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China and Bangladesh armies to hold first military exercises next month: PLA
According to the consensus reached between the two militaries, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) will send a team to Bangladesh in the first half of next month to hold joint military exercises.
Beijing | Updated: April 25, 2024 21:41 IST


Chinese army, military exercises, Bangladesh, ChinaCode named 'China-Bangladesh Golden Friendship 2024', the joint exercise takes the UN peacekeeping force counter-terrorism operations as the scenario (File Photo)

The Chinese army will hold its first military exercises with its Bangladesh counterpart next month, it was announced here on Thursday, as the PLA steadily enhanced its ties with India's neighbour by supplying a host of military equipment in recent years.

According to the consensus reached between the two militaries, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) will send a team to Bangladesh in the first half of next month to hold joint military exercises, Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman, Sr Col Wu Qian announced at a media briefing here.

Code named 'China-Bangladesh Golden Friendship 2024′, the joint exercise takes the UN peacekeeping force counter-terrorism operations as the scenario, he said, adding, that the two militaries will conduct joint training in mixed groups on subjects, including bus anti-hijacking, terrorist camp elimination etc.

"It is the first time the Chinese and Bangladesh militaries will conduct joint training which will enhance mutual understanding and friendship and deepen practical exchanges and cooperation," Wu said.

China, which has invested over USD 25 billion in various projects in Bangladesh, next highest after Pakistan in the South Asian region, has also steadily enhanced defence ties with Dhaka supplying a host of military equipment including battle tanks, naval frigates, missile boats besides fighter jets, much to the chagrin of India.

China has also previously provided two submarines to the Bangladesh navy.

Last year Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina opened a USD 1.21 billion submarine base built by China at Cox's Bazar, which will provide safe jetty facilities to submarines and warships, according to a report carried by the Dhaka Tribune.

The base can accommodate six submarines and eight warships at a time. It will allow for safe and swift movement of the submarines in case of emergency, as the base is located off the Bay of Bengal coast, the report said.​

India to keep 'close watch' on first China-Bangladesh military exercise
The Chinese People's Liberation Army will dispatch a contingent to Bangladesh in early May to participate in the joint training, Xinhua reports

Senior Correspondentbdnews24.com
Published : 26 April 2024, 01:13 AM
Updated : 26 April 2024, 01:13 AM


As Bangladesh and China are set to hold their first joint military exercise, India says it will keep a 'close watch' on the training as it does in case of other developments in the region.

Citing the Chinese Ministry of National Defence, Xinhua news agency on Thursday said the Chinese People's Liberation Army will dispatch a contingent to Bangladesh in early May to participate in the joint training.

This joint training, based on United Nations peacekeeping anti-terrorism operations, will involve both sides utilising an integrated training approach, according to the report.

They will jointly organise exercises such as the rescue of hostages on buses and the clean-up of terrorist camps, Xinhua said.

This marks the first joint training ever between the Chinese and Bangladeshi armies, the Chinese defence ministry said, noting that such activity is conducive to "enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the two militaries and deepening practical exchanges and cooperation".

Randhir Jaiswal, the spokesperson for the Indian external affairs ministry, faced questions on the report in his regular press briefing on Thursday.

He said: "Regarding your questions about joint military exercise, as you heard me speak about it several times from this podium: We keep a close watch on all developments that happen in our neighbourhood and beyond, which impact our interests, economic and security interests and we take appropriate measures accordingly."​

China-Bangladesh to hold joint military exercise in May

BEIJING, April 25 (APP): The first China-Bangladesh golden friendship 2024 joint military exercise will be held in the first half of May, Chinese Defence Ministry Spokesperson, Col. Wu Qian announced here on Thursday. According to the consensus between the two militaries, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) will send a team to Bangladesh in the first half of May to hold a joint military exercise codenamed China Bangladesh golden friendship 2024 joint army exercise, he made this announcement during his monthly briefing.

He said the joint exercise takes the UN peacekeeping force counter-terrorism operations as the scenario. The two militaries will conduct joint training in mixed groups on subjects including anti-hijacking and terrorist camp elimination, he added. Col Wu Qian informed that it is the first time the Chinese and Bangladesh militaries will conduct joint training to enhance mutual understanding and friendship and deepen practical exchanges and cooperation.​
I think we should send Mr. Jaiswal a pair of high power binoculars so he can "keep an eye on Bangladesh army" having a military exercise with the PLA.
These Indian a.holes need to learn respecting other nation's sovereignty and stop interfering in their domestic affairs. Bangladesh is a sovereign nation and has the right to choose friends of her own free will. China is our strategic partner and also the biggest weapons supplier. So, military exercise between the two nations is only normal which is not aimed at India.

New projects, Chinese RMB transaction top agenda
FM may go on advance trip next month
Published :
Apr 27, 2024 00:08
Updated :
Apr 27, 2024 00:08


Funding several fresh projects, especially for southern belt's uplift, comprehensive development cooperation and financing in the Chinese currency may feature bilateral talks during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's upcoming China tour.

The high-profile visit, likely in July, is being seen crucial amid economic volatility both at home and abroad and resultant search of alternatives on financial and economic front.

"The forthcoming Hasina-Xi meeting will serve as a crucial platform for announcing transformative initiatives and embarking on new significant projects," says a highly placed official of the finance ministry.

Before the top-level tour, Bangladesh Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali may go to Beijing next month to hold discussions with his Chinese counterpart exploring new opportunities for economic cooperation.

According to competent sources, Mr. Mahmood recently sent a letter requesting his Chinese counterpart to arrange a meeting of the joint economic commission (JEC) which a Bangladesh delegation under his leadership will attend to ensure utmost effectiveness of the head-of-government tour.

Expressing his gratitude to the Chinese government for inviting the PM to visit Beijing, the finance minister said, "Given our firm confidence in the commitment and trustworthiness of China as a key partner, we anticipate enhanced engagement of China with our new Government across various sectors, including economic, trade and business, social and cultural exchanges, as well as support for human-resource development for mutual benefit."

Bangladesh also "emphasises fervent interest in both consolidating and expanding our development cooperation with China, with the aim of elevating our relationship to an unprecedented strategic level".

The finance minister holds the hope that such a summit meeting will provide valuable opportunities to explore and identify novel areas and avenues for cooperation, culminating in the formal signing of historic agreements between the two "great leaders, thereby further strengthening the bilateral relationship between these two friendly countries".

Also proposed the initiation of comprehensive dialogue between the Economic Relations Division (ERD) of the Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh, the Ministry of Commerce of China, China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) and China Exim Bank at an operational level prior to the JEC meet.

"Such dialogue will not only facilitate in-depth discussions to explore new areas for cooperation, suitable initiatives, and projects but will also foster greater understanding and collaboration on critical matters, including the extension of loan-repayment period, reduction in fund costs, thereby ensuring the effective implementation of our development initiatives," the tone-setting letter reads.

Additionally, the minister says, the dialogue will encompass the potential utilisation of the Renminbi (RMB) as a financing currency for the upcoming projects under Preferential Buyer's Credit (PBC) loans.

It is learnt that projects related to developing infrastructure in the southern part of Bangladesh will get priority.

Projects related to construction of several big bridges, upgrading highways and ports in the southern regions are going to hit the proposed list for China funding, officials involved with setting the stage said.

Drafts of MoUs are also under discussion for signing during the tour.

One proposed memorandum of understanding or MoU is related to the promotion of exchange and cooperation in the field of economic- development policy and the other propounds common aspiration of the two countries to promote green and low-carbon development.

The MoU on economic-development policy has focus on 'policy exchange and experience sharing in macro-economy, industrial development, planning and sustainable development and so in conjunction with their respective functions, "so as to serve practical cooperation between the parties'.

"Based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties will carry out green and low-carbon development cooperation according to different national circumstances, with the goal of promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development and promote sustainable development," the draft states.

The other MoU, on green development, says, "The Parties reaffirm that the Paris Agreement will be implemented to reflect equality and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities."

The parties here promise to take ambitious climate actions based on their respective national circumstances. The parties are willing to carry out policies dialogue and enhance cooperation.

In the to-be deals the two sides encourage enterprises, social organizations and research institutions of both countries to communicate and cooperate in areas of green industries, green and low-carbon technologies.​

India to keep 'close watch' on first China-Bangladesh military exercise
The Chinese People's Liberation Army will dispatch a contingent to Bangladesh in early May to participate in the joint training, Xinhua reports

Senior Correspondentbdnews24.com
Published : 26 April 2024, 01:13 AM
Updated : 26 April 2024, 01:13 AM

View attachment 5402

As Bangladesh and China are set to hold their first joint military exercise, India says it will keep a 'close watch' on the training as it does in case of other developments in the region.

Citing the Chinese Ministry of National Defence, Xinhua news agency on Thursday said the Chinese People's Liberation Army will dispatch a contingent to Bangladesh in early May to participate in the joint training.

This joint training, based on United Nations peacekeeping anti-terrorism operations, will involve both sides utilising an integrated training approach, according to the report.

They will jointly organise exercises such as the rescue of hostages on buses and the clean-up of terrorist camps, Xinhua said.

This marks the first joint training ever between the Chinese and Bangladeshi armies, the Chinese defence ministry said, noting that such activity is conducive to "enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the two militaries and deepening practical exchanges and cooperation".

Randhir Jaiswal, the spokesperson for the Indian external affairs ministry, faced questions on the report in his regular press briefing on Thursday.

He said: "Regarding your questions about joint military exercise, as you heard me speak about it several times from this podium: We keep a close watch on all developments that happen in our neighbourhood and beyond, which impact our interests, economic and security interests and we take appropriate measures accordingly."​

Funny enough - when Indian Army holds joint exercises with Bangladesh Army, PLA does not pass comments - that they would "closely watch" anything.

In my opinion - this is the difference between the two countries.
These Indian a.holes need to learn respecting other nation's sovereignty and stop interfering in their domestic affairs. Bangladesh is a sovereign nation and has the right to choose friends of her own free will. China is our strategic partner and also the biggest weapons supplier. So, military exercise between the two nations is only normal which is not aimed at India.

Well let's not devolve into name calling though I get your frustration. :)

Their govt. and MOFA are what they are - we know what they have continued to profess and practice and maybe will also do so in the future.

We need better leverage and stronger leaders. Waqt ayega.

I'd say that there is a large swath of the Indian population though, who do not agree with their govt's Dadagiri practices in the neighborhood.

The price paid for this will be dear for them.

Chinese investors express interests to shift investment to Bangladesh
4 May 2024, 12:00 am


Staff Reporter :

Many Chinese investors are considering Bangladesh as an ideal destination for investment in the current global geopolitical and economic situation. They are, therefore, interested in shifting investments to Bangladesh including placing new investments.

The Chinese investors expressed this interest in a side table discussion at the end of a seminar titled "Investment Opportunities in the Export Processing Zones and BEPZA Economic Zone of Bangladesh" organised by Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China.

BEPZA in association with the Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road Industry and Commerce Association organised the seminar on 30 April 2024. About 100 participants attended the seminar of various Chinese investment organizations/industrial groups who have their interest in investing in Bangladesh.

BEPZA Executive Chairman Major General Abul Kalam Md Ziaur Rahman, BSP, ndc, psc attended the seminar as the chief guest. Presenting an overall picture of the current favourable investment climate prevailing in Bangladesh, especially Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) he said that Bangladesh has experienced tremendous growth over the last decade. The strategic geographical location, demographic dividend, large & expanding domestic market, stable socio-political environment, etc. are the key contributors to the rapid economic development, he added.

Major General Zia said that the main attraction of investment in Bangladesh is the most inexpensive, productive, abundant and easily trainable workforce. He said that Bangladesh has been consistently liberalizing its foreign investment policies over the time. The Government has formulated "One Stop Service Act" for the Investment Promotion Agencies of Bangladesh to provide faster and better services, he added.

Mentioning the expansion plan of BEPZA the executive chairman said, along with the eight operational EPZs, BEPZA is establishing an Economic Zone in Mirsharai, Chattogram which has already attracted 28 industries in its development stage, and a few of them started production. Moreover, establishment of three new EPZs are also under process which will be ready for the investors by the end of 2025. He urged Chinese investors to invest in these zones under BEPZA.

In the welcome speech, Lino, one of the senior members of the host association thanked BEPZA delegation and expressed his positive impression about Bangladesh.

Changsong Chen, the Vice Chairman of Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road Industry and Commerce Association, in his speech as the Special Guest, highlighted the long-standing friendly relations between Bangladesh and China and invited Chinese investors to invest in Bangladesh.

In the evening, the BEPZA delegation attended a dinner hosted by the city mayor. Some investors interested in investing in Bangladesh also attended the dinner where bilateral investment issues were discussed. During the dinner, discussions were also held regarding organizing training programs between China's Fujian Province and Bangladesh for the workers-employees.​

Beyond Dollar: Bangladesh to seek over 36b yuan in Chinese loans


Bangladesh is going to seek more than 36 billion yuan, equivalent to $5 billion, as soft loans from China to reduce pressure on its dollar reserves.

According to highly placed sources in the government, the country will use the money to help businesses import raw materials and also for budget support.

Bangladesh exported goods worth $677 million to China and imported goods worth $22.90 billion in fiscal 2022-23, according to data from the commerce ministry. China is Bangladesh's single largest trading partner.

Sources in the finance and commerce ministries said the Prime Minister's Office has already given the go-ahead and officials are now discussing the interest rate and repayment periods. They are also discussing how and where the money would be spent.

They said that officials of the Finance Division, commerce ministry, Economic Relations Division, and the National Board of Revenue at a recent meeting gave opinions that the loan should be long-term and the interest rate should not be above 1 percent.

According to the sources, the main purpose of the loan is to reduce pressure on the depleting reserves, which stood at $19.95 billion as of April 30.

In September 2022, Bangladesh Bank allowed settlement of international trade in Chinese yuan to cut excessive dependence on the dollar

The government wants to support the businesspeople in importing raw materials as the Bangladesh Bank's decision to slash the volume of the Export Development Fund (EDF) has put them in a tight spot.

The central bank brought down the EDF volume to around $2 billion from about $7 billion in mid-2022 when reserves came under pressure following a surge in imports.

BB also raised the interest rate on EDF loans to 4.5 percent from 4 percent in April last year.

According to a BB circular on April 9, 2023, an exporter can take loans of $10 million but a member of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association can get as much as $20 million.

According to the rules for the EDF loan, the borrower has to repay within 180 days but in some cases 210 days is allowed.

The sources said Bangladesh, during the loan negotiations, will ask for flexible terms so that the money can be used for trade with other countries alongside China.

The interest rate and the repayment term would be finalised at that time, according to a top official at the commerce ministry.

State Minister for Commerce Ahasanul Islam Titu brought up the loan issue during bilateral talks with his Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of the 13th Ministerial Conference of World Trade Organisation in Abu Dhabi between February 26 and March 2.

After the conference, the state minister wrote to the Chinese minister thanking him and mentioned their discussion on the loan. In response, the Chinese minister said his government in principle agreed to it and asked Ahasanul to proceed.

The commerce ministry then asked the Finance Division and the Economic Relations Division to get the PMO's nod.​

Bangladesh interested in China's offer of loans in yuan
Jahangir ShahDhaka
Published: 13 May 2024, 09: 58


Prothom Alo infographic

China has expressed its interest in extending a large amount of loans in its own currency, the yuan, and Bangladesh is exploring ways to accept and make its best use amid ongoing financial woes.

The authorities in Bangladesh have already initiated discussions to formulate a set of specific proposals to China in this regard. The US dollar is now the medium of exchange for bilateral trades with China, and Bangladesh is now mulling settlement of the import liabilities using loans obtained in yuan.

China is now the largest source of imports for Bangladesh. The authorities believe that the loan may play a crucial role in addressing the dwindling forex reserves in Bangladesh.

It was learnt that China aims to offer more than CNY 36 billion – equivalent to $5 billion – in the form of a 'trade facility'. As this type of loans come under stringent conditions, the authorities are likely to seek a long-term loan under comparatively flexible terms, according to the commerce ministry and the economic relations division (ERD) sources.

The development came at a time when China aims to promote its currency in international trade and transactions and bolster its position against the US dollar. The country is already conducting international transactions in Yuan with a number of nations, including Russia.

China currently stands as one of the crucial trade partners for Bangladesh, with the bilateral trades, mostly imports, amounting more than $20 billion. Bangladesh spends a whopping sum of dollars to settle the import liabilities, and the officials' concerned are considering the Chinese loan as a respite.

Tapan Kanti Ghosh, secretary to the commerce ministry, said they are considering receiving the loan to settle the import liabilities with China, in an effort to release the pressure on dollars and strengthen the forex reserves.

However, the central bank would determine ways for its utilization, he said, adding his ministry would form a committee to discuss the overall aspects of the loan.

Discussion on loan proposal

The loan discussions began in February this year when the Chinese ambassador in Dhaka, Yao Wen, sought a proposal for a loan equivalent to to $5 billion during a meeting between the commerce ministers of both countries, on the sideline of a ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the United Arab Emirates.

Bangladesh began extensive discussions over the loan following China's interests. The ERD held an inter-ministerial meeting last month as the commerce ministry requested it to dig into the pros and cons of the loans.

The commerce ministry, at the meeting, asserted that the loans could be used to address the trade deficit with China, while the finance ministry advised to keep the interest rate within 1 per cent and ensure a long repayment period. The revenue board (NBR), meanwhile, clarified that they would not waive the taxes on loan interests.

However, all the participants agreed that a loan in the form of a trade facility may transform into commercial loans, with a high interest rate and short repayment period. Considering the current situation, the government may go for a long-term loan in the form of the budget assistance, with a flexible interest rate.

It was learnt that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to visit China in July and that the loan negotiations might be finalised beforehand.

Trade deficit over $19 billion

Bangladesh's import from China has been gradually increasing but not the export in comparison with the amount. As a result, the trade deficit is increasing continuously. In fact, the deficit has tripled in the last decade.

A Bangladesh Bank source said the products of $6.32 billion were imported from China in 2012-13 fiscal year against the export of a mere $460 million. The deficit was $5.85 billion.

But Bangladesh imported goods of $19.81 from China and imported commodities worth $680 million. This means the trade deficit was over $19 billion.

China 4th highest lender to Bangladesh

The loan China has been disbursing to Bangladesh is also gradually escalating. Actually, China stands at the 4th position among the 32 countries and organisations that lend money to the country.

The World Bank, Japan and Asian Development Bank (ADB) are currently leading in the list.

Currently, China provides nearly 10 per cent of the total loan Bangladesh receives annually. The amount is over $1 billion for the last two years. Of the total loan China provided to Bangladesh so far, $3 billion (about 40 per cent) has been granted in the last four years, with an interest rate almost the same as the other countries and global lenders.

The problem, however, is that the time to repay the loan is much less, which is just 10-15 years excluding the grace period. This means, the amount of instalment is higher.

Calculations showed that if the country takes a loan of $1 billion from China, it will have to pay on average $100 million of the principal annually for the next 10 years, excluding the grace period, against $33.3 million annually, to say, the World Bank.

Speaking about this Zahid Hussain, former lead economist at Dhaka office of the World Bank, told Prothom Alo, "China is trying to enhance the use of its currency, yuan, in global trade. The country is interested in strengthening its position by boosting the reliability of its currency. As part of this effort, China is interested in lending this huge amount of money to Bangladesh in yuan."

Zahid Hussain further said pressure on dollars would lift to some extent if the import cost is paid in Yuan but the effectiveness of the loan depends on the conditions.

He said it had to be considered whether the loaned money would be used to pay import cost or in repaying the loan of any other country.

Zahid Hussain also pointed out that the rate of interest and repayment time also have to be considered. The loan can be taken if everything is in favour of the borrower, he stressed.

* The report, originally published in the print and online editions of Prothom Alo, has been rewritten in English by Misbahul Haque and Shameem Reza​

We are one China and Taiwan is part of it: Ambassador Yao
Published :
May 15, 2024 20:52
Updated :
May 15, 2024 20:52


Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen has expressed his firm conviction that Bangladeshi friends, together with the international community, will continue upholding the one-China principle.

He also hoped they will continue to extend understandings and supports for the Chinese people's just cause of opposing "Taiwan independence" and striving for national reunification.

"We are one China, and Taiwan is part of China. This is an indisputable fact supported by history and the law. Taiwan has never been a state; its status as part of China is unalterable," said the envoy.

Ambassador Yao was speaking at a symposium on "Reviewing the Original Aspiration of Establishing Diplomatic Relations, Moving Forward Together" at the Embassy on Wednesday evening.

Former diplomats Shabbir Ahmad Chowdhury, Mahbub Uz Zaman and Munshi Faiz Ahmed, among others, spoke.

The envoy said China cares about and cherishes the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait more than any others do. However, "Taiwan independence" and cross-Strait peace and stability are as irreconcilable as fire and water.

"There is no space for the Chinese government to compromise with those "Taiwan independence" separatists who have betrayed their ancestors by denying their identity as Chinese," he said.

Instead, he said, the Mainland will adhere to the 1992 Consensus that embodies the one-China principle, work with relevant political parties, groups and people from various sectors in Taiwan to boost cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, enhance cross-Strait integrated development, jointly promote Chinese culture, and advance the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations for the cause of national reunification.

Economist Dr Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir highlighted the importance of greater connectivity, noting that China is growing too fast.

He wanted to see China opens up cultural centre across the country to enhance people to people relations just going beyond cooperation in infrastructure, education and health.

Shahab Enam Khan of Jahangirnagar University's Department of International Relations explained why Bangladesh pursues One China policy.

He highlighted the growing collaboration and cooperation with mutual respect.

He also talked about Rohingya crisis and highlighted the importance of stability in the region.

Shahab also touched up Indo-Pacific issues.

On January 2024, the leadership and legislature elections of China's Taiwan region were held.

"It is obvious that the results of the elections cannot change the landscape and development trend of cross-Strait relations, nor can it alter the shared aspiration of Chinese compatriots across the Taiwan Strait to forge closer ties. The inevitable trend of China's reunification will not be impeded," said the Ambassador.

He said it must be pointed out that out of the strategic consideration of "using Taiwan to contain China", the United States has played the "Taiwan card" in the multilateral fields, issued a series of reports distorting United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758, attacking the one-China principle, advocating "Taiwan's status is undetermined", and openly supporting Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly.

"They are clouding the one-China principle in uncertainty and compromising its integrity. They are contriving "official" exchanges with Taiwan, increasing arms sales, and colluding in military provocation," Ambassador Yao said.

To help Taiwan expand its "international space", he said, they are inducing other countries to interfere in Taiwan affairs, and concocting Taiwan-related bills that infringe upon the sovereignty of China.

"They are creating confusion about what is black and white, right and wrong. This is a hegemonic act that blatantly interferes in China's internal affairs,a flagrant defiance of relevant UN resolutions, an unpopular and perverse act, and a serious disruption to regional peace and stability. China firmly rejects this," said the envoy.

He said Taiwan belongs to all the Chinese people, including the 23 million Taiwan compatriots.

"The Chinese people are firm in their resolve and have a deep commitment to safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, and this resolve and commitment will frustrate any attempt to divide the country," he said.

Attempts to reject reunification and split the country are doomed, because they will founder against the history and culture of the Chinese nation as well as the resolve and commitment of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, he mentioned.​

Bangladesh wants to start negotiations with China for FTA: Titu
State Minister for Commerce Ahasanul Islam Titu sits with businesses of the two nations


Photo: Facebook/Ahasanul Islam Titu

The government wants to start formal negotiation for the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) with China as the joint feasibility study is complete for the trade deal, State Minister for Commerce Ahasanul Islam Titu said today.

The signing of FTA with China, the largest trading partner of Bangladesh, will be a model for other countries with which Bangladesh also wants to sign such deals, he said.

The state minister made the comments while addressing a group of businessmen of both Bangladesh and China at a seminar on China-Bangladesh FTA organised by the Chinese embassy in Dhaka at its office.

Bangladesh would be highly benefited if the proposed FTA can be complemented by investment, said MA Razzaque, chairman of the Research and Policy Integration for Development (RAPID).

Bangladesh imports more than $21 billion worth of goods from China in a year and of the amount 40 percent comes under bonded warehouse facility means duty free.

Still the import duty for Chinese goods is more than 28 percent of the total revenue Bangladesh generates from import tariff, Razzaque said.

Yao Wen, the Chinese ambassador in Bangladesh, said Bangladesh's trade gap with China is not a big deal as Bangladesh has a big trade surplus even with the USA and the EU.

The Chinese investment will increase job opportunity in Bangladesh, he said.

Al Mamun Mridha, secretary general of Bangladesh China Chamber of Commerce and Industry, urged the government for holding a Bangladesh investment summit in China during the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to China.
Well looks like another chessboard move is in the works for Hasina for strengthening relations with China. Please let me know if this post needs to be moved to a better location.

PM Hasina's forthcoming China visit will be a game-changer in Dhaka-Beijing ties: Ambassador Yao

Sheikh Hasina is likely to pay an official visit to China before 15 July
A file photo of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Photo: Xinhua

A file photo of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Photo: Xinhua

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's forthcoming visit to China will be "another historical" one opening up a new chapter in Bangladesh-China relations, Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen said today (2 June).
"It will be another historical one. It will be a game-changer. It will open a new chapter," he told reporters while responding to a question at a seminar on tonight.
"Let's wait and see," the envoy said when a reporter sought to know about a date of PM's Hasina's proposed visit next month.
Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen is already in Beijing to have bilateral discussions with his Chinese counterpart on Monday.

"He will have a meeting with Chinese Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Sun Weidong, which is scheduled to take place on June 3," a senior official told UNB.

Issues of mutual interest, including Hasina's proposed visit, are likely to be discussed.

The two sides will discuss finding a convenient date for the PM's visit to China on Monday.

In May 2023, the Chinese vice minister was in Bangladesh on a two-day official visit to discuss issues of mutual interest.

Recently, Ambassador of China to Bangladesh Yao Wen said Bangladesh and China should deepen their strategic partnership for cooperation and explore new growth points.

"China is willing to work with Bangladesh to continue exploring cooperation opportunities under the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative," he said.

In particular, the ambassador said, they were willing to promote the upgrading of industries and digitalization process in Bangladesh.

The ambassador spoke at the seminar titled "China-Bangladesh Free Trade Agreement: A Mutually Beneficial and Win-Win Choice" held at the Embassy of China.

State Minister for Commerce Ahasanul Islam Titu spoke at the seminar as the chief guest, highlighting various aspects of the bilateral relations.
PM Hasina's forthcoming China visit will be a game-changer in Dhaka-Beijing ties: Ambassador Yao
FTA with China would bring about massive Chinese investment and technology to Bangladesh for sure. On the other hand, China would experience more exports to Bangladesh. So, it would be a win-win situation.

China is Bangladesh's most reliable partner to modernisation: Chinese envoy
Published :
Jun 04, 2024 20:10
Updated :
Jun 04, 2024 20:10


Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen has termed his country as a reliable partner and trusted friend of Bangladesh in its ongoing journey of modernisation.

"China is Bangladesh's most reliable partner and trusted friend on its path to modernization," he said while speaking at a seminar in the capital on Monday evening, a Chinese embassy's press release said.

The Chinese Enterprises Association in Bangladesh (CEAB) and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) jointly organized the seminar titled "Fostering Innovation Through Collaborative Research for Smart Bangladesh".

The envoy said Chinese enterprises have been involved in numerous major and complex infrastructure projects in Bangladesh, introducing many advanced and energy-saving technologies.

The Chinese ambassador encouraged CEAB and BUET to further enhance industry-research cooperation and launch more advanced energy-saving technologies, so as to benefit the people of Bangladesh.

Chinese Minister Liu Jianchao in Dhaka


Liu Jianchao. Photo: UNB

Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Liu Jianchao is now visiting Bangladesh to discuss issues of mutual interest between Bangladesh and China.

He arrived in Dhaka yesterday (Saturday) on a four-day official visit, a senior official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told UNB.

The chinese minister will meet President Mohammed Shahabuddin, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud, said the official.

His meeting with the president will be held on Tuesday while meetings with the prime minister and the foreign minister are scheduled to be held separately on Monday.

The trip is seen as part of regular exchanges of high-level visits, but the forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to China is likely to be discussed, MoFA sources said.

PM Hasina's visit to China in the second week of July was underscored during a meeting with Chinese Ambassador Yao Wen, who reiterated China's commitment to boosting investment in Bangladesh and enhancing bilateral relations.

Ambassador Yao emphasised the significance of the visit in promoting trade, investment, and cultural exchange, aligning with Bangladesh's aspirations for "Vision 2041" and the realisation of a "Smart Bangladesh."

"It will be another historical one. It will be a game-changer. It will open a new chapter," Ambassador Yao told reporters while responding to a question at a seminar recently about Hasina's forthcoming trip.

The ambassador made the remarks when a reporter sought to know about a date of PM Hasina's proposed visit next month.

"Let's wait and see," the envoy said.

Recently, Yao said Bangladesh and China should deepen their strategic partnership for cooperation and explore new growth points.

"China is willing to work with Bangladesh to continue exploring cooperation opportunities under the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilisation Initiative," he said.

In particular, the ambassador said they were willing to promote the upgrading of industries and the digitalisation process in Bangladesh.

January last week, Chinese Communist Party's Vice Minister of the International Division Sun Haiyan visited Bangladesh and met Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and other leaders.​

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