🌍 EU turning very hostile toward migrants

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G  European & Russian Affairs
This dudes got some nerve to go right up to migrants and harass them. His channel is getting very popular in Ireland:

If the EU govts. don't control these racist thugs - then diplomatic relations with EU countries will be dropped. Next will be suspension of trade.

We are the consumers in the 3rd world of EU products which their economies depend on. Leverage is with us in the Global South. EU countries will be the losers.

Look at this,

Some of the EU diplomats are not really all that bright. They do not understand where things lie with their exploiting the Global South. That ship has sailed.
Do they not have sidewalks in Ireland? Plenty in North America. Also I understand the Irishman's sentiment, I, too, would be angry if foreigners committed crimes in my country (such as Afghans). But the way he is handling is it wrong.
If the EU govts. don't control these racist thugs - then diplomatic relations with EU countries will be dropped. Next will be suspension of trade.

We are the consumers in the 3rd world of EU products which their economies depend on. Leverage is with us in the Global South. EU countries will be the losers.

Look at this,

Some of the EU diplomats are not really all that bright. They do not understand where things lie with their exploiting the Global South. That ship has sailed.

Bhai even if you paid me, I would not do what this Irish guy is doing. It's very bad. He's just harassing them because he knows he can get away with it. Those two Jordanians copp'd the worst of it. Note how he left the black people alone, but went after the Jordanians.
Do they not have sidewalks in Ireland? Plenty in North America. Also I understand the Irishman's sentiment, I, too, would be angry if foreigners committed crimes in my country (such as Afghans). But the way he is handling is it wrong.

Theyz bussin deez illegals into a remote holding camp far away from da downtowns. Processing them over there away from prying eyez so da localz don't see em and get worried. Coluddzz got no future out west bhai.

Thank god I don't live out west.
Do they not have sidewalks in Ireland? Plenty in North America. Also I understand the Irishman's sentiment, I, too, would be angry if foreigners committed crimes in my country (such as Afghans). But the way he is handling is it wrong.

Exactly. Their concerns can't be just dismissed as 'racist.' Here in Canada colored people are quick to jump and call anything 'racist' that offends them.

They also need to step up the deportations of criminals so the good honest migrants don't get blamed.
Sorry but many migrants have prying eyes on women & children. Not all, but many and that has created this legit concern.

Sooner or later most coludzz face eviction. I wager about 90% would be forced to flee as their lives will be made miserable and they'll feel unwelcome. Its fairly obvious looking at the politics out west.

Most will leave and migrate elsewhere on their own volition. No jobs/ respect/ rights you know? makes no sense to stay over there.

Just a matter of time now.........14,000 Pakistani's are facing deportation soon from the UK alone.

If the UK pulls the council home subsidy alone, 90% of da coludzz will feel the impact right away. They'll have to leave ASAP.

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Sooner or later most coludzz face eviction. I wager about 90% would be forced to flee as their lives will be made miserable and they'll feel unwelcome. Its fairly obvious looking at the politics out west.

Most will leave and migrate elsewhere on their own volition. No jobs/ respect/ rights you know? makes no sense to stay over there.

Just a matter of time now.........14,000 Pakistani's are facing deportation soon from the UK alone.

If the UK pulls the council home subsidy alone, 90% of da coludzz will feel the impact right away. They'll have to leave ASAP.

For Desis in these countries (including Canada) the US seems to be the only place left to migrate to. EU, Britain and even Canada are all closing their doors to "easy migration".
Sooner or later most coludzz face eviction. I wager about 90% would be forced to flee as their lives will be made miserable and they'll feel unwelcome. Its fairly obvious looking at the politics out west.

Most will leave and migrate elsewhere on their own volition. No jobs/ respect/ rights you know? makes no sense to stay over there.

Just a matter of time now.........14,000 Pakistani's are facing deportation soon from the UK alone.

I doubt each and every one of those 14,000 Pakistanis are plain innocent.
Imagine in Japan where you live migrants start harassing locals or committing crimes. The law would be far less merciful than Europe, even towards any local Japanese.
I doubt each and every one of those 14,000 Pakistanis are plain innocent.
Imagine in Japan where you live migrants start harassing locals or committing crimes. The law would be far less merciful than Europe, even towards any local Japanese.

99% of these illegals are economic migrants. In the Muslim world today only the GCC are doing well along with Malaysia/Algeria/ Turkey and to some extent Iran. There is rule of law/ low crime and nobody is starving.

The rest of the Muslim countries are failed states in the sense there are no jobs and the other big issue of no security. Life is difficult in failed states due to lack of opportunity. That's why these guys leave for a better life.
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99% of these illegals are economic migrants. In the Muslim world today only the GCC are doing well along with Malaysia/Algeria/ Turkey and to some extent Iran. There is rule of law/ low crime and nobody is starving.

The rest of the Muslim countries are failed states in the sense there are no jobs and the other big issue of no security. Life is difficult in failed states due to lack of opportunity. That's why these guys leave for a better life.

But in Europe the laws are not as strict which is why these people misbehave and create all these prejudices.
But in Europe the laws are not as strict which is why these people misbehave and create all these prejudices.

Pro-Islam protests will soon become illegal in the West. Mosques are being closed down here and there and the message is getting across loud n clear. Demonizing Islam is having the dual effect of scrutinizing/ deporting other coloreds too. The US used to have 1.6 million Pakistani's pre-911. Today there are barely 500k left. Most left all on their own after the witch hunt/ anti-Muslim pogroms launched after 911 in the US. It's the same in the UK now.......If the council home policy is revoked, 90% Pakistani's will have to leave because they wouldn't be able to sustain themselves in the midlands.
it's their country, you mass migrate there and complain about racism.

If they are so racist, why go there?

We support their racism by continuing to buy their crap. Has been a hundred years, still going on today. Perfect formula of slavery.

If there was a trade boycott of racist states by the global South, guess what ? They'd think twice.

Remember when Erdogan warned the Dutch about treating Turks badly? They did take note.

We have a leader in India (Modi) who (with his cohorts and political party) constantly talks $hit about our country.

Towards the start of 2024, there was a #IndiaOut movement in Bangladesh, which means boycott of Indian products, services and even boycott of Sheikh Hasina, the Indian BJP (Modi) agent ruling our country.

Who was eventually kicked out with a Gen Z popular uprising a month ago. Bangladeshis got the message and acted - this was a direct reaction of Modi's interference in Bangladesh politics. Bangladeshis are more politically aware than ever before.


Modi is busy plotting Hasina's re-instatement and return - it ain't happening though.

We don't need the West. It needs us. To exploit.

The smarter Western countries know this - and act accordingly. They control all these racism and avoid trouble.

Unfortunately - our D-8 countries are not smart enough to support each other, in lieu of the West. We do not undertand how to make ourselves stronger and to unite (and be independent of the West).

Erbakan got this, but the West continues to plot, de-stabilize and weaken us. We (Muslim countries) don't get it - yet.

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it's their country, you mass migrate there and complain about racism.

If they are so racist, why go there?

People are starving in Pakistan bro…..so much crime, snatching, robberies, thuggery, religious/ sectarian/ ethnic violence and no jobs.

You couple that with inflation……god help you!

There ain’t no future.

Pakistan is on the brink of Balkanization…..I’m not kidding.
Pro-Islam protests will soon become illegal in the West. Mosques are being closed down here and there and the message is getting across loud n clear. Demonizing Islam is having the dual effect of scrutinizing/ deporting other coloreds too. The US used to have 1.6 million Pakistani's pre-911. Today there are barely 500k left. Most left all on their own after the witch hunt/ anti-Muslim pogroms launched after 911 in the US. It's the same in the UK now.......If the council home policy is revoked, 90% Pakistani's will have to leave because they wouldn't be able to sustain themselves in the midlands.

The behavior of many Muslim migrants has led to this horrible situation. And it's been going on for ages. They're stating it's too much. It didn't have to be this way but clearly many migrants have ruined it for the rest of us.
People are starving in Pakistan bro…..so much crime, snatching, robberies, thuggery, religious/ sectarian/ ethnic violence and no jobs.

You couple that with inflation……god help you!

There ain’t no future.

Pakistan is on the brink of Balkanization…..I’m not kidding.

I was there from January till June. Things are not good but it's not the doomsday scenario people are hyping about.
The behavior of many Muslim migrants has led to this horrible situation. And it's been going on for ages. They're stating it's too much. It didn't have to be this way but clearly many migrants have ruined it for the rest of us.

I don't know why some people want to turn the UK/EU into "Islamic UK" or "Islamic EU" ?

Why migrate if you don't want to assimilate even 10% ? No one asked you to go to the UK, only to bring your intolerance with you.

I see this with uneducated and semi-educated Bangladeshi people in London. They have zero clue and zero effort to try to understand their new culture.

Forget about assimilation - they love living in their ghettos.

Just offer Salat at home or in the mosque. Don't wear your religion on the sleeve. Don't hold up traffic and block roads in London or EU to offer Jummah/Eid prayers.

No other religion does this.

I don't get why some of these people have to force Islam down non-Muslims' collective throats ?

It is bound to backfire and it did.

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