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World Israel's War on Gaza

G  World Affairs Forum
Iran's pulled down the pants of Israel in front of the whole world! Not only have these wily Irani's exposed Israel as a fraud but they've mortally wounded the Zionist project. I wonder what us 'ghareeb' goin do now? because a linch-pin proxy of the west has been exposed as a 'Chumppu' (a bald gullible village idiot in gypsy India)......colloquially speaking here......Anybody else got a better perspective?.......let me know.
Iran's pulled down the pants of Israel in front of the whole world! Not only have these wily Irani's exposed Israel as a fraud but they've mortally wounded the Zionist project. I wonder what us 'ghareeb' goin do now? because a linch-pin proxy of the west has been exposed as a 'Chumppu' (a bald gullible village idiot in gypsy India)......colloquially speaking here......Anybody else got a better perspective?.......let me know.
If the cost was not 100,000 orphans , 2M refugees, and 35K dead, I would have agreed with you. This pulling down the pants came at immense costs by the survivors (the ones that died are the lucky ones)
If the cost was not 100,000 orphans , 2M refugees, and 35K dead, I would have agreed with you. This pulling down the pants came at immense costs by the survivors (the ones that died are the lucky ones)
There ain't no alternative brah....let people live like animals in an open air prison/ concentration camp on their own land?....If yous badmash, then yous gotta be the baddest badmash on da block!.......The US/ Israel/ EU are known badmash. Iran's got em beat by a mile on badmashi now. We know its bad to enslave people like animals, even though I personally got no respect for arabs......but humanity triumphs over politics every time.
I blame the United Nations Security Council members for not solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Personally I believe two state solution is the answer to the problem.

I would like to mention the American government is dishonest when dealing with other peoples and nations.
The atheistic leaders of USA, they do anything to hurt the aspirations of other nations.
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Gents, this sounds like the 6th MQ-9 downed over Marib province in just as many weeks. $180 million hit so far in the last couple of months alone:

PullDaLull Sir

The link doesn't seem to be working

Screenshot 2024-05-17 194910.png
Gents check out this CJ Werlman total Mossad asset. He has been making vidz now regularly. He claims Isra-heel aleh salam/ US and the irani mulla are all secretly in bed together and fooling everyone..... :p

You have to ask this question to Ayatullah Khamenei. Only he can answer this question. Let us know what he has to say about it.
You have to ask this question to Ayatullah Khamenei. Only he can answer this question. Let us know what he has to say about it.
Iran's already browbeaten Israel in da showmanship......Most muzlim converts cowering in fear on their future or past no? What is there to ask Khamenei? All he'd say is carry on for the greater Iranian cause of hegemony. I'm worried about our pendu caught up in all this powerplay. They are the real victims.
Fareed Zakariya is a dalit apologist for the east india trading co. Like a typical dalit convert he lays it out, just to save his own skin. Hendu-pak converts da most laughable among da muzlims. Iran should go after these badmash like there is no tomorrow. Total disgrace. Iss tarha day jungli khotay if they just stay quiet, they'd just do themselves a huge favor. Anybody not seein da convert complex here is in denial. Ye saaray khabees ager christy X-tian hotay aaj, there would've been no drama at all. I'm in favor of turnin dalit converts into X-tian. At least that way we'd find out their real intentions.....and more importantly iss tarha day logon say hamari jaan chhuttay gee:

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