World Israel's War on Gaza

World Israel's War on Gaza
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G  World Affairs Forum
[H1]Trump doesn't rule out cutting aid to Israel[/H1]
Former US President Donald Trump has refused to rule out withholding military aid to Israel to force an end to the war in Gaza. Once a stalwart defender of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump now argues that the Israeli leader and his military have bungled the war with Hamas.
12 min ago
[h2]Columbia University property has been cleared, NYPD says[/h2]

Columbia University's property has been cleared, the New York Police Department told CNN, less than two hours after officers entered the school's campus in Morningside Heights.
Hamilton Hall has also been cleared, the NYPD says, and nobody was wounded during the operation.
The NYPD is still monitoring different locations for protesters across the city, they said.
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Bhai, in all honesty, when your gubment is on its hands n knees, crawlin to ask for funds just to get by on a daily basis, Indians tramplin all over us every day now, what guarantee could you as a neutral observer can give me that your nukes are sovereign? and that yous not long been infiltrated?

I've almost jumped off a cliff here on the rhetoric that if we don't liase and jive on da reverie wid da Iranis and Turks......wes just left alone wid da hard consequential/ strategic decisions.

Once again, I am afraid its too late already. We couldn't for da life of us create our own power block/ NATO no? using Iran's immense natural resources and psychological energy.

Khud kushi kar lain hum to behtar hae? We can't cut da mustard for the life of us. Many of our patriots would consider khud kushi as soon as da news is leaked dat our nukes were compromised decades ago!

Don't be fooled guys. Get can put 2 n 2 together.
Love how Col McGregor lays it out in reality….😝……he’s on da money most of da time and I like his thinking. This is just a theatre of big military industrial complex pitted upon ghareeb deen miskeen people. Irans tryin hard to contain the US killing innocents but for how long man? It’s just a sad world to say da least. I don’t even for a second believe we as in Pakistan can hold a candle to the power n influence of Iran in the wider region. Just watch in a decade or so what I’m saying today will enormously manifest itself in da wider region. The US will come to an accommodation with Iran and we will be left watchin it all go down like a child sittin in the quiet corner:

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12 min ago
[h2]Columbia University property has been cleared, NYPD says[/h2]
Columbia University's property has been cleared, the New York Police Department told CNN, less than two hours after officers entered the school's campus in Morningside Heights.
Hamilton Hall has also been cleared, the NYPD says, and nobody was wounded during the operation.
The NYPD is still monitoring different locations for protesters across the city, they said.
Sounds like an important development.

But I wait to see USA cutting aid to Israel. USA supports Israel for geopolitical reasons.
The west stands disgraced today backing an entity killing 'bhookay nungay' deen miskeen. Iran's long won this bout. Israel is a joke in front of Iran. Baqi saaray sunni/ wahabbi converts picking their aass with legs pointing straight up. Chutiya laughable ummah chummah converts. 😛.....khotay de maan kuttay da pyo. Absolute disgrace. Nobody in thurrdh whurrldh convert ghetto buying the western narrative anymore.
Write plain English for the monitor purpose and for other members to understand. Obscure and obfuscated language will not be accepted. Take this advice seriously.
I'd have to seriously censor it then......this was a one off for our own here.......Apologies.
People of many different language backgrounds read our forum. Keep this in mind. You have to write in a language that can be monitored, too. It doesn't matter if I understand it; everyone has to understand it, too. This has been going on your part for quite a long time, and many members have pointed that out to you. It is now your turn to change the course. Moderators also have other works to do.

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