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[🇧🇩] China is a Time Tested Friend and a Strategic Partner of Bangladesh

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G Bangladesh Defense Forum
Ambassador Yao Wen Calls on Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina​
China will firmly support Bangladesh in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and in opposing external interference. China will also support Bangladesh in maintaining unity and stability, and in playing a more active role in international and regional affairs. China is committed to assisting Bangladesh in realizing the "Vision 2041" and the dream of "Sonar Bangla" at an early date.
Ambassador Yao Wen Calls on Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina (china-embassy.gov.cn)

Beijing doesn't want foreign intervention in Bangladesh polls: Chinese ambassador
Diplomatic Correspondent​
Published: 09 Nov 2023, 16: 34


Chinese ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen addressing the seminar titled 'BRI@10: Ushering in Next Golden Decade'Prothom Alo

Chinese ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen said that China expects an election as per the constitution and laws of the country. China doesn't want any foreign intervention in the upcoming national election in Bangladesh. China itself doesn't interfere in the internal affairs of any country either.

The Chinese ambassador made these remarks while speaking to newspersons in a seminar at a hotel in the capital Thursday.

The Diplomatic Correspondents Association, Bangladesh (DCAB) organised the seminar titled "BRI@10: Ushering in Next Golden Decade" in association with the Chinese Embassy in Dhaka.

Ambassador Yao Wen said, "Election is completely an internal issue of Bangladesh. Any decision regarding this shall be taken by the Bangladeshis. China expects that all the stakeholders will maintain the political and social stability in Bangladesh together. Bangladesh knows the kind of election required."

The Chinese ambassador also stressed on maintaining stability in the post-election times considering the huge Chinese investments in Bangladesh.

In response to a question regarding dialogues among the political parties, Yao Wen said, "The political parties can say better in this regard. China wants social stability in Bangladesh."

Speaking regarding Rohingya repatriation Yao Wen said China, Bangladesh and Myanmar are trying to start the repatriation. The Rohigyas are guests in this country. Besides, support from the international community is also needed in this regard. China is observing that many of the countries do not want Rohingya repatriation.

Addressing the seminar, Chinese Enterprises Association in Bangladesh (CEAB) president Ke Changliang said, "China is implementing several mega projects in Bangladesh. China is going to implement more projects in the coming days. China will stand by Bangladesh in its journey towards 'smart Bangladesh'.

DCAB president Rezaul Karim Lotus and general secretary Imrul Kayes also addressed the seminar.​

China never interferes in other countries' polls: Envoy
Staff Correspondent​
Published: 16 Aug 2023, 20: 16

Chinese ambassador in Dhaka, Yao Wen, meets planning minister MA Mannan in Dhaka on 16 August, 2023.

Chinese ambassador in Dhaka, Yao Wen, meets planning minister MA Mannan in Dhaka on 16 August, 2023.Collected

Chinese ambassador in Dhaka, Yao Wen, has ruled out his country's interference in the election of Bangladesh, saying that China never interferes in other countries' internal issues.

He made the statement while talking to reporters after meeting planning minister MA Mannan at the latter's office in the capital on Wednesday.

Asked about the upcoming election, the Chinese envoy said, "China never interferes in other countries' internal affairs. The election is a domestic concern for Bangladesh."

Apart from the election-related issues, the discussion involved the issue of strengthening the bilateral trade and investment, said the planning minister.

Responding to the reporters' queries, minister MA Mannan said, "It is the policy of China that it will not poke its nose into other countries' internal issues. They reiterated their stance today, and we have assured them that we consider China a very important neighbour. We had friendship with China in the past, it remains in the present, and will continue in the future."

Ambassador Yao Wen conveyed his country's interest in contributing to infrastructural development in the western region of Bangladesh.

He pledged China's commitment to providing comprehensive assistance for enhancing bilateral trade and investment relations.

Their discussions encompassed ways for long-term cooperation between the two countries. Specifically, the Chinese envoy revealed his country's interest in funding the infrastructural development in the western region as well as in providing necessary assistance after the graduation of Bangladesh from the group of least developed countries (LDC).

Planning minister MA Mannan also said China is interested to make more investment in Bangladesh, specially to tap into the potentials presented by the western region thanks to the Padma Bridge.

China is working to scale up the capacity of Mongla port, and is now seeking to invest in the solar power and electric vehicle assembly industries.​
So now I have come to a conclusion, and that is China will not interfere in any internal problem between political parties in Bangladesh, and will not let outsiders interfere because China belives in our sovereignty ( tested friend no doubt!) !

Hence doesn't matter how hard USA And India or others try to kick out queen Hasina they will be failed to do so! Case closed!

That's why it looks Hasina is safe till 2041, because nobody can go against Chinese will ; not even USA , let alone puny India! 🤔

বাংলাদেশের নির্বাচনে হস্তক্ষেপ নয়', ভারতের ঘোষণার পরই সাফাই চিনের
বাংলাদেশের উপর প্রভাব বিস্তারের মরিয়া চেষ্টা করছে বেজিং।

Published by: Monishankar Choudhury


সুকুমার সরকার, ঢাকা: ভারত ও বাংলাদেশের বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ সম্পর্ক নিয়ে বরাবরই ক্ষুব্ধ চিন। শেখ হাসিনা সরকারকে পাশে পেতে তথা বাংলাদেশের বৃহৎ বাজার ধরতে এখনও ব্যর্থ দেশটি। পাকিস্তানের পর বাংলাদেশের উপর প্রভাব বিস্তারের মরিয়া চেষ্টা করছে বেজিং। এই প্রেক্ষাপটে ভারতের ঘোষণার পরই চিন জানিয়েছে, বাংলাদেশের নির্বাচনের বিষয়ে তারা কোনও হস্তক্ষেপ করবে না।

বরাবরই শেখ হাসিনার আওয়ামি লিগ সরকার চিনের না পসন্দ। খালেদা জিয়ার বিএনপি দলের পাশেই থেকেছে বেজিং। যে কোনও মূল্যে ঢাকাকে কবজা করে ভারতকে বেকায়দায় ফেলার ছক কষছে কমিউনিস্ট দেশটি। সম্প্রতি বাংলাদেশের নির্বাচন ঘিরে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়ন-সহ বিদেশি দেশগুলি সরব হয়েছে। ফলে চাপের মুখে পড়তে হয়েছে ঢাকাকে। তবে বন্ধুর পাশে দাঁড়ানোর বার্তা দিয়ে ভারত সাফ জানিয়ে দিয়েছে, এটা বাংলাদেশের অভ্যন্তরীণ বিষয়। নয়াদিল্লির এই ঘোষণার পরেই বুধবার চিন জানিয়েছে, বাংলাদেশের নির্বাচন ইস্যুতে তারা কোনও হস্তক্ষেপ করবে না।

এই বিষয়ে বাংলাদেশে নিযুক্ত চিনের রাষ্ট্রদূত ইয়াও ওয়েন বলেছেন, "চিন কোনও দেশের অভ্যন্তরীণ বিষয়ে হস্তক্ষেপ করে না। এটা বাংলাদেশের অভ্যন্তরীণ বিষয়। তারাই ঠিক করবে কীভাবে নির্বাচন হবে।" বুধবার রাজধানী ঢাকার শের-ই-বাংলা নগরে পরিকল্পনামন্ত্রী এম এ মান্নানের দপ্তরে তার সঙ্গে সাক্ষাৎ করেন চিনা রাষ্ট্রদূত। বৈঠক শেষে সাংবাদিকদের প্রশ্নের জবাবে ইয়াও ওয়েন এসব কথা বলেন।

প্রসঙ্গত, সেই ১৯৭১ সালে বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সূচনালগ্ন থেকে বিশ্ব দুভাগ হয়ে পড়েছিল। ২৫ মার্চ রাতে বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে স্বাধীনতা ঘোষণার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে ভারত পাশে দাঁড়ায়। এক কোটি বাংলাদেশিকে আশ্রয়-খাদ্য-বস্ত্র দিয়ে সহায়তা দেয়। মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের প্রশিক্ষণ ও অস্ত্র দিয়ে সহায়তা করে। এরপর ভারতের সঙ্গে প্রতিরক্ষা চুক্তি করে এগিয়ে আসে রাশিয়া। পক্ষান্তরে গোলাবারুদ নিয়ে পাকিস্তান সামরিক জুন্টার সঙ্গে হাত মেলায় চিন, আমেরিকা-সহ মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের কয়েকটি মুসলিম দেশ।​
So now I have come to a conclusion, and that is China will not interfere in any internal problem between political parties in Bangladesh, and will not let outsiders interfere because China belives in our sovereignty ( tested friend no doubt!) !

Hence doesn't matter how hard USA And India or others try to kick out queen Hasina they will be failed to do so! Case closed!

That's why it looks Hasina is safe till 2041, because nobody can go against Chinese will ; not even USA , let alone puny India! 🤔
China doesn't consider India to be its competitor in Bangladesh. Instead, it is the USA that China is targeting here.
How China used 'unprecedented BRI spending' to gain influence in Bangladesh at America's expense
How China used 'unprecedented BRI spending' to gain influence in Bangladesh at America's expense - Times of India (indiatimes.com)

Bangladesh elections and China-India rivalry
While the political landscape in Bangladesh differs from that of its two South Asian neighbours, the India-China contest remains a crucial factor, notes the writer.

Shamsuddoza Sajen
Shamsuddoza Sajen
The Daily Star

Representational image from The Daily Star

October 18, 2023

DHAKA – The Daily Star proudly introduces a fresh addition to our editorial repertoire: Geopolitical Insights. As we navigate the labyrinth of global power dynamics, we hope this weekly page will provide interesting perspectives to help our readers understand the global challenges better. This article published in the first issue focuses on exploring the global power play in Bangladesh's elections. – Mahfuz Anam, Editor & Publisher

The recent presidential election in the Maldives reflected a theatre for India-China competition, with the president-elect, Mohamed Muiz, making "India out" a central theme in his campaign. We also witnessed the two major powers jockeying for influence in the Nepalese election in 2022. While the political landscape in Bangladesh differs from that of its two South Asian neighbours, the India-China contest remains a crucial factor. Over the course of the past 15 years, both countries have deepened their stakes in Bangladesh, which is clearly evident in the growing geopolitical tension surrounding the upcoming election.

China is now Bangladesh's largest trade partner, with bilateral trade currently valued at $25 billion. Since joining China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2016, China has committed over $38 billion in investments to Bangladesh. The country is second among all sources of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Bangladesh.

Furthermore, during the current regime's tenure, China-Bangladesh defence cooperation has reached unprecedented levels. China has maintained its position as the chief supplier of light weapons to Bangladesh since the 1970s, with over 70 percent of Bangladesh's weapons procurement between 2015 and 2022 originating from China, according to SIPRI. Notably, China has been instrumental in the construction of Bangladesh's first submarine base, the BNS Sheikh Hasina, with a total investment of $1.2 billion, located in Pekua within Cox's Bazaar.

China's approach to Bangladesh during the ruling Awami League's regime can be summarised as bolstering economic ties while refraining from criticising democratic backsliding in the country. China was the first country to welcome the AL government after the one-sided 2014 elections, and it didn't hesitate to congratulate them on their big win in the equally controversial 2018 elections.

Furthermore, unlike economic aid from the US and Europe, Chinese investments in Bangladesh's infrastructure come without conditions related to human rights, good governance, or democracy. As a result, this has allowed the AL government to lessen its dependence on Western donors.

Regarding the forthcoming election, China has consistently adhered to a stance that aligns with its overarching strategy, as aptly articulated by Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh, Yao Wen, who stated, "Our policy always remains the same. China never intervenes in other country's internal issues. I can say the election is the internal affairs of Bangladesh. It has to be decided by the Bangladesh people."

China also opposes any external pressure exerted by the United States concerning the election. This stance is endorsed at the highest level of Chinese leadership. On August 23, 2023, during a meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on the sidelines of the BRICS summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping stated, according to a readout from China's foreign ministry, that China supports Bangladesh in "opposing external interference" and that Beijing will collaborate with Dhaka to mutually support their core interests.

In the upcoming election, if the ruling party emerges victorious, Chinese influence may strengthen even further. Conversely, if the AL loses, and the opposition BNP comes to power, there is relatively minimal risk for China to lose its stake, given the historically favourable relations between BNP and China.

Now, let's delve deeper into India's interests in Bangladesh's upcoming election. As its largest neighbour, India undeniably holds a substantial stake in the electoral proceedings. The increasing asymmetrical power dynamics between these two nations have brought this influence into sharper focus.

In his book titled "1971-2021: Bangladesh-Bharat Shomporker Ponchash Bochor" (1971-2021: 50 years of Bangladesh-India relations), former Bangladeshi Foreign Secretary Touhid Hossain has shed light on the nature of the deepening political reliance on India. He articulates, "It is widely believed that no one can ascend to the throne of Bangladesh without India's approval. Statements supporting this notion have emanated from senior political figures on occasion. Many believe that India's consent is a prerequisite for appointments to key positions within Bangladesh. India's direct involvement in legitimising the 2014 election is well-documented. It was so apparent that even the leaders of the political party (the BNP), whose political foundation is rooted in anti-Indianism, had to reach out to India in an attempt to gain favour ahead of the 2018 election, although their endeavours ultimately yielded no success."

India's growing influence has fostered stronger bilateral ties with the AL-led Bangladesh government, characterised by terms like "very special relationship," "golden chapter," and "model for the entire region." The AL government has addressed India's security concerns, particularly access to northeastern India, through connectivity projects and action against anti-India insurgent groups. In return, India has steadfastly supported the AL government, overlooking democratic setbacks in Bangladesh. As regards the upcoming election, a significant portion of the Indian media and think tanks continue to advocate support for the current regime.

Nevertheless, some experts believe that India has adopted a different stance towards the 2024 elections.

Indicating this changed position, Indian columnist Arkoprabho Hazra wrote in The Diplomat, "India is taking a much more inclusive approach toward the 2024 Bangladesh national elections, rather than putting all its bets on the Awami League as seen in the past."

He emphasised that India has expressed interest in ensuring violence-free and democratic national elections in Bangladesh, aligning with the US stance. Recent discussions between Indian and US security establishments suggest, according to Hazra, a potential collaborative effort on election issues. This marks a departure from the 2018 elections when India and the US held divergent views. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Modi's swift congratulations to Prime Minister Hasina for her victory helped alleviate international criticism of the election's conduct.

Yet it is worth noting that India has refrained from publicly responding to the growing pressure exerted by the United States on Bangladesh, including visa measures, aimed at ensuring a free, fair, and participatory election.

Professor Ali Riaz offers three possible explanations for India's deliberate silence: "Firstly, India may be comfortable with the existing political status quo, as demonstrated by its tacit support for Prime Minister Hasina amid US concerns about democratic erosion. Secondly, India might not oppose US pressure on Bangladesh, recognising that it could make Hasina more dependent on India as a mediator between her government and the United States. Lastly, India seems to acknowledge its diminishing role in Bangladeshi politics amid the US-China geopolitical rivalry, making it a secondary external actor in the region."

Regardless of the reasons behind India's muted response, it's evident that the US has shifted its perspective away from viewing the Bangladesh issue solely through the Indian lens. Instead, its emphasis on promoting democracy in Bangladesh, primarily driven by the aim to counteract China's growing influence in the country, will significantly influence India's stance on the 2024 elections in Bangladesh.

India finds itself in a complex and delicate position. There is unease over Bangladesh's growing reliance on China for economic aid and infrastructure development, at times straining the India-Bangladesh relationship. Additionally, there is apprehension that excessive pressure from the US on election-related matters could lead Bangladesh closer to China.

However, Michael Kugelman, director of the Wilson Centre's South Asia Institute, suggested in an interview with Prothom Alo that the US believes India, by leveraging its influence over Bangladesh, can steer it away from such an alignment. Furthermore, the current regime in Bangladesh expects India to advocate for Sheikh Hasina's government with the Biden administration.

India's response to these competing interests will be a pivotal factor in the upcoming elections, the outcome of which carries significant implications not only for Bangladesh but also for the Bay of Bengal region, a critical component of the global geopolitical hotspot, the Indo-Pacific.​
China doesn't consider India to be its competitor in Bangladesh. Instead , it is the USA that China is targeting here
O @Old School bhai, I know that! Still I added India in my messages for my personal flavour! Because a huge numbers of my compatriots ( both online and offline) mistakenly think that India is too strong to control our fate! 😊

Although I deeply dislike Indian hegemonic attitude towards Bangladesh, yet I know that they are nothing but barking dogs!

And you know barking dogs seldom bite! 🤔

How China used 'unprecedented BRI spending' to gain influence in Bangladesh at America's expense
O @Old School bhai, I know that! Still I added India in my messages for my personal flavour! Because a huge numbers of my compatriots ( both online and offline) mistakenly think that India is too strong to control our fate! 😊

Although I deeply dislike Indian hegemonic attitude towards Bangladesh, yet I know that they are nothing but barking dogs!

And you know barking dogs seldom bite! 🤔

Rightly said DADDA !! This is the way to go !

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