Military Why It’s No Longer Possible for Any Country to Win a War

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Military Why It’s No Longer Possible for Any Country to Win a War
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G Military Watch Forum

Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024


Axis Group

One reason is the change in the nature of the economy. In the past, if you defeated your enemy on the battlefield, you could easily cash in by looting enemy cities, selling enemy civilians in the slave markets and occupying valuable wheat fields and gold mines. Yet in the twenty-first century, only puny profits could be made that way. Today, the main economic assets consist of technical and institutional knowledge — and you cannot conquer knowledge through war. An organization such as ISIS may flourish by looting cities and oil wells in the Middle East — in 2014, ISIS seized more than $500 million from Iraqi banks and in 2015 made an additional $500 million from selling oil. But China and the U.S. are unlikely to start a war for a paltry billion. As for spending trillions of dollars on a war against the U.S., how could China repay these expenses and balance all the war damages and lost trade opportunities? Would the victorious People’s Liberation Army loot the riches of Silicon Valley? True, corporations such as Apple, Facebook and Google are worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but you cannot seize these fortunes by force. There are no silicon mines in Silicon Valley.

A successful war could theoretically still bring huge profits by enabling the victor to rearrange the global trade system in its favor, as the U.S. did after its victory over Hitler. However, present-day military technology would make it extremely difficult to repeat this feat. By definition, profits large enough to make a global war worthwhile for the victor will also make it worthwhile for the loser to resort to weapons of mass destruction. The atom bomb has turned “victory” in a World War into collective suicide. It is no coincidence that since Hiroshima superpowers never fought one another directly, and engaged only in what (for them) were low-stake conflicts in which none was tempted to use nuclear weapons to avert defeat. Indeed, even attacking a second-rate nuclear power such as Iran or North Korea is an extremely unattractive proposition.
Read more Why Russia, U.S. and Israel Probably Won't Start a World War | TIME
These third rate UK Tommy pommy are in an even worse situation than North Korea militarily. They’ve tested their tridents twice and both times they’ve failed! One went off course by thousands of miles back in 2016 and this one launched and then plopped right back in the water after few seconds…😝….i bet money that almost every other military power is in a better shape than these worthless Tommy pommy busted ass country. Today I bet Irani turani will beat their navy in two minutes flat if they pick a fight in the Persian gulf.
Russians have destroyed Ukraine into a smoldering pile of rubble using only conscripted felons, convicts, PMC’s and forced draftees from central Asian republics and Chechnya. General Gerisimov or whatever his name is has boasted that we beat all what the west could throw at us with largely our 170k irregular forces and used up mostly all our expiring weaponry and munitions stocks from the Cold War era….😝… wasn’t even like fighting a real war, but more like a policing action. Fighting big countries like Russia or China or the US is not a good idea. They have immense resources.
One reason is the change in the nature of the economy. In the past, if you defeated your enemy on the battlefield, you could easily cash in by looting enemy cities, selling enemy civilians in the slave markets and occupying valuable wheat fields and gold mines. Yet in the twenty-first century, only puny profits could be made that way. Today, the main economic assets consist of technical and institutional knowledge — and you cannot conquer knowledge through war. An organization such as ISIS may flourish by looting cities and oil wells in the Middle East — in 2014, ISIS seized more than $500 million from Iraqi banks and in 2015 made an additional $500 million from selling oil. But China and the U.S. are unlikely to start a war for a paltry billion. As for spending trillions of dollars on a war against the U.S., how could China repay these expenses and balance all the war damages and lost trade opportunities? Would the victorious People’s Liberation Army loot the riches of Silicon Valley? True, corporations such as Apple, Facebook and Google are worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but you cannot seize these fortunes by force. There are no silicon mines in Silicon Valley.

A successful war could theoretically still bring huge profits by enabling the victor to rearrange the global trade system in its favor, as the U.S. did after its victory over Hitler. However, present-day military technology would make it extremely difficult to repeat this feat. By definition, profits large enough to make a global war worthwhile for the victor will also make it worthwhile for the loser to resort to weapons of mass destruction. The atom bomb has turned “victory” in a World War into collective suicide. It is no coincidence that since Hiroshima superpowers never fought one another directly, and engaged only in what (for them) were low-stake conflicts in which none was tempted to use nuclear weapons to avert defeat. Indeed, even attacking a second-rate nuclear power such as Iran or North Korea is an extremely unattractive proposition.
Read more Why Russia, U.S. and Israel Probably Won't Start a World War | TIME
What's your take?

@Sharma Ji @Vsdoc @Paitoo @Guru Dutt @Lulldapull @Krishna with Flute
WAR is Just another way or last resort of Impsing your athurity over the other race/nation or society when they dont want to submit to you

till late 19th centuary it wan tribes or city states or new formed nations enforcing there athurity over other by means of physical wars but in begging of 19th & till 20th centuary citizens power and economic conrol and control over means of wealth genration became new weapons of so called WAR

today that has mooved into cyber & outer space by controling mass media and overall mind control which then controls economies and then nations future

so its for the nations in power today to decide how they want the future to be cause you cannot rule the world of promise of 2000- 1500 year old prophecies
WAR is Just another way or last resort of Impsing your athurity over the other race/nation or society when they dont want to submit to you

till late 19th centuary it wan tribes or city states or new formed nations enforcing there athurity over other by means of physical wars but in begging of 19th & till 20th centuary citizens power and economic conrol and control over means of wealth genration became new weapons of so called WAR

today that has mooved into cyber & outer space by controling mass media and overall mind control which then controls economies and then nations future

so its for the nations in power today to decide how they want the future to be cause you cannot rule the world of promise of 2000- 1500 year old prophecies

What is your take on why India has not invaded parts of Bangladesh so far?

Not saying it still might though....
WAR is Just another way or last resort of Impsing your athurity over the other race/nation or society when they dont want to submit to you

till late 19th centuary it wan tribes or city states or new formed nations enforcing there athurity over other by means of physical wars but in begging of 19th & till 20th centuary citizens power and economic conrol and control over means of wealth genration became new weapons of so called WAR

today that has mooved into cyber & outer space by controling mass media and overall mind control which then controls economies and then nations future

so its for the nations in power today to decide how they want the future to be cause you cannot rule the world of promise of 2000- 1500 year old prophecies
Its also a cultural issue, waging wars and developing weaponry and having a strategy for an empire. Not all countries are in that mindset.

China and India are not imperial nations, and they don't want to project their power beyond their borders.

On the record I've mentioned the obsolescence of the F-35 repeatedly and the evident untested weaponry of middle powers like India and China.

Many cabby/ low income migrants on the other forum hated my comments.

I been vindicated on one from the horse's mouth himself, the god of all coludzz.....Eeelond Musk viz a viz de

Now watch my other prediction come true as well. Sooner or later, it
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Its also a cultural issue, waging wars and developing weaponry and having a strategy for an empire. Not all countries are in that mindset.

China and India are not imperial nations, and they don't want to project their power beyond their borders.

On the record I've mentioned the obsolescence of the F-35 repeatedly and the evident untested weaponry of middle powers like India and China.

Many cabby/ low income migrants on the other forum hated my comments.

I been vindicated on one from the horse's mouth himself, the god of all coludzz.....Eeelond Musk viz a viz de

Now watch my other prediction come true as well. Sooner or later, it
i guess you have not read chinese History then starting from Ming to Tan to Han Dynesties to what the communists did after there so called GREAT MARCH and GREAT CULTURAL REVOLUTION to TIBET , INNER & OUTER MONGOLIA & MUNCHURIA that were never part of ancient China or ,

as For India it was always called JAMBU DVEEP/BHARAT KHAND-ARYAVART means Bharat part of greater JAMBU DVEEP = Jambudweep The word Jambudvipa literally refers to "the land of Jambu trees" where jambu (Syzygium cumini) grows. The term is based on the concept of dvipa, meaning "island" or "continent". ....... we never ever went out to conquer lands outside Bharat Khand in owr last 1300-1350 years but before that there were many empires that streeached from Current India till Caspian sea


Apart from them there were many empires from India like Chola empire & Pandya of south that ruled for almost 2500 years
What is your take on why India has not invaded parts of Bangladesh so far?

Not saying it still might though....
Cause we never wanted to take back the filth that had itself detatched itself from us in 1947

it (partition) was a blessing in disguise for Indians as almost 75% of extreme islamic idiologs went either to Bnagladesh or pakistan then whats the incentive of getting them back into India and hamper all your growth prospects ???

just look how idiotic and ultra emotional bangladeshies have derailed there entire democracy and economy for sake of some US deep state inspired agitation like the one they orcastrated in Ukraine when they over threw there legitimate president and oppinted a puppet of US DEEP State a comedian who not just antagonised and did a genocide of Russians in cremia but also despite severl Russian warning took Ukraine to Join NATO and same thing hapenned in Bangladesh where they started a soft islamick revolution and then morphed it into a mass youth protest against reservation issue and then started genocide of Hindu Bangladeshies and now look at whats happening in Bangladesh ...... there is lot lot worse thats going to hapen in Bangladesh but all india is going to do is give you is few grains and medicine t survive but no bussiness as before thats done with and niether we will invade you like you dream of

as they say

i guess you have not read chinese History then starting from Ming to Tan to Han Dynesties to what the communists did after there so called GREAT MARCH and GREAT CULTURAL REVOLUTION to TIBET , INNER & OUTER MONGOLIA & MUNCHURIA that were never part of ancient China or ,

as For India it was always called JAMBU DVEEP/BHARAT KHAND-ARYAVART means Bharat part of greater JAMBU DVEEP = Jambudweep The word Jambudvipa literally refers to "the land of Jambu trees" where jambu (Syzygium cumini) grows. The term is based on the concept of dvipa, meaning "island" or "continent". ....... we never ever went out to conquer lands outside Bharat Khand in owr last 1300-1350 years but before that there were many empires that streeached from Current India till Caspian sea
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Apart from them there were many empires from India like Chola empire & Pandya of south that ruled for almost 2500 years

Can you provide some credible non Wiki non Hindutva sources for these fairy tales Guru?
Can you provide some credible non Wiki non Hindutva sources for these fairy tales Guru?
well Doc History is always written by the Victor and for the Victor against the looser

funny part is India is the only nation on earth that finds the history written or interpretted by the chritian elgavalists and British as authentic and still belive in Aryan Invassion theory which they themselfs had rejected almost 90 years ago

but sure you can feel free to think whatever you want to ... cheers doc
well Doc History is always written by the Victor and for the Victor against the looser

funny part is India is the only nation on earth that finds the history written or interpretted by the chritian elgavalists and British as authentic and still belive in Aryan Invassion theory which they themselfs had rejected almost 90 years ago

but sure you can feel free to think whatever you want to ... cheers doc

So no non Wiki non Hindutva revisionist sources?


Happy New Year bhai. ❤️

Aryan Invasion Theory rejected by any non Hindutva revisionist sources Guru? 😇🤣

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