[đŸ‡”đŸ‡°] We should invade eastern Afghanistan and end all this nonsense right away.

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[đŸ‡”đŸ‡°] We should invade eastern Afghanistan and end all this nonsense right away.
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Yaar hamara kya banay ga ab? Whole country on edge after dis Donald Lu da China guppu speech in front of da US Congress. I know from our pov da Irani pretty smart and da laggard Turkish laming along behind on a crutch
..but we don’t even got no more friends anymore. I’m so disappointed wid da irani’s more than da other toady muzlim
..so sad that Iran not taking control of its eastern frontiers
..I know it’s hard making money out in the east of Iran
..but the ayatollah should realize k crorron ghareeb lives on da line here no?
We should buy out Afghanistan the way China is trying to buy out Taiwan.
Some Pakistani billionaire businessmen should purchase he Afghanistan real estate.
Iqbal bhai, only Iran can make a diff here if they decide to make a diff
..otherwise wes in a world of hurt. You know it
..bewquff Irani need to get involved before India hindu does via da US largess no? Baat nu samajhee yaar. Wes in a pickle here
.help us out of dis mess and cut da food/ petrol of da afghani khabees
..otherwise hum nay nahi Bachna!
China giving us a few billion loan now and using us purely as anti-India proxy, negotiating wid da US on our future. Otherwise they know da reality that we are 100% under CIA control. They playing very matlabi now. Ye saaray JF thundurr/ J-10 and Ghauri/ Ghaznavi are all gimmicks, they ain't worth shhitt. We don't got da numbers to conventionally make any diff no? We ain't China or Iran to have million missiles or drones. Do chappairr maarnay ne US nay and we'd surrender our nukes. I just know dis. I bet yous money dat dis da case. Iran and turkey should intervene......saadda hor koi hamdard vhee ne hae ga. I'm so disappointed with muslim ummah chummah. Baghertay nalaiq......China holds Iran in very high regard. $30 billion per year (disclosed) in oil/ LNG sales is proof of dis reality, and we doing only $5 billion in trade wid China (its actually only $2 billion, baqi $3 billion annually is loan repayments). You know deep down they're goin side wid da Irani's over us in a heartbeat right now once dey settle drama wid da US backed hindu. $100 billion india naal trade, $30 billion iranian naal trade? where do we stand? I would never forgive Iran or Turkey if they ignore our plight.
iran has oil which china desperately needs , pakistan only has fertile soil but a big population to feed. why cant our dik government not create think tank industrialist, whose one job is to bring in factories and put the lazy nation to work make it tax free for ten yrs. iran and turky dont give a toss about ummah chummah it all game for resources and protecting their trade. erdogan stopped barking at saudi when mbs offered him big trade deal suddenly erdogan forgotten bout killing of kashoggi. i say sell saudi the nukes make money if iran protests say hey its business ummah brother.
iran has oil which china desperately needs , pakistan only has fertile soil but a big population to feed. why cant our dik government not create think tank industrialist, whose one job is to bring in factories and put the lazy nation to work make it tax free for ten yrs. iran and turky dont give a toss about ummah chummah it all game for resources and protecting their trade. erdogan stopped barking at saudi when mbs offered him big trade deal suddenly erdogan forgotten bout killing of kashoggi. i say sell saudi the nukes make money if iran protests say hey its business ummah brother.
CPEC was our last hope along with this irani pipeline and trade via Iran/ turkey and central asia with our railway connections carrying our goods west and bringing goods back in......US badmash nay saaray kuch per paani maar diya hae. They've wrecked it all. I bet you money Munira got told by Donald Lu k china nu daffa kareen ASAP.......vurna......
CPEC was our last hope along with this irani pipeline and trade via Iran/ turkey and central asia with our railway connections carrying our goods west and bringing goods back in......US badmash nay saaray kuch per paani maar diya hae. They've wrecked it all. I bet you money Munira got told by Donald Lu k china nu daffa kareen ASAP.......vurna......
then pak population must hold those responsible accountable.
Kuch vi nahi ho ra Afghanistan ich
.nothing at all whatsoever! Irani bewquff khotay giving dem sadqa and keeping afghani alive, vurna saaron nay murr jaana thaa! Isstoopid irani keeping afghani jahils alive out of charity or welfare Islamic brotherhood, bewquff khotay goin find out soon what these afghani truly are! They are poisonous snakes. Iran is so stupid helping afghani. Innocent bewquff Irani doing what we did 20 years ago and found out da hard way. Let Iran learn its own lesson with afghani
Only Irani or China can do what yous sayin here in an engineered coup de'tat.....but they don't want to intervene cuz we don't got much on offer. This is da main issue. Same same wid da Afghani......No natural resources.......
i bet you both pak and afghan have resources worth billions but government is keeping quiet or not found it yet. i am sure pak has oil and gas.
i bet you both pak and afghan have resources worth billions but government is keeping quiet or not found it yet. i am sure pak has oil and gas.
our oilfields are all located in Potohar/ Attock plateau. We produce enough 80k bpd that if there is total blockade of the country in wartime, our military will have enough, provided we defend our refineries. Sindh has all our gas now at Dherki/ Qadirpur/ Kandhkot/ Adhi/ Gambat and few other gas fields.
CIA reaper drones venturing into Afghanistan from our Shamsi and Jacobabad airfields. Wonder who they trying to drone away with now? Maybe mulla yaqoob or mulla Haibatullah. Multiple violations being reported by da talibunny:
Is the hate between Afghans and Pakistanis like the hate between Iranians and Saudis @Lulldapull ?
Pakistani Establishment to fund its WAR WITH INDIA & GET SRATAGIC DEAPTH inside Afghanistan in case of war with India started meddling with its homegrown ultra orthodox verssion of Deobandy-Sunny/Wahabbi Student's of Islam called TALIBAN in mid 1970s when they hired some weak Pakhtoon tribes and indoctrinated them with this Salafi/wahabbi& deobandy version of Islam as a Tool Against much powerfull and in majority population Pakhtoon's that were living on both sides of Border /Durand Line

AS For so called DURAND LINE no afghan /Pakhtoon ever aknowledged not even there own Tallibunnie's or the Soviet Friendly last King or Afghanistan or last pro soviet govt there after soviet withdrawl of Najibudualla or the US& NATO Friendly Govt's of Ashraf Ghani or HamiD karzai or even those Tallibunnies that came to power post 15-08-2019

Now Pakistan had made these Mujahiddinie's when they wanted to control Afghanistan so they Invited USA into the so called Great Game which USA only joined post 1979-80 formally against USSR in Afghanistan which brought great misery to all tribes and ethnicities living in Afghanistan but Pakistanies thought since Pakhtoon's are majority in afghanistan & many Pakhtoons live in pakistan too Tallibunnie's who are mainly Pakhtoon will help Pakistan since Pakistan them get rid of soviets and American& NATO forces

but fact is Afghan's HATE PAKISTAN & Its Establishment because say & belive is that Pakistan used Afghans as cannon fodder & destroyed Afghanistan in a war financed by OIL RICH ARAB nation's & CIA gave technical help weapons & training . And after fighting Pakistani orchestrated WAR for more than 45 years which destroyed Afghanistan and when after war when US& NATO went back and stopped its WAR REMMITENCCES & Coilation support Funding's to Pakistan ... the Pakistanies threw all Afghani refugees's displaced by war in Afghanistan back to war ravaged Afghanistan

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