Middle East/Africa Gaza-Israel Conflict

Middle East/Africa Gaza-Israel Conflict
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Short Summary: Gaza-Israeli Updates
well it was muslims and the so called Muslim Ulema council that decided for supporting Turkish Khilafat movement over Indian Independence movement and TWO Nation theory instead of united and stron south asia or Indepentent united India

for which they used provoking activities like masaccrre of hindus in Malabar & bengal riots and Printing Books like "KRISHAN TERI GEETA JALANI PAREGGI" distribeuting thse booklets across every madarssa and masjid inBritish India which then had India , Pakistan , Bngladesh and Burma and even Sri Lanka in it

and birth of Hindu Mahasabha (1915) & RSS ( 1925)is the consequence of same Ulema cuncil dictats and British and congress appeasment of muslims and ulema council and its off shoot the MUSLIM LEUGE ( 1905)as way back in 1910s after the British needed so called martail races in 1st World War till 1920s and they agreed to all whims of Ulema Council and muslims to use muslims for there DIVIDE & RULE POLICY for which they divided united bengal way back in 1905 east(muslim majority) west (hindu majority)

so all the riots in India between Hindus and Muslims or Shia or Sunni were infact encouraged by British so there subjects kept infighting prolonging there rule over India and the funniest part is both Indan national congress(Allen Autavion Hume ) and Muslim Leuge were created by British(LorD Minto's direct involvement)

in the same fashion even Rohingya problem was created by british when they knew they had to leave India they and Burma they settelled large population off bengali muslims in Burma promissing them sepprrate state if they did what british wanted by that never hapenned like Punjab or bengal in burma hence the rhingya problem

same card british played in so called "Palastine" where they after arabs rejected 1946 peace treaty settelled Jordanian refugees in senai and gaza which when created trouble were sent to lebnon in mid 1960s making a sekular PEARL OF THE ORIENT into a basket case of muslim civil was state and when SHAH OH JORDAN KING HUSSAIN did a so called genocide when he drove these same remaining refugees int palestine and senai causing BLACK FRIDAY massacrre orchetrated by none other than BRIGADIER ZIA UL HAQ or Pakistani Army every one knows Munich massacrre of israeli athleates hapenned and in 1967 war more than 6 arab nations lost Jeruslam , Gaza Golan Hight and senai desert and paninsulla to Israel in WAR

and till today they are making silly videos and alying the Victim card instead of uniting and fighting like real men 😉 😛

so whats your point @Dogun18
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well it was muslims and the so called Muslim Ulema council that decided for supporting Turkish Khilafat movement over Indian Independence movement and TWO Nation theory instead of united and stron south asia or Indepentent united India

for which they used provoking activities like masaccrre of hindus in Malabar & bengal riots and Printing Books like "KRISHAN TERI GEETA JALANI PAREGGI" distribeuting thse booklets across every madarssa and masjid inBritish India which then had India , Pakistan , Bngladesh and Burma and even Sri Lanka in it

and birth of Hindu Mahasabha (1915) & RSS ( 1925)is the consequence of same Ulema cuncil dictats and British and congress appeasment of muslims and ulema council and its off shoot the MUSLIM LEUGE ( 1905)as way back in 1910s after the British needed so called martail races in 1st World War till 1920s and they agreed to all whims of Ulema Council and muslims to use muslims for there DIVIDE & RULE POLICY for which they divided united bengal way back in 1905 east(muslim majority) west (hindu majority)

so all the riots in India between Hindus and Muslims or Shia or Sunni were infact encouraged by British so there subjects kept infighting prolonging there rule over India and the funniest part is both Indan national congress(Allen Autavion Hume ) and Muslim Leuge were created by British(LorD Minto's direct involvement)

in the same fashion even Rohingya problem was created by british when they knew they had to leave India they and Burma they settelled large population off bengali muslims in Burma promissing them sepprrate state if they did what british wanted by that never hapenned like Punjab or bengal in burma hence the rhingya problem

same card british played in so called "Palastine" where they after arabs rejected 1946 peace treaty settelled Jordanian refugees in senai and gaza which when created trouble were sent to lebnon in mid 1960s making a sekular PEARL OF THE ORIENT into a basket case of muslim civil was state and when SHAH OH JORDAN KING HUSSAIN did a so called genocide when he drove these same remaining refugees int palestine and senai causing BLACK FRIDAY massacrre orchetrated by none other than BRIGADIER ZIA UL HAQ or Pakistani Army every one knows Munich massacrre of israeli athleates hapenned and in 1967 war more than 6 arab nations lost Jeruslam , Gaza Golan Hight and senai desert and paninsulla to Israel in WAR

and till today they are making silly videos and alying the Victim card instead of uniting and fighting like real men 😉 😛

so whats your point @Dogun18
@Sharma Ji @Lulldapull
Aap expert ho, well read on khilafat se le ke full partition history.

I'm not very well read on those.
well in short all the congress that ruled or thebritishers selcted to rule over India were basically there puppets from M K Ghandi to J L Nehru while those who fought them and were given twin life time sentences in andaman& nicobar/Kalapani were taregtted as cowards while those selected by 14 out of 14 congress commitees to be 1st PM of India was rejected by M K Ghandi for his Fav J L nehru

funny part is Swami arobindo , MA Jinnah and Bipin Chandra Pal were very close friends but after British implanted M K Ghandi into Indian politics swami orobindo went to become a sanyasi while M A Jinnah went to Britain and Bipin Chndra pal perished in 1932

while after there pact with british in 1929 tell me one agitation that was led to conclussion by M K Ghandi and why always congressi top brass like J L nehru or M K ghandi were given royalty like treatment and even had private secratories in jail rather when M K Ghandi use to travel three bogies were vacated one in front and one after his private bogey where he and his deciples used to travel in

tell me why dint Ghandi asked for release of Bhagat singh and his friends in Round Table confrence or why dint Ghnadi against dictats of Ulema council against there contsant mocking and anty sanatan activities and why did ghandi only intervien whener hindus retalited after commulnal riots started by muslims then be it direct action day in 1946 or noakhali riots in 1947 or anty muslim riots in whats punjab and haryana of India against MEV Muslims and asked them to stay in india while trains full of massacrred hindu and sikhs were coming regularlly from whats pakistan in 1947-48 ????
well in short all the congress that ruled or thebritishers selcted to rule over India were basically there puppets from M K Ghandi to J L Nehru while those who fought them and were given twin life time sentences in andaman& nicobar/Kalapani were taregtted as cowards while those selected by 14 out of 14 congress commitees to be 1st PM of India was rejected by M K Ghandi for his Fav J L nehru

funny part is Swami arobindo , MA Jinnah and Bipin Chandra Pal were very close friends but after British implanted M K Ghandi into Indian politics swami orobindo went to become a sanyasi while M A Jinnah went to Britain and Bipin Chndra pal perished in 1932

while after there pact with british in 1929 tell me one agitation that was led to conclussion by M K Ghandi and why always congressi top brass like J L nehru or M K ghandi were given royalty like treatment and even had private secratories in jail rather when M K Ghandi use to travel three bogies were vacated one in front and one after his private bogey where he and his deciples used to travel in

tell me why dint Ghandi asked for release of Bhagat singh and his friends in Round Table confrence or why dint Ghnadi against dictats of Ulema council against there contsant mocking and anty sanatan activities and why did ghandi only intervien whener hindus retalited after commulnal riots started by muslims then be it direct action day in 1946 or noakhali riots in 1947 or anty muslim riots in whats punjab and haryana of India against MEV Muslims and asked them to stay in india while trains full of massacrred hindu and sikhs were coming regularlly from whats pakistan in 1947-48 ????

Bhai all your sangh big men were craven cowards who begged for clemency from the British. Forget fighting for anything.

You should not be talking big about freedom fighting.

Your side should dive into Arabian Sea, or Bay of Bengal.

Whichever is closer.

And die.

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