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🗺️ How US Facilitated Creation of Terror Groups Like ISIS (1 Viewer)

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🗺️ How US Facilitated Creation of Terror Groups Like ISIS (1 Viewer)

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Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024


In their efforts to draw suspicion away from Ukraine by pinning the blame on the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack on ISIS*, US political strategists who came up with this ploy effectively backed themselves into a corner, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
Just like the US meddling in Afghanistan in the 1980s paved the way for the rise of al-Qaeda*, the 2003 US invasion and subsequent de facto occupation of Iraq resulted in the creation of ISIS, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova elaborated in her recent op-ed.
Her assessment was shared by Hasan Abdullah, a political scientist at Global Security & Strategy Institute and expert on Islamic militancy, who noted that the US actions in Afghanistan during the Soviet military intervention produced a “conducive environment which was created for the emergence of many groups” that would later “operate in neighboring countries as well.”
“You can talk about al-Qaeda as well. Al-Qaeda was one of the groups that emerged from there. So, you could say that the environment that was created, did ultimately pave the way for al-Qaeda as well,” he said.
The United States’ attempts to wage a proxy war against the USSR in Afghanistan resulted in the emergence of “a completely new generation of Mujahideen with the Jihadi mindset that still haunts world's peace,” added Syed Fakhar Kakakhel, a Peshawar-based senior journalist who specializes in covering politics and militancy in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 did little to improve things in the region, in no small part because the fleeing US troops left behind military hardware and equipment worth billions of dollars.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

The US believes in using terror as an instrument of covert policy. They have no qualms or inhibitions about this. If a 100 die, or a million......all the better. Christy X-tian evangelicals and apocalyptic hillbillay justify this as the lords work........lol........boht harami hotay hain ye log. Koi parwa ne hoti. All Daesh is based in US controlled areas in da Sy-Raaq.

Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

The US believes in using terror as an instrument of covert policy. They have no qualms or inhibitions about this. If a 100 die, or a million......all the better. Christy X-tian evangelicals and apocalyptic hillbillay justify this as the lords work........lol........boht harami hotay hain ye log. Koi parwa ne hoti.
Many of our Jahil population support these terror lunatics without realizing that they are acting against their interests and being played out by the West.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

Many of our Jahil population support these terror lunatics without realizing that they are acting against their interests and being played out by the West.
yaar when I worked in Iraq and spoke to the Iraqi's they told me that they can't ask the US to leave because of the Iraqi sovereign fund in the BOA/ Carlyle group and AIG securities. It's matured to around halfa trillion dollars now. The US has told Iraqi's of forfeiture of the money if they are asked to leave or if they sense any Iraqi or Irani interference in their Daesh project. Iraq's jugular is under the US knife.......chakk luggana hae US nay and Iraq will bleed out real quick. Chalabi sahb cut da deal wid da neocons back in 2001 as part of the Project for new American century doctrine. Irani's keep quiet about this too because they don't want to be left holding all the bags and take responsibility of owning 40 million new citizens. Those Iraqi's told me everything. I had no idea this was da case......lol


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

It's all da same story with da GCC guys.......All their money in western banks earning interest......trillions of dollars no?.....That's da face of neo-colonialism. You ain't got no choice......keep quiet, let the big boyz do whatever dey want......you try playing Qazzafi or Assad or Saddam.......taadi bhund lugga deni hae west nay, using your own ghareeb jhaggay against you......lol.......So far only Irani's fighting back against dis doctrine, but for how long can they hold out? Irani population is very liberal. The Al-Yahuda and hillbilly infiltrating Irani society big time now. They've made Iran a special case. If Iran falls to the neocons, it's da greatest prize. Then they can destabilize all of Russia n China from below.

Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

It's all da same story with da GCC guys.......All their money in western banks earning interest......trillions of dollars no?.....That's da face of neo-colonialism. You ain't got no choice......keep quiet, let the big boyz do whatever dey want......you try playing Qazzafi or Assad or Saddam.......taadi bhund lugga deni hae west nay, using your own ghareeb jhaggay against you......lol.......So far only Irani's fighting back against dis doctrine, but for how long can they hold out? Irani population is very liberal. The Al-Yahuda and hillbilly infiltrating Irani society big time now. They've made Iran a special case. If Iran falls to the neocons, it's da greatest prize. Then they can destabilize all of Russia n China from below.
The only way to fight back is to make more money than your enemies. Cursing will not help. Making shooting weapons is nothing compared to the most significant weapon, money. Dumb people show off by making hardware weapons while forgetting the importance of economic strength. Poverty is the cause of all evil. Our people are also poor in thinking, not just in their pockets.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

The only way to fight back is to make more money than your enemies. Cursing will not help. Making shooting weapons is nothing compared to the most significant weapon, money. Dumb people show off by making hardware weapons while forgetting the importance of economic strength. Poverty is the cause of all evil. Our people are also poor in thinking, not just in their pockets.
man our people are so gullible they don't even know their asss from a hole in da ground. Look at their comments on that other pdf forum.....lol.....Steppand wolf and King Qamar and Ahmad Bhutta, Leghend of isstupidity and ten others. Total idiota's. They're cabby in Bolton/ Manchester/ Bradford. It's very sad. Bewquff log. They made it to UK from villages in Pakistan and now they think they are changez khans......lol. Besharam monafiq baghairtay. So clueless......lol

Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

man our people are so gullible they don't even know their asss from a hole in da ground. Look at their comments on that other pdf forum.....lol.....Steppand wolf and King Qamar and Ahmad Bhutta and ten others. Total idiota's. They're cabby in Bolton/ Manchester/ Bradford. It's very sad. Bewquff log. They made it to UK from villages in Pakistan and now they think they are changez khans......lol. Besharam monafiq baghairtay. So clueless......lol
There will be a difference if you move to London before ever seeing Islamabad.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

There will be a difference if you move to London before ever seeing Islamabad.
They need to be deported back home, so they realize what situation our country is in. All they do is play sectarian games and lay out mazhabi nonsense logic. Most of our people are idiots. They're clueless. Driving uber taxi is not some mean feat/ life's accomplishment in Manchester or Bradford.......lol

Azad Kashmir

Jan 26, 2024
They need to be deported back home, so they realize what situation our country is in. All they do is play sectarian games and lay out mazhabi nonsense logic. Most of our people are idiots. They're clueless. Driving uber taxi is not some mean feat/ life's accomplishment in Manchester or Bradford.......lol
you got it wrong it is not manchester or bradford they are known for being drug town/cities but not what you calling it. it is london that got the crazies.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

Anybody insinuating even weak support for Taliban, Al-Qaeda or Daesh blows his cover real quick as a western intelligence asset. If you see an online muzlim guy (muzlim name) supporting the west against Russia/ China or Iran.......that right there should be a huge red flag. Then we know two things;

1. That he could be a genuine chutiya mazhabi watching Al-Jazheera all day and getting incensed

......or the more likely possibility;

2. That he is an intelligence community asset and an online role player.

These are the only two possibilities.

Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

Anybody insinuating even weak support for Taliban, Al-Qaeda or Daesh blows his cover real quick as a western intelligence asset. If you see an online muzlim guy (muzlim name) supporting the west against Russia/ China or Iran.......that right there should be a huge red flag. Then we know two things;

1. That he could be a genuine chutiya mazhabi watching Al-Jazheera all day and getting incensed

......or the more likely possibility;

2. That he is an intelligence community asset and an online role player.

These are the only two possibilities.
Most of the damage is done by the culture that teaches fairy tales and fantasies over past glory, which is full of lies. Even top professionals in our culture do not want to understand that the modern world is too complex to be guided by a holy book. It is not possible to run a modern society with a book written thousands of years ago.

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