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World Israel's War on Gaza

G  World Affairs Forum
Mods on de other forum are nervous about the truth on dis israheel aleh salam and its existence. They don’t let you talk because of potential law suits and legal issues. I can understand that and I got no hard feelings toward my own. I know they could get in a lotta trouble guys. Be careful over on that forum on what yous say. Anything incriminating or putting Israel on da spot will bring troubles for the owners of that forum there just due to sheer traffic. Increasingly I’m also noticing the same on criticisms of India over there.

The rest of the topics are mundane Eff-Sola vs Saab Greepun vs Eff-Thirrthy Fav moqabla of ghareeb deen miskeen…..and the latest junk weaponry that we see fail daily in either the Ukraine or against the Irani’s in da ME.

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Hoosi baaghi have hit yet another Israeli ship 280 miles from the Yemeni coast. It was hugging the Somali/Eritrian coastline trying to sneak up into the red sea but the irani’s got their huge Saviz/Roudaki FOB’s doing the race car circuit up n down from the north to the south. In a few minutes they provide accurate targeting info to the Hoosi and the drones and missiles always find their mark.

CIA got these drone keerray now. I bet there are weaponized variants of these which come straight at your head and explode. I mean this is next level AI surveillance technology. These things are already in service guys. Bewquff is da one who don’t wanna acknowledge where technology is going. It’s just sad that we ain’t never goin reach this level of tech. Even da irani’s are a couple of decades behind the US on this technology. I bet money the IDF is using these in Gaza.

The US is buying back all the dozens of Al-Patriot batteries from Isra-heel aleh salam and donating them to brudda Al-Zalintsky fighting hard on da eastern front. Subhanallah no?

What reputation/ integrity/ confidence is left now in western weaponry? Evidently it’s failed everywhere? Who da hell is goin fall for this billion dolla western gimmick anymore? I can’t even see ghareeb toady being customers anymore. No Way:

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As vile and hateful as these israheeli are, their days are numbered guys. Just saw professor mearsheimers new vid. He’s on da money. Israel don’t got the stamina nor the oomph to fight with these pagal irani’s hell bent on one upmanship pissing contest. I get the feeling that sooner or later the US will cut a deal with the irani’s and sell them Israel as a protectorate. It’s a wild card, but anything goes these days. Israel’s become a huge liability for the West. They are just losing money on that account and I believe the professor when he specifically says that Israel’s in a lot of trouble. They can’t even eliminate hamas or PIJ or PFLP. Irani are onto Israel like a lion waiting outside a warthogs hole. Hard to believe Israel k lunn lugg gaey hain. It was an ingenious strategy by the pagal irani’s to encircle Israel with millions of incensed militias, hell bent on avenging decades of humiliation. It’s paid off:
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A great little info vid by HI Sutton. He's got a good webpage also and now he makes these short vidz. Fantastic info on this new technology of just how successful these cheap sea drones are. Russian black sea fleet has suffered significant losses to Uki sea drones and the Hoosi have totally devastated shipping in the red sea. These sea drones will revolutionize naval warfare. Big warships really struggling against these cheap high speed sea drones:

Gents investing in large capital warships is just getting to be a total waste of money. Just like investing in armor or warplanes today. Iranis have devised ways to totally defeat a large warship equipped with the latest surveillance radars and CIWS systems very easily. HI Sutton explains this a whole lot better on his website 'covert shores'.......

In sea state 4-5 conditions a sea drone like this irani toofan can close in fast cuz its fibre glass body, ergo radio transparent.

Onboard image recognition locks in the target in IR and then the onboard AI takes over, homing it in fast. You can't even jam it.

In two minutes your $500 million dollar warship is history, with the latest tech installed.

Same story with the latest $2 million dolla tank. A $500 Ali baba FPV disables it and then 2 more FPV's finish it off.

Newer FPV's increasingly using AI. No need to even 'fly' them anymore.

Warfare has dramatically changed over the last couple of years.

Almost all legacy weaponry is totally obsolete.
Well I blame the World Empires "USA, China, and Russia" for not implementing a two state solution on pre-1967 borders for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Professor Mearsheimer is very clear in his interviews that Israel has absolutely zero strategic value for the US. He is also adamant that the Zionist X-Tian crowd is a manufactured self fullfilling/ funding source for Israel. A business basically.

I'm surprised though that Mearsheimer still holds back in admitting that the Zionists have significant financial/ commerce/ industry involvement in western economies. He has thus far avoided saying this.
Professor Mearsheimer is very clear in his interviews that Israel has absolutely zero strategic value for the US. He is also adamant that the Zionist X-Tian crowd is a manufactured self fullfilling/ funding source for Israel. A business basically.

I'm surprised though that Mearsheimer still holds back in admitting that the Zionists have significant financial/ commerce/ industry involvement in western economies. He has thus far avoided saying this.
Israel does have strategic value for USA. Israel is USA's only true ally in the Middle East. Israel is like USA's aircraft carrier in the Middle East.

So I disagree when you say Israel has no strategic value for USA.

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