you i guess have no idea about so called sanghi'es historyand under what kind of condition's we survived under Nehru and specially during and after emergency till 1984 riots which went to almost unberiable extreme till 1988-89 ... you have no idea i know that and have lived it in oct-nov in ayodhya 1989 and know what games they play misusing the police , beurocracy and intellegence against RSS & BJP people but bending over backwards in front of mullah's who openely abused and challenged indian state in open air rallies held in front of media and thousands of people at boat club ... so please bhai you have no idea specially AL Bhakistanies or bangladeshies for that matter
as for Indian daisporra well most of them are so called Bharmins specially from Tamil nadu and andhra and maharashtra , Baniya (just look at all IIT -Medical or MBA or UPSC or specially CA topers in last 35 years )and punjabi khatri boys andthat is becuae they dint get jobs they wanted here deuto a clear bias and illogical resrvations and over period of 35 years things changed most of Baniyas i know none want there kids in well established family buissness but give them best education so they go abrod specially US and Europe while trend started in last 10-12 years when they re started coming back and investing in india
which had a domino efffect on educational and startup cultuar here and og course wealth genration and if these keeps on for another 5-8 years things will be so differnet that no one will even bother about so called SARKARI NAUKRI anymore
just look how these Lallu & party use to mock ye IT waity kya hotta hai but then married off there daughters to NRIs .. hope you know what i am talking about
O chadd yaar tumhari gandi badbudaar history.
Yahan musalmanon ke saamne mooh na khulwa.