makes them a critical concern in global security discussions.
Most BMs around the world are nuclear capable, if not tipped. Its the rare Iskander which is still operational but conventional.. and some relic scuds with the Houthis etc

Only Iran has used them conventionally but their mullas' scientists are probably still hard at work trying to miniaturize the warhead.

Most BMs around the world are nuclear capable, if not tipped. Its the rare Iskander which is still operational but conventional.. and some relic scuds with the Houthis etc

Only Iran has used them conventionally but their mullas' scientists are probably still hard at work trying to miniaturize the warhead.

Iran has more accurate ballistic missiles operational today than the whole whulldh put together bhai.

Do mintt main Iran lay leta hae kissy key bhee. No problem!

Same same with their increasingly AI controlled drone fleet of several hundred thousand strong.

Irans a generation ahead of the competition.

And you know now that hillbilly khoda eelond musk ka ulla has trashed manned aviation as being on borrowed time…….😝…….like i’s been slowly dronin it round the pendu forums……

Saaray ghareeb khamosh ho gaey hain😝
Most BMs around the world are nuclear capable, if not tipped. Its the rare Iskander which is still operational but conventional.. and some relic scuds with the Houthis etc

Only Iran has used them conventionally but their mullas' scientists are probably still hard at work trying to miniaturize the warhead.


There are types of Ballistic missiles. One category (Broad classification) is bellow 300 KM. Iskender and Pralay belongs to this class. They have high accuracy and very high explosive of big payload. They are used to target tactical near enemy installations border such as fuel and explosive depots of enemy. Another category is short range missile which may be between 300 to 1000 km. They may be either nuclear or non-nuclear. Next comes medium category of missile which is 1000 to 2000 km. They happened to be nuclear but with increase in accuracy, they are non-nuclear as well. What Iran used against Israel were this category of Missile. Then comes Intermediate range which is between 2000 to 3500 KM. Long range is up to 5000 K.M. ICBM are generally above 5000 k.m. and were made to carry out nuclear strike in cold war era. However, they are used with conventional warhead as well. We saw that in Russian strike on Ukraine.
There are types of Ballistic missiles. One category (Broad classification) is bellow 300 KM. Iskender and Pralay belongs to this class. They have high accuracy and very high explosive of big payload. They are used to target tactical near enemy installations border such as fuel and explosive depots of enemy. Another category is short range missile which may be between 300 to 1000 km. They may be either nuclear or non-nuclear. Next comes medium category of missile which is 1000 to 2000 km. They happened to be nuclear but with increase in accuracy, they are non-nuclear as well. What Iran used against Israel were this category of Missile. Then comes Intermediate range which is between 2000 to 3500 KM. Long range is up to 5000 K.M. ICBM are generally above 5000 k.m. and were made to carry out nuclear strike in cold war era. However, they are used with conventional warhead as well. We saw that in Russian strike on Ukraine.
Didn't Russia use islander 'theater ballistic missiles' vs Ukies ?

They have topol and some others, can't recall or look up name rn.
Didn't Russia use islander 'theater ballistic missiles' vs Ukies ?

They have topol and some others, can't recall or look up name rn.
Iskunder is too expensive a system. So is the KH-101 and so are the Onyx (brahmos daddy) or the few other Russian weapons. This is not how you fight wars of attrition in the modern whulld.

You buy Iranian ballistic missiles and Iranian drones!

Then you win, just what imam Putin’s been doing.
Iskunder is too expensive a system. So is the KH-101 and so are the Onyx (brahmos daddy) or the few other Russian weapons. This is not how you fight wars of attrition in the modern whulld.

You buy Iranian ballistic missiles and Iranian drones!

Then you win, just what imam Putin’s been doing.
Onyx/yakhont cruije mijjiles hain, bhai.

They can be exported with some range limits on em, MTCR ka check Karo details.

Ballistic missiles, whole different ball game.. total ban, nobody can sell those.. it'd be considered an ekdum rogue state waalu harkat and sanctions laga laga ke punn' mar deni hai jo bhi aisa karda.
Onyx/yakhont cruije mijjiles hain, bhai.

They can be exported with some range limits on em, MTCR ka check Karo details.

Ballistic missiles, whole different ball game.. total ban, nobody can sell those.. it'd be considered an ekdum rogue state waalu harkat and sanctions laga laga ke punn' mar deni hai jo bhi aisa karda.
China exporting ballistic missiles to clients like Sawdi Judea and Pakistan without any problems apparently. Entire missile manufacturing plants have been exported to both the mentioned states upon US approval no?
China exporting ballistic missiles to clients like Sawdi Judea and Pakistan without any problems apparently. Entire missile manufacturing plants have been exported to both the mentioned states upon US approval no?
Spashul phraandship, with an eye on Iran.. need to placate the brince and his lot. That's why chacha Sam allowed for it.

Exceptional circumstances.
Europe se bhi nuclear secrets chori kari thi... for shame, man. Galt gal !

India did it on parsi (homi bhaba) and I presume some brahmands ki mehnat, and of course Abdul Kalam Ji, our missile man and favorite mull in the whole wide world. 😍

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