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G Bangladesh Defense Forum
Well here it is, I don't know if @Old School bhai can understand Bengali, but this is more or less clear.

I was posted in Bangladesh as per the "Pak government assignments," in fact, twice. The reason is that I speak many languages, including some South Asian languages, including Bengali. I also speak fluent German, Dutch, and French; my Chinese Mandarin is better than basic. I am focused on Russian now.
I previously told you in another post that I maintain good contact with BD officials and have my Pak colleagues based in Dacca. I am familiar with what you just posted. However, my main point was about much more profound aspects of this Pinaki, which you may not or may not want to know. That is okay. However, I will share info about BD here whenever I get conflicting/ contrasting information. Due to my professional background, I see things differently than many peace-loving civilians do.
I was posted in Bangladesh as per the "Pak government assignments," in fact, twice. The reason is that I speak many languages, including some South Asian languages, including Bengali. I also speak fluent German, Dutch, and French; my Chinese Mandarin is better than basic. I am focused on Russian now.
I previously told you in another post that I maintain good contact with BD officials and have my Pak colleagues based in Dacca. I am familiar with what you just posted. However, my main point was about much more profound aspects of this Pinaki, which you may not or may not want to know. That is okay. However, I will share info about BD here whenever I get conflicting/ contrasting information. Due to my professional background, I see things differently than many peace-loving civilians do.

Many Thanks for your comments Bhai. Glad to know your language expertise. My language expertise is limited to a smattering of Japanese and Korean and of course, Spanish (being that I live in LA). My Bengali is probably a lot better than my English, closer to Sanskrit expertise. I am trying to improve my Urdu via some family members, who are fluent in Lakhnavi Urdu.

As for Bangladeshi politics, none of us Bangladeshis are blind BNP or AL supporters - much less a believer of a person like Pinaki. People like him probably have alternate agendas, I am sure of it. Bangladesh is a place full of half-truths, you cannot believe anything at face value. Bangladeshis (myself included) have a healthy terminal distrust of leadership in my country.

In any case - Vlogs on YouTube are a single person's opinion and cannot be taken more seriously than females in my family take dramas. Too many stakes, too many players from too many places and moving pieces to boot.

I am glad my life is much simpler -reduced to enjoying simple things in life. Allah ka shukar.
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I am glad my life is much simpler -reduced to enjoying simple things in life. Allah ka shukar.
Once upon a time, I wanted a simpler life, but that is no longer the case. Now, I love the complexities of human dynamics. After digging into the complexities for a long time, I have found simple things to be the most difficult to decode.
@Old School bhai and @Bilal9 bhai, after 7 January selection, I not only doubt Pinaky , but also doubt all of those so called anti Hasina activists , including Elias Hussein, Taj hashmi , Saqib Ali and and few others (can't recall all names atm) are actually making fool of us! All are the pawns of this establishment IMHO!

However I've no issue with it , as long as we will be freed from Indian influence and can directly deal with China, I'm fine with the establishment!

Although supported restoration of democracy, but I don't want it at the cost of west seeing Bangladesh through Indian lens!

However if you carefully observed, you will find that this current establishment already got religious validation from mullahs, and this is the most important thing they needed in this pseudo secular country 🤣 !

It's very easy to manipulate Bangladeshi people using Islamic tramp card!

BNP started the culture, and BAL successfully using it!
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