[đŸ‡§đŸ‡©] Agriculture in Bangladesh

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[đŸ‡§đŸ‡©] Agriculture in Bangladesh
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G Bangladesh Defense Forum


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Jan 24, 2024


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Agriculture Sectors
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A rising middle class (estimated at over 30 million) has fueled demand for high-quality agricultural products. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics for FY 2020-21, crops, livestock, fisheries, and forest products accounted for about 12.5 percent of Bangladesh’s total GDP and employed approximately 40 percent of the total population. Most agricultural production in Bangladesh is characterized as traditional subsistence farming. Bangladesh produces a variety of agricultural products such as rice, wheat, corn, legumes, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, and dairy products. Rice is the main staple in the Bangladeshi diet. Lack of arable land and limited natural resources increase the importance of developing new agricultural technologies, such as salt tolerant or submergence tolerant seed varieties, to help increase productivity and meet future demand. Floods, cyclones, and biotic-abiotic stress can also affect agricultural productivity levels and incomes.

Although Bangladesh imports bulk commodities such as wheat, soybeans, and pulses, there are niche segment opportunities for high-value agricultural product imports, particularly in more affluent urban centers such as Dhaka and Chittagong. Strong consumer demand exists for imported fresh fruits, tree nuts, and dairy products, as well as processed food products.
Total Market Size for Agricultural Products: 2016-2021

Total Local Production$30,424$33,374$35,882$38,095$37,568$38,801
Total Exports$1,488$1,625$1,418$1,600$1,343$1,586
Total Imports$5,991$9,470$5,952$8,000$8,442$10,334
Imports from the U.S.$496$889$1,087$1,300$966$1,031
Total Market Size$34,927$41,219$40,417$44,495$44,667$47,549
Exchange Rates798182848585

total market size = (total local production + imports) - exports)
Units: $ millions

Leading Sub-Sectors​

The processed food industry accounts for approximately 13 percent of all manufacturing production value and employs 6.5 percent of the manufacturing labor force. The industry employs 1.4 percent of the country’s total labor force, and the sector is dominated by small- and medium-sized enterprises strongly linked to local production. There are nearly 292 medium-sized food manufacturing enterprises in the country processing baked goods, confectionery items, fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy goods, fruit juices, and other foods and beverages.


Agricultural equipment and technology; agriculture inputs, including feed, seeds, pesticides, and fertilizer; dairy processing equipment; fish processing equipment; packaging and canning equipment and technology; agriculture infrastructure consulting services and solutions, including silos and cold chain/cold storage facilities.


  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
  • Food and Agriculture Organization
  • Ministry of Food
  • Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries
  • Ministry of Textile and Jute
  • Ministry of Commerce

More attention needed for the agriculture sector​


More emphasis should be given on agricultural mechanisation and the use of ICT in farming. PHOTO: STAR

The agriculture sector is one of the key economic pillars of Bangladesh. Just after liberation in 1971, its contribution to GDP was around 60 percent. It is the most important sector in Bangladesh that helps with peoples' livelihoods, employment, and contributes to GDP, we all know that. But its share of GDP has decreased over the last decade, going from 17 percent in 2010 to 12.6 percent in 2020.

Countries around the world are now facing serious inflationary challenges mainly due to the Russia-Ukraine war, which is greatly harming the global economy. The global commodity market is facing considerable instability due to supply chain disruptions. Bangladesh has also been affected by all these, and is struggling to cope with the situation. The country was already experiencing significant inflationary pressure, and the added price hike has made the situation almost unbearable for the general people.

On the other hand, its foreign currency reserves have been going down. The impact of the three Cs – climate change, Covid-19, and conflict (Russia-Ukraine war) – has given birth to another "C" which is quite evidently, the cost. However, these could be tackled with three As – agriculture, austerity and assistance – which could save all of us.

Over the years, Bangladesh has written a remarkable story of poverty reduction and development, especially during the past decade. After its independence in 1971, it was one of the poorest countries in the world. But Bangladesh successfully reached the lower-middle-income status in 2015 and is now on track to graduate from the UN's Least Developed Countries (LDC) category by 2026.

However, compared to many other countries of the world, we are still lagging behind in terms of technology, education, economy, farming, and in numerous other sectors. Bangladesh is now an important part of the global village. And it will not always be easy for Bangladesh to overcome different global shocks. It is because we currently have so many issues to cope with that the government announced a measured budget for the fiscal year 2022-2023.

In his budget speech for the fiscal year 2022-2023, Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal emphasised on boosting food production to ensure food security amid the Russia-Ukraine war and global food price hike. He proposed an allocation of Tk 33,698 crore for food, fisheries, and agriculture for the coming fiscal year, which is only 6.2 percent of the total budget. He talked about increasing fertiliser subsidies from Tk 12,000 crore (2021-2022) to Tk 16,000 crore.

The significance of farming as a whole, including the sub-sectors, service and industry sectors, has increased manifold. The cultivation of high-value fruit orchards and vegetables also played a significant role in boosting the economy. Not only the farms, but the value addition of these agricultural products provided a much-needed boost for the agricultural service sector. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) must be credited for the grain production and they have been quite remarkable, I must say. Alongside the production, the research didn't stop for a day and with responsibility, it moved ahead with the support of Bangladeshi Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) also deserves credit for their advanced techniques in boosting agricultural production and for developing technologies that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.

The farming sector has individually employed more than 40.6 percent people, either directly or indirectly. Previously, farmers in our country were really poor, but today, they have changed their fates with their persistent labour and certainly with quality seed support. And that has also led to farmers' buying capacity increasing. They can now feed themselves and their family and also send their children to school.

Over the years, Bangladesh has written a remarkable story of poverty reduction and development. PHOTO: HABIBUR RAHMAN

If we look at the three main driving forces of our economy – i.e., farming, RMG, and remittances – we will see the sons and the daughters of farmers working in all three sectors. Oftentimes, they send their earnings back to their parents in their villages. And this money is used to invest in farming – both in small- and large-scale initiatives. This has not only strengthened our economy, but has empowered the youth, especially women, and has also helped raise the voice of the impoverished. Moreover, agricultural tourism has opened a new door for us. I have seen in many European countries and in the US the concept of the family farm. Many young entrepreneurs in Bangladesh have started a number of wonderful eco-resorts across the country and people from around Bangladesh are visiting these beautiful places to get close to nature and farming.

Climate change is a big challenge, which we are facing and will have to face with the use of new agricultural technologies and adaptability. We must closely follow global adaptation technologies and concentrate more on new examples of climate adaptability which is best suited for us. More emphasis should be given on agricultural mechanisation and the use of ICT in farming, as this will help us greatly in fighting back against climate change. In the same way, we should also focus on the weather-based index and crop insurance which will ensure real empowerment of farmers and will make them more resilient. Artificial intelligence will play a key role and I don't think family farms will remain, but the pattern of farming will change entirely. Overall, the system will change and we will go through a global paradigm shift. Ultimately, we will have to face the challenge of hidden carbon emission and we will need technologies to overcome it. After 50 years, farming will become more expensive, but there will be a global export market where Bangladesh will hopefully be at the forefront.

Despite the high population, decreasing arable land, and frequent natural disasters, Bangladesh has made significant progress in achieving self-sufficiency in producing cereal crops and reducing poverty. Almost half of the population is now employed in the farming sector. Therefore, our state policies must be aligned with the interest of this sector, especially at a time when we are facing numerous challenges as a nation. I believe that, if we could safeguard the marginal farmers, bring in modern technologies, properly execute the Delta Plan, and strengthen inter-ministerial coordination, the country will keep moving forward and the farming sector will continue to flourish.

Nahar Agro seeks to lead egg market with Tk150 crore new investment​

It aims to sell 10 lakh eggs per day for the consumers by 2025​

Nahar Agro seeks to lead egg market with Tk150 crore new investment

Nahar Agro, a Chattogram-based agro farm, plans to make a Tk150 crore new investment to expand its poultry business to enter the egg market with around 10 lakh daily supply by 2025.

The new investment plan is expected to transform the farm, which is heavily concentrated on hatching egg production, into a major player in the egg market in the Chattogram region, company officials say.

"There is a daily demand for 50 lakh eggs in the Chattogram region, but there are not enough poultry farms in the area to meet the demand. We are planning to fill the gap in production to ease the crisis in the market while also reducing the price," Rakibur Rahman, managing director of the company, told The Business Standard.

Currently, the company produces nearly 2.5 lakh hatching eggs a day, apart from some consumable ones with double yolks. It also has businesses in areas ranging from poultry and fish feed to dairy and horticulture products.

The move comes at a time when Bangladesh is grappling with price volatility in the egg market, forcing it to allow imports from neighbouring India as a tool for stabilising the situation.

Initially, Nahar Agro aims to supply two lakh eggs per day by this year, which will eventually increase to 10 lakh by the next year, according to company officials.

With the massive business expansion plan, it hopes to create around 1,000 new jobs alongside producing 50-60 tonnes of environmentally friendly bio-fertiliser per day.

The company says it has already taken initiatives to import modern machinery and establish new farms in different parts of the district in phases.

In the first phase, the company plans to set up a shed to produce two lakh eggs per day by 2024. By the end of 2025, the company will set up all seven sheds containing 1.2 million hens to produce one million eggs.

"We hope to set up all the sheds in phases to produce 10 lakh eggs by 2025 and then we have plans to double the production in the next two years," Rakibur said.

The company aims to incorporate modern technologies in its egg production, such as an automatic system for brooding, egg collection, drinking, and feeding facilities, alongside installing an automatic ventilation system and automatic heating and cooling equipment in the new layer industry.

"There will also be an automatic litter collection system to turn the litter into biofertiliser. We are working on that, particularly to make our new industry more effective," Rakibur told TBS, adding that the industry will produce 50-60 tonnes of biofertiliser every day.

In a span of 37 years since starting business as a livestock venture in 1989, Nahar Agro has become one of the country's largest and most successful agro-business entities with an annual turnover of around Tk1,000 crore. It employs more than 2,500 people directly and another 10,000 indirectly.

The company has maintained a sustainable growth with top-quality day-old chicks, poultry and fish feed, along with dairy and horticulture products.

It has 12 lakh parent-stock (broiler and layer) chickens in its poultry farms. From the eggs laid by the parent-stock chickens, 22 lakh to 24 lakh chicks are produced every week in its hatcheries.

Besides, its dairy farm has 1,700 breeding and milking cows, producing about 5,500 to 6,000 litres of milk daily.
Nahar Agro operates four poultry and fish feed mills in Mirsharai, Sirajganj, and Jashore, with a production capacity of 60,000 tonnes per month. Currently, these mills produce 30,000 tonnes of feed a month, with 20% used by the company's own farms and the remaining 80% marketed.

Additionally, the agro company provides chicks, feed, and other technical support to around 10,000 poultry farmers across approximately 5,000 poultry farms nationwide.

Agricultural Mechanization Landscape of Bangladesh: Access to Finance a Significant Barrier​


LightCastle Analytics Wing​

May 30, 2023

Agricultural Mechanization Landscape of Bangladesh: Access to Finance a Significant Barrier

Agriculture has contributed 11.66% to the country’s total GDP in 2021-22; with 5.64% coming from crops and horticulture. According to the latest provision labor force survey 2022, the proportion of the population employed in Agriculture (of total employed) is 45.3%, up by 4.7% from that of 2017. On top of that, most farmers in Bangladesh come from lower-income segments, which makes strengthening the agricultural value chain a crucial step for fostering inclusive growth.

Current State of Agricultural Mechanization in Bangladesh​

Agri-mechanization is the process of integrating modern machines and equipment in farming to increase productivity and reduce farmers’ vulnerability to labor shortages and natural calamities. Bangladesh has gone through phases in terms of mechanization. Per a study in 2019, operations that are most heavily mechanized (over 90%) are Land Preparation, Irrigation, Threshing and Pesticide application [4]. The rates of mechanization during Planting and Harvesting are below 2%; that of Fertilizer application and Weeding are higher, but still below 10%.


Combine Harvester
Agri-machineries of the Domestic Market: Reaper

Agri-machineries of the Domestic Market: Rice Transplanter

Rice Transplanter
Figure 1: Agri-machineries of the Domestic Market

Urgency of Agricultural Mechanization in Bangladesh​

Changes in Labor Force Composition​

Although the 2022 labor force data shows a recent increase in the proportion employed in the agriculture sector, in the past three decades, rural labor has been migrating to the cities of Bangladesh as a significant portion of unskilled agricultural laborers has switched to working in the service sector, as well as in the RMG sector, catering to the high demand for cheap labor.

As a consequence, there has been a shortage of agricultural laborers in the rural areas, particularly in times of manpower-intensive work like planting and harvesting. The labor crisis and high prices of labor have increased the cost of production. Since these operations are very time-sensitive in nature, the unavailability of laborers often leads to late planting or harvesting, exposing farmers to further risks of natural calamities or low yield.

Two-fold Benefits of Mechanization​

Agricultural mechanization generates higher productivity, efficiency and prevents the loss of crops. Manual planting in Bangladesh requires around 123-150 man-hour/hectare while mechanical transplanting with a four-row walking transplanter would take 9-11 man-hour/hectare. A delay of one month in transplanting can reduce yield by 25%; that of 2 months can reduce 70% of the total crop yield. A study titled “On- and Off-Farm Mechanization in Bangladesh: A Sustainable Approach to Ensure Food Security” conducted by the Bangladesh Agricultural University on rice cultivation has shown that using seed planters, transplanters and harvesting machines, the cost of each operation could be brought down by at least 50%.

Challenges to Agricultural Mechanization in Bangladesh​

Lack of Modern Machinery in the Market​

The annual market size for agricultural machinery in the country is Tk3,000 crore, according to industry experts. However, the market for small machinery manufactured by local entrepreneurs is only 10-12% of the total agri-machinery market size[9]. Ready to use, agricultural machinery of competitive quality is not being produced domestically. The product portfolio of local foundries and agricultural machinery manufacturing industries majorly consists of spare parts and small machines like rice milling machines, sprayer machines, threshers, and vertical pumps.

Supply-side Actors in the agricultural mechanization Landscape
Figure 2: Supply-side Actors in the Agri-machinery Landscape

Agricultural mechanization Value Chain in Bangladesh

Figure 3: Agri-machinery Value Chain in Bangladesh

At present, domestic manufacturers lack the technology to fully manufacture larger machines like threshers, planters, combine harvesters, etc. Qualified manpower with knowledge and skills related to designing, drawing, reverse engineering, and maintaining quality control is also one of the reasons for this. Other factors include the absence of modern machine manufacturing machinery, high price, and dependency on imported raw materials.

The impact of COVID-19 and the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war has increased raw material prices and utility overheads for these foundries and workshops, affecting their profitability even more.

Access to Finance from Formal Financial Institutions​

Both supply and demand side players currently face certain barriers to accessing finance. The GoB has provided 70% and 50% subsidies on selected machinery but even after the assistance, farmers struggle to bear the rest of the cost. A major machinery manufacturer opined that Banks need to grant farmers better-suited loan schemes in order for them to purchase the machinery.

Lack of access to finance from traditional financial institutions in the agriculture machinery market and the agricultural sector in general also leads to many farmers borrowing from informal money lenders or loan sharks, who typically provide faster disbursement but at a much higher cost of funds, making it harder for farmers to save money for adopting mechanization in the future.

Most agri-loan products in the formal financing sector in Bangladesh do not consider the cultivation period of crops. Many farmers take additional loans at higher rates to pay off-season financial condition of farmers, hindering further mechanization efforts. Lack of working capital financing for manufacturers leads to limited supply during peak demand. Banks and NBFIs require certain documentation like sales ledgers, audited financial statements, environmental and health certifications to give out loans. Small machinery manufacturers often don’t have these documents prepared and therefore do not get approved for loans.

From the Financial Institutions’ side, the policy-dictated interest rate for agricultural loans (8%) does not justify the credit risk of lending to small-scale machinery manufacturers or farmers. As a consequence, most institutions are averse to approving loans from these applicants. Ultimately, the gap in access to finance persists.

Agriculture Machinery Loan Landscape​

There are a total of 61 scheduled and 5 non-scheduled commercial banks in Bangladesh, 34 NBFIs, of which 3 are Government owned. More than 1000 MFIs operate in the domestic landscape, although 87% of the market is captured by the top 10 institutions.

Despite the large number of players in the financing landscape, the formal MSME finance gap is 67.3 percent. In Bangladesh, Foundries access formal finance through banks (public and private), NBFIs, and MFIs. Agricultural credit disbursement targets are set by the Central Bank to encourage banks to venture into this sector. They also provide refinancing facilities to the participating banks. The agricultural credit disbursement target has been set at Tk 30,911 crore for FY23, which is 8.88 percent higher than Tk 28,391 crore targeted in FY22.

Banks in Bangladesh provide specialized agricultural loans to farmers at an average interest rate of 4-8%. Krishi Bank, the only government-owned bank specialized for farmers, offers a credit program for farm and irrigation equipment[16]. Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) also offer agricultural financing products, at an average interest rate of 5-7%. However, the loan approval process is reportedly more stringent in the case of NBFIs. Institutions like IPDC and Midas have their own lease financing program specialized for equipment purchase with tenures ranging from 1 to 5 years.

Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Bangladesh provide agricultural loans, though the interest rate is often 3 times as high as that of banks. On average, it has been estimated that farmers pay nearly 25% in interest to MFIs for loans that they would not have received from any other institution. BRAC offers a dedicated loan scheme for smallholder farmers to adapt to farming technologies called “Borga Chashi Unayyon Project (BCUP)”.

Large machinery companies provide credit facilities to small service providers and farmers, but they require a down payment of around 40% of the remaining amount after subsidy coverage. This means that the machinery companies are taking on the burden of recovery for the remaining 60%, which hurts their cash inflow. On the other hand, this loan is usually to be repaid in a year with monthly installments which affects farmers or machine service providers due to the seasonality impact on their business, making monthly repayment impractical.

Efforts of the Government of Bangladesh to Promote Agricultural Mechanization​

To promote mechanization in the agriculture sector, the Government of Bangladesh has provided subsidies starting from 50% (70% in coastal regions) on the purchase of specific machines. The machines under this scheme include power tillers, reapers, rice transplanters, and combine harvesters.
According to finance minister A H M Mustafa Kamal, the Government has taken up a project at a cost of Tk 30.2 billion titled ‘Mechanisation of Agriculture Work through Integrated Management’, targeted to distribute 51,300 units of agro-machinery from 12 categories between 2020-2025,”.

In FY21, the government distributed 2,300 different agri-machinery, including 1,762 combine harvesters, 379 reapers, and 34 rice transplanters at a cost of Tk 208 crore among farmers under the agricultural mechanization project. In FY 2021-22, there was an allocation of Tk 680 crore in this regard.
In FY 2021-22, Bangladesh Bank set a monetary policy to reduce the interest rate cap on agriculture from 9% to 8% and started providing loans at 4% interest rate for crops and the harvest sector. Most Foundries and Workshops fall under cottage, micro and small enterprises, to whom Banks and NBFIs have been instructed to provide 50% of SME loans by 2024. These initiatives have been taken with the aim of increasing agricultural production and consequentially, the income of rural people. Improved access to finance for cottage, micro, small and medium enterprises (CMSMEs) will also lead to farmers gaining access to tools that will enhance agricultural productivity.

The government also plans to withdraw the advance tax (AT) levied on the import of rice transplanters, agricultural drier machines, all types of sprayers, and potato planters in the upcoming national budget aiming to modernize the agriculture sector.


The cost of larger agri-machineries is often too high for farmers or small machine manufacturers to pay upfront. Hence, they seek financial assistance. Adoption of machines would increase profitability but both end users and manufacturers will typically need multiple seasons to earn back the capital expenditure from their revenues.

Loan provisions for agricultural machinery purchase by commercial banks, NGOs, NBFIs should have a specialized low interest, long repayment periods and alternative risk mitigation schemes in order to improve the mechanization status of the country. Given the rising pressure on imports, and supply chain disruptions affecting industries across the board, mechanization of the agricultural sector, to raise productivity and reduce import dependency, is of paramount importance.


Priyo Pranto, Business Consultant at LightCastle Partners, has prepared the write-up. For further clarifications, contact here: info@lightcastlebd.com.

Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA)


Started in a small radiotracer laboratory (RAGENE) in 1961 under the Atomic Energy Commission (erstwhile PAEC) at Dhaka, a centre named "Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (INA)" was established in July 1972 with a more organized group under BAEC (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission) at Dhaka, and shifted to the campus of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in 1975. In 1982, INA was given “the status of an independent national agricultural research institute” like BARI and BRRI, and was placed under the administrative control of Ministry of Agriculture. In 1984, it was declared as a national institute and renamed as Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) through promulgation of Ordinance No. II of 1984. BINA Ordinance was amended and enacted by Bangladesh Parliament vide Act No. IV of 1996.

The headquarters of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) is located in the campus of the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. It is about 5 km south from the Mymensingh Railway Station, and about 125 km north from Dhaka City. Its infrastructure and related facilities cover an area of 33 acres within the BAU campus. In addition to its office campus, BINA has another residential campus at Mymensingh town covering an area of 8.2 acres.

Director General is the Chief Executive of the institute assisted by Director (Research), Director (Administration and Support Service) and Director (Training and Planning). The general direction, administration and supervision of the affairs of the Institute is vested in the Management Board, which in discharging its function on policy issues is guided by such instructions as may be given to it by the Government from time to time. As the chief executive of the institute, the Director General is the ex-officio Chairman of the Management Board.

Total manpower of the Institute in its Headquarter, Regional office and sub-stations are 578 comprising the DG, 3 Directors, 170 scientists, 36 class-I officers, 40 class-II officers, 211 class-III employees and 117 class-IV employees. However, out of 170 scientists, 50 are with PhD degrees.

It has got 11 full-fledged research divisions viz. Plant Breeding, Soil Science, Crop Physiology, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Agronomy, Agricultural Engineering, Training, Communications & Publications, Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Agricultural Economics. At present, BINA has got 1 regional office at Sreepur,Gazipur and 13 substations located in various parts of the country namely Rangpur, Ishurdi, Magura, Satkhira, Comilla, Jamalpur, Khagrachari, Sunamganj, Sherpur, Barisal, Gopalganj, Noakhali and Chapainawabganj. BINA has also developed a rich soil museum with collections of various soil samples of Bangladesh.

BINA has well equipped laboratories in almost all research divisions along with 3 glasshouses, field research facilities in its Headquarters at Mymensingh, one regional office and thirteen sub-stations. The major equipment items are Gamma (Co-60) Source, N-15 Analyzer, Liquid Scientillion Counter, Fluorescent and Phase Contrast Microscopes, Biolog, Gas Chromatograph, HPLC, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Gel Doc, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Gamma Spectrophotometer, -80°C Freezer, Portable Photosynthesis System, UV Spectrophotometer, Fermented, Neutron Moisture Meter, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer etc.

BINA conducts its research activities in ten different areas. These are: i. Crop improvement through induced mutation, ii. Biotechnology, iii. Soil management and biofertilizer, iv. Irrigation and water management, v. Pest management, vi. Physiological aspects of crop productivity, vii. Crop management, viii. Improvement of horticultural crops, ix. Technology transfer & impact assessment, and x. Socio-economic research.

BINA has so far succeeded in developing and releasing 125 modern varieties of 19 important crops by using nuclear techniques and these varieties are now making significant contributing to raise the agricultural productivity of Bangladesh. It has also been able to identify nine rhizobial inocula for fixing higher biological nitrogen in soils of increase the seed yield of bean, pulses and oil crops

Our journey towards a smart revolution in agriculture​


Experts think that it is important to train farmers to adopt technologies and learn about advanced technology-based agricultural management to improve farm production. PHOTO: STAR

Over the past 52 years, Bangladesh has achieved remarkable progress in the agricultural sector, thanks to the hard work and innovation of millions of small farmers, researchers, innovators and government support. The country has become self-sufficient in rice production, quadrupling its output, and has also made great strides in vegetable production, fruits, fish, meat, milk and egg. Bangladesh's agricultural sector is currently transforming due to urbanisation, economic growth, and increased demand for safe and nutritious food. There are vast opportunities in crops, horticulture, livestock, aquaculture, and more, including increased production, better processing, stress-resistant crops, and good agricultural practices.

We must leverage data-driven solutions and technologies to access local, regional, and international markets, and the potential is well recognised. We cannot afford to ignore the urgent need for knowledge cooperation to use smart agricultural technologies, which must be implemented. However, Bangladesh also faces climatic challenges, which have renewed the country's focus on revitalising and improving the capacity of agriculture. There is significant potential for agricultural diversification, but meeting the challenges will require effort and investment. We must prioritise increased productivity and commercialisation of agriculture to promote overall growth and reduce poverty. It is therefore increasingly urgent to introduce climate solutions in the sector and address ongoing challenges such as low productivity and sustainability due to climate change, post-harvest loss, low-value addition, and very few food storage systems. Climate-smart technology is another significant tool for prioritisation.

Bangladesh benefits and suffers from one of the most extensive river systems in the world, with a large delta. During the monsoon season, 55-60 percent of the land is submerged in water, and during the dry season, there is very little water. Bangladesh's coastal areas are prone to cyclones, typhoons, and sea-level rise. Water resource management is critical to support the agriculture system, as well as supporting vulnerable rural communities. Flood control, drainage, irrigation, water supply, and integrated water management are the key areas of water resource management. We must prioritise disaster risk management, conservation, and cooperation with Bangladesh's riverine neighbours (India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and China) as strategic priorities.


By engaging in agritourism, Bangladesh can showcase its agricultural diversity, foster community engagement, and promote sustainable practices. PHOTO: RAJIB RAIHAN

Over the past three decades, agriculture has benefited from significant investments in flood control, drainage, and irrigation projects, mainly using surface water for irrigation. However, we must acknowledge that the sustainability of these investments has been weak. The Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 and the Eighth five-year plan (2020-2025) focus on accelerating agricultural commercialisation to provide sustainable, safe, and diversified food products. We must support the sustainable expansion and diversification of climate-resilient agricultural production systems, which are better integrated with global and local markets, to provide food and nutrition security, as well as improve rural livelihoods, especially for women and vulnerable communities. Strategy for water resources management emphasises the need to improve irrigation efficiencies and water productivity to ensure optimal water use, reduce vulnerability, and ensure the availability of water for economic purposes and hygiene, and to protect aquatic and water-dependent ecosystems. The strategy also emphasises institutional reform of the water sector agencies to achieve effective, integrated, and sustainable water management, with sustainable operation and maintenance. Finally, we must emphasise the inclusive participation of all stakeholders to achieve our goals.

The agro-food processing industry in the country relies heavily on agricultural products and is characterised by its diverse range of sizes, technologies, product qualities, processing methods, preservation techniques, and marketing and distribution systems. This sector contributes to more than 22 percent of the country's manufacturing production, employs approximately 20 percent of the labour force, and accounts for about 2 percent of the GDP (MoI, 2012). In recent years, Bangladesh's agricultural industry has been increasingly focusing on expanding its presence in exports markets.

Within the country, there are nearly 700 food processing enterprises, including small-scale homemade processing units. Among these, at least 30 enterprises specialise in processing fruits and vegetables. The food processing sector encompasses a wide range of products, including cereals, pulses and oilseeds, bakery and confectionery items, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, fruit juices, and various other food items. Bangladesh itself has a significant domestic market for processed food products. The Bangladesh Agro-Processors' Association (BAPA) currently has 479 members, consisting of 244 exporters and 235 manufacturers of agro-processing products.


Over the past 52 years, Bangladesh has achieved remarkable progress in the agricultural sector, thanks to the hard work and innovation of millions of small farmers. PHOTO: Star

In the fiscal year 2021-22, Bangladesh witnessed a remarkable growth in its export of agricultural-industrial products. The value of these exports reached an impressive Tk 282.3 billion, marking a significant increase of 272 percent compared to Tk 75.8 billion in 2006-07. This export category encompassed a diverse range of live/frozen and dried products from the fisheries and agriculture sectors, as well as jute and jute goods. Notably, jute and jute goods dominated the export consignments, with a value of Tk 112.8 billion in 2021-22, reflecting a substantial growth of 278 percent from Tk 29.9 billion in 2006-07. The crop sector played a pivotal role in this export surge, contributing an array of products such as potatoes, vegetables, pulses, oilseeds, spices, fruits, tea, nuts, seeds, tobacco, and dry foods. The export value of agriculture products witnessed a staggering increase of 2,892 percent from Tk 3.9 billion in 2006-07 to Tk 116.2 billion in 2021-22, making a significant contribution to the sectoral income. On the other hand, the export of fish products remained relatively stable throughout these years, with a marginal increase from Tk 42.1 billion in 2006-07 to Tk 53.3 billion in 2021-22. Despite this, the overall growth in Bangladesh's agricultural-industrial exports showcases the country's potential and success in this sector.

The advancements brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) have the potential to greatly impact Bangladesh's progress in the 21st century. With the rapid development of computing power, connectivity, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other advanced technologies, there is significant opportunity for these innovations to revolutionise the agricultural sector, as the implementation of the "Digital Bangladesh" programme aims to transform the rural economy and generate employment opportunities for skilled individuals in rural areas.

Through the implementation of 4IR, a smart farming culture can be established to drive productivity in agriculture through competitive means. The utilisation of agricultural robotics technology in 4IR yields favourable outcomes, including the reduction of labour costs and the enhancement of advanced agricultural systems' quality. Farmers get access to the internet, web, and online platforms, enabling them to stay informed about the latest field information via their mobile phones. These devices are connected to IoT devices and cloud computing, providing farmers with real-time updates on light, temperature, humidity, and soil moisture in their fields through connected sensors.

Bangladesh has emerged as the 35th largest economy globally. In its early years as an independent nation in 1971, Bangladesh faced a substantial food deficit. However, the visionary leader, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, recognised the crucial role of agriculture and implemented bold initiatives to propel the concept of the green revolution for agricultural progress, which is still carried out by the government of Bangladesh. The country has now emerged as one of the leading producers globally in various agricultural sectors. It has secured a position among the top 10 producers of rice, jute, jackfruit, mango, onion, tea, vegetables, potato, and farm fish. This achievement highlights the country's significant contribution to the global market in terms of these essential commodities.


A fish farmer in Trishal upazila of Mymensingh displays a large Pangas. Photo: COLLECTED

Furthermore, there has been a notable increase in per capita consumption of fish, meat, and milk, indicating a diversification in the diet of the population. This shift towards a more varied diet is a positive development for nutrition. However, it is crucial to address the challenges that Bangladesh faces in terms of its natural resources. The degradation of soil, water, and forests poses a threat to sustainable agriculture. Additionally, the shrinking arable land and the negative impacts of climate change further exacerbate these concerns. Ensuring nutrition security for marginal and rural populations is of utmost importance, especially in the face of increasing urbanisation and significant changes in food habits due to higher purchasing power.

Moreover, with the ever-increasing population, there is a growing demand for more food production that is both nutritious and safe. In light of these circumstances, Bangladesh must prioritise sustainable agricultural practices and invest in research and development to meet the growing food demands of its population. It is essential to strike a balance between agricultural productivity and environmental conservation to ensure a secure and sustainable future for the country.

There are some key focus points, which I must mention briefly:

a) Focus on enhanced productivity and higher efficiency in farming, using upgraded strategies, processes and tools.

b) Restructuring current pricing, storage and distribution aimed at reducing costs and ensuring availability at affordable prices.

c) Protection of farmers' interests as producers and suppliers.

d) Upgrade crop insurance and medical insurance as well as introduce a global format of farmers' pension scheme.

e) Current safety net and social protection should focus on access to affordable food.

f) Focus on advanced agricultural research.

g) Strategic framework for private sector investment and engagement in the agriculture sector.

h) Legal requirements to ensure the protection of agricultural land and farming resources.

i) Tax incentives and fiscal stimulus for agricultural products.

j) Decentralisation of key national agricultural institutions.

In the 1960s came the green revolution, and now is the best time for another revolution which has to be smart and efficient. Together, we can walk the way towards better sustainability. The smart revolution will bring about a complete change in the scenario that we are looking at now. It will not only strengthen the sector but will effectively change our livelihood. This will let us eradicate poverty and inequality, both of which are man-made. This can be undone by smart farming technologies. There is potential in everyone and people need to realise that. We know change only happens when vision meets with action. Whenever agriculture is faced with urgent challenges, it deserves urgent solutions. Yes, indeed, we do not know every solution; but our farmers are always on the ground, listening, learning and evolving. The same goes with the government, policymakers, development partners and other stakeholders in the sector. Bangladesh is not only dreaming of a better farming sector, we are building it, brick by brick, stronger than ever and, of course, together.

Mango trees start flowering, predicting huge output in Rajshahi​

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha . Dhaka | Published: 16:01, Feb 16,2024


-- BSS photo.

As the winter season ends, tens of thousands mango trees have started flowering in Rajshahi region, famous for the production of the seasonal delicious mango fruit nationwide.

Huge blooming of mango trees at this stage predicts an excellent production of the most popular fruit in the region this season, if the climatic conditions remain favourable till its harvesting period.

Principal Scientific Officer of Fruit Research Station Shafiqul Islam said the prevailing climate condition is suitable to blossom in mango trees.

He said that hundreds of thousands of mango trees have already bloomed and worn eye-catching looks with huge flowers. Flowering in mango trees began in the mid January and continues till mid-March, he added.

Every year new mango orchards, especially of Amrapali, BARI mango-3 and 4 varieties, are rapidly increasing in the districts, said agriculturists.

Naogaon was long known for paddy cultivation, but last year it became the highest mango-producing district, surpassing the mango capital of Chapainawabganj.

Dr Islam said Chapainawabganj still has the highest amount of land covered by mango orchards, but Naogaon saw a one-and-a-half-times increase in its mango farm acreage annually over the last 10 years, according to Department of Agricultural Extension data.

The area covered by mango orchards in Naogaon increased by 14,925 hectares in the period while the increase was 9,520 hectares in Chapainawabganj.

Mango farming is not only increasing, but it is changing as well. Instead of creating mango orchards for a hundred years or more, farmers are targeting only 10 years.

Golam Mourtoza, 55, a mango trader of Baneswar village under Puthiya upazila, said that the farmers are seen very busy nursing mango trees at present to protect the flower from dropping.

Usually, he added, blooming of mango in is seen to occur during the last week of January and continues till middle of March.

Motaleb Hossain, a mango grower of Charghat upazila, said he has over 200 mango trees in his orchard. He has cultivated a large variety of mangoes this season. He expects a handsome profit for the early blooming of mango trees this year.

Normally 10 mango trees are planted in one bigha of land, but in the new farming method, farmers can plant up to 200 trees in the same space, said Md Nuruzzaman, a mango grower of Porsha upazila of Naogaon.

"These trees will bear fruit for 10 years or less, and then we have to uproot them and replant."

The growth of mango orchards is the highest in the two Naogaon upazilas-- Porsha and Sapahar. They have 72 percent of the orchards of the district, says the DAE.

Meanwhile, around 65 to 70 percent mango trees have already sprouted in Chapainawabganj while 70 to 75 percent in Rajshahi as the remaining mango trees are expected to sprout by mid-March in some cases, he continued.

On behalf of the FRS, many of the grassroots mango farmers were imparted training to yield maximum output side by side with safe production after the best uses of modern technologies, Shafiqul Islam added.

Additional Director of the DAE Shamsul Wadud said the farmers have been caring and taking measures for making mango farming successful everywhere.

The farmers have been keeping contacts with the agriculture officers at the field levels to control the possible attacks by hoppers and some other pest attacks on the mango flowers.

There are around 35 lakh mango trees of different ages on some 23 thousand hectares of land in the region, said the DAE officials concerned.

The number of growing mango trees has been increasing in the region for the last couple of years. Mango, the leading seasonal cash crop of the northwestern region, vitalizes the overall economy of Rajshahi, Naogaon and Chapainawabganj districts.

After witnessing the present climate condition, both the growers and the officials are very much optimistic about high yield of the seasonal fruit.

Abul Hossain, a farmer of Mazar Diar village in Paba upazila, said buds started appearing in mango trees this season before the end of winter.​

Making agricultural commodities comply with WTO standards​

Published :
Feb 16, 2024 21:53
Updated :
Feb 16, 2024 21:53

As an emerging producer of agricultural commodities, the need for protecting Bangladesh's indigenous plants and plant products from foreign invasive insects and pests cannot be overemphasised. Similarly it is equally important to ensure that agricultural exports from Bangladesh are free from plant species and pests that are harmful for importing countries. The necessity for such measures has gained paramountcy with the entry of Bangladesh's agricultural products into the billion-dollar-earner club in FY 2021-2022. It may be recalled that in FY22, Bangladesh earned USD1.16 billion from exporting agricultural goods and processed foods, according to the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB). In the fiscal (FY21), too, for the first time in the country's history, foreign currency receipts from agricultural export touched the billion-dollar mark. It has, therefore, become urgent that the country's agricultural exports in the global market are maintained sustainably.

To do so, Bangladesh must meet the World Trade Organization (WTO)'s Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreements. Notably, the Agreement on the SPS Agreement came into effect with the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. The SPS Agreement explicitly recognises the right of governments to take measures to protect human, animal and plant health as long as these are based on science. The question of adhering to science arises here because there is also the risk of arbitrary application of this protective measures against similar plant products of foreign origin in a discriminatory manner. So, in line with the WTO's SPS Agreement, the government first enacted the Bangladesh Plant Quarantine Act 2011 followed by Bangladesh Plant Quarantine Rules 2018. But to update the regulations so enacted to meet international standards, the government is required to amend the original Plant Quarantine Act 2011 for regulation of international transport of plant and plant products. However, at the moment, there is no full-fledged authority to oversee if the Act and the Rules thereof (adopted later) are being observed in their exact text and spirit. As a makeshift arrangement, the director of the 'plant protection wing under the department of agriculture' is functioning as the national quarantine authority. The good news is that the government has already prepared a draft proposal for constitution of a dedicated body for the purpose, held discussions among relevant government bodies and with stakeholders before finalising what it termed the National Plant Quarantine Authority.

The envisaged regulatory body would, among its other functions, prevent the introduction of quarantine pests into the country. Obviously, that would require the plant quarantine stations at the country's ports of entry to be extra-cautious as well as highly efficient in their job. Similarly, they have to be equally adept at meeting the phytosanitary requirements (relating to plant health) including issuance of phytosanitary certificates following the requirements of the countries importing Bangladeshi plants in line with international agreements. There is always the risk of an outbreak of plant diseases at home, the quarantine authority to be established would also have to look into that.

The emphasis on maintaining high quality of Bangladesh's agricultural export is obviously part of expanding its export basket. In this connection, the government plans to export US$3.0 billion worth of agricultural goods this year and hopes to raise it to US$10 billion in the near future. Let the proposed National Plant Quarantine Authority be foolproof enough to meet international standards and also be equal to the nation's ambition to become a regional agricultural product hub.​

Agriculture remains the vanguard​

Published :​
Feb 20, 2024 21:25
Updated :​
Feb 20, 2024 21:25

A farmer harvests rice in a paddy field in Nilphamari, Bangladesh, on May 17, 2022—Xinhua Photo

Tagore believed, "Now is not the time for the farmers alone to toil, rather the scholars and scientists ought to join them." (Bhumilakshmi, Rabindra Rachanabali, 14th Part, Page 360). Fortunately for us, multidisciplinary approaches to agricultural development, as envisaged by Tagore, have been adhered to in Bangladesh first under the leadership of the Father of the Nation and then under the leadership of his daughter. Therefore, agriculture has always been serving as a macroeconomic vanguard like a wall against any potential economic crisis. The growth in agriculture has always been poverty-reduction and augmenting level of consumption, particularly at the bottom of the social pyramid of Bangladesh.

The entire economy of Bangladesh is now enjoying the benefits of the 'quantum jump' of agricultural development that has been taking place since 2009-10. The country not only survived the fallouts of the global financial crisis of that time, but also went through a commendable phase of resilient growth. This has been possible due to inclusive macroeconomic policies (especially due to the broad-based inclusive financing campaign) undertaken by Bangladesh. The agriculture sector served as the vanguard throughout this process. Firstly, around 40 per cent of the workforce remained employed in this sector (the ratio is said to be up to 60-65 per cent if those relying indirectly on agriculture are considered). Thus, through the income of agricultural entrepreneurs and agricultural workers the benefits of broad-based economic growth reached the bottom of the social pyramid. Furthermore, as the income of agriculture-dependent households grew, their demand for products and services also increased. This in turn led to bolstering of the consumption-driven growth of the economy. Additionally, a significant share of the inputs required for the burgeoning industrial sector of the country have also been sourced from the domestic agricultural sector.

Even amid the latest pandemic-induced economic slowdown (in FY2020-21), agriculture once again came to the fore as the main source of our economic growth. Recently (over the last year or so), we are once again facing significant macroeconomic challenges. The Bangladesh economy is indeed at a crossroads. On the one hand, there is optimism about graduation to a developing country within the next couple of years and becoming a trillion-dollar economy in another 10-15 years. On the other hand, there are the challenges resulting from the geopolitical instabilities as well as from the internal structural cleavages. Given this context, there is definitely a need to be further sensitive to the issues associated with the role of agriculture in our economy. We also need to be aware of agricultural transformations since independence, and the challenges on the way of agricultural development in the new context.

There is no denying the fact that the people, especially those belonging to the lower-income strata, are under serious pressure due to inflation (especially food inflation). At the same time, we must also acknowledge that Bangladesh as an economy has the capacity to ensure its food security. Thanks to consistent agricultural mechanisation and development of modern and climate-friendly agriculture over the last 10-15 years, we can surely have big ambitions about our agricultural transformation. For example, in Barisal division around 6 per cent of agricultural land has been lost due to urbanisation and other causes between 2014 and 2019. Yet, production of rice in this region has not decreased. Rather rice production has increased by 1.5 times owing to modern cultivation techniques and extension services.

GoB's Finance Division data shows that our food crop production has increased from 34 million tons to 43 million tons over the last decade. This year too we are expecting bumper growth of Aman rice. A recent newspaper report informs that in Kumilla, a farmer is expecting to harvest Aman worth Tk 20,000 against his Tk 8,000 investment. Harvests of other crops are also expected to be satisfactory. For example, in Sherpur, because of broad-based agricultural extension services including demonstration plots, the share of land engaged in mustard cultivation has more than doubled over the last five years. And production of mustard has increased even more (4 times). The trend is expected to continue this year as well. Given this backdrop, it will not be illogical to expect food inflation to come down significantly by the end of 2024 (food inflation was almost 10 per cent by the end of 2023). Of course, there has to be an intervention from the monetary policy as well to mop up additional liquidity created by the increased flow of both informal and formal remittances.

Certainly, we cannot expect to solve all our agricultural problems by increasing production alone. News from the market shows that food prices are not coming down despite having bumper harvests. On certain occasions, the prices remain high even after allowing imports. This is because the problems are less related to the field of cultivation and more to the marketing system.

These structural problems are in fact issues of agriculture economics. And in our country, agriculture economics most often does not enjoy due attention. Consequently, stakeholders most often end up falling short in explaining the prevailing socio-economic realities. I could share a most recent example. By the end of the last year (2023), the mass media reported that while food inflation was high all over the country, the ratio was higher in rural areas than the urban ones. As food is mainly grown in rural areas, many found explaining this high rural food inflation particularly difficult. The fact that they must have overlooked was income of rural households which have increased significantly. Consequently, their demand for food has changed significantly over the last 20 years. Not all the food products a rural household consumes today are produced in that area. They also have an additional demand for processed and/or packaged agri-products. Furthermore, most of the agriculture produce from any rural area ends up being exported to urban centers. Therefore, be it crops produced in other rural areas or processed agri-products, a large share of the agricultural products consumed by families in rural areas are now imported from outside that area (from urban centers). Indeed, the rural-urban connect is very robust now.

Given this context, it is now high time to emphasise the transformation of our agri-economy and map the challenges ahead. Therefore, I believe the book titled "Bangladesher Krishi Orthonitee: Bishoy o Bisleshon (Bangladesh's Agriculture Economics: Content and Analyses)" to be of special relevance in the current context. The book published by UPL has been edited by the first Emeritus Professor of the Agriculture University Dr. Abdus Sattar Mandal. Nineteen other Agriculture Economics Professors contributed chapters in the book. Such a book in Bangla is indeed rare. Based on the areas of agriculture economics focused in the book, the 21 articles have been segregated into four sections. The articles in the first section narrate the introduction, content, and evolution of agriculture economics as a discourse.

The second section of the book has articles that deal with the applied/practical sides of agriculture economics in the context of Bangladesh. The writers have covered both micro- and macro-managed issues here. Therefore, along with unit level management of agricultural farms they have covered large agricultural development projects and fiscal policy measures for agricultural development.

Commercial agriculture, technology, and statistical issues related to agriculture economics are dealt in the articles incorporated in the third section of the book. These articles have focused separately on different issues/challenges associated with modern agricultural practices especially in Bangladesh. I have found the article on small-scale milk farms and the one on the use of renewable energy in agriculture to be highly interesting. This is because our macroeconomic success relies on SMEs to a significant extent, and shifting from fossil fuel-based cultivation to renewable energy is pivotal for sustainability in the long run.

Finally, the fourth section of the book has articles that analyse the structural challenges of our agricultural sector. The recommendations and policy suggestions laid out here should be of special interest to the government and non-government policymakers. The two articles from this chapter that I believe worth mentioning are the one about price supports for farmers and the other about agricultural insurance. We have been strongly advocating for these policy measures for a long time. And the international development partners are also interested in these policy issues.

I heartily express my gratitude to the contributors of this book firstly as they have opted to write this in Bangla and secondly (and perhaps more importantly) because they have used very lucid and communicative language to share their ideas. The ideas here have been laid out simply. Hence, this book will not only be useful to learners and researchers, but also provide food for thought for stakeholders from other walks of life ranging from administrators to policymakers. Along with ensuring future food security of the country, agriculture will continue to play its role as the vanguard of the macroeconomy. Indeed, more such books in Bangla should be written by academic and policymakers to strengthen the discourse on inclusive growth spearheaded by agricultural sector.​

Our agricultural heritage​

Published :​
Feb 18, 2024 22:00
Updated :​
Feb 19, 2024 21:22


A farmer shows bundles of newly harvested rice in a paddy field in Nilphamari, Bangladesh, on May 17, 2022 —Xinhua Photo
A careful historical survey (carried out under the leadership of Bangla Academy, Dhaka around 2002) pertaining to the agriculture process in Bengal over nearly the last three thousand years revealed that initially, a larger number of people in Bengal, like the rest of South and Southeast Asia were nomads. However, things appear to have started to change from about the 7the century BC when the population realised that it was easier for their livestock as well as for themselves if they had settled habitation. In this context agriculture and looking after domestic animals were preferred as it not only provided security but also steady food supply. It also spared the population the problem of searching for food in the surrounding forests which were filled with wild animals. This led to the human population in ancient Bengal pursuing not only agriculture but animal husbandry.

I was also involved with this exercise as I was at that time writing a book entitled "Anthology of Bengali Proverbs and Bachans" which was subsequently published by Bangla Academy. It related to the evolving culture and the impact created on this aspect through proverbs that had been generated in Bengal from different sources.

That included Khana, who is still remembered in the rural areas of Bangladesh and also parts of West Bengal for her adages that related to agriculture. My attention to her had been drawn by my parents when I was in school. However, her tremendous importance within the context of the Bengal cultural and agricultural dimension was revealed later by Bangabandhu after his return to Bangladesh, a war-ravaged country on January10, 1972, when he reiterated her contribution in the field of agriculture during his efforts to reconstruct Bangladesh.

It was this denotation that induced me to try and understand our agricultural heritage.

Research led to the discovery that from agriculture, in ancient Bengal, the inhabitants learned not only to live together as a group but also to develop technology for maximising the fruits of agriculture. With each step gradually emerged new tools more suitable for better agriculture. With this came the concept of ownership of land and professional farmers, then came the division of society into various classes depending on the practical superiority of different professional groups- and with that came also class differences and feuds.

It is also evident that there was an influence of agriculture on the Vedas. In the Rigveda, there are references to agriculture in different supplications to Indra whose help is sought in the looking after of domestic animals and in the prevention of these animals falling prey to tigers. Similar references to agriculture are also found in the Atharvaveda and also in the Chaturveda.
Agricultural implements were regarded with great respect, In poetry, special accolades and titles were given to the keepers of various agricultural accessories. The plough was associated with Krishna's elder brother Balaram. Similarly, Vishwanitra and Parashar were also farmers. It may be recalled here that Parashar is credited with the first systematic and detailed collection of ancient Indian philosophical sayings on ancient formats of agriculture and collection and preservation of different kinds of seeds -(Lahari,Durgadas: "Prithivir Itihash", Volume 5). It would be interesting to note here that while putting together his collection, Parashar indicated that at no time should seeds be stored near any kind of oil, salt or any flame. He has also noted that a careful farmer 'can grow gold and an ignorant farmer will become poor'. He has also discussed the importance of adding animal waste and other things as fertilizer in the soil to improve its fertility.

The above observations indicate that the principles of agriculture in India were ancient and present even before the arrival of the Aryans. When they arrived, they sometimes according to anthropological records modified the system and also at times improved the technical aspects.

It is difficult to find precise historical records to determine exactly when people of Bengal started their agricultural profession.

However, it is clear that it was already flourishing about 700 BC. In this context it would be useful to mention that different excavations were carried out in 24 Parganas. Mednipore, Murshidabad and in Birbhum--in present day West Bengal--indicate clear evidence of a continuing civilisation rich with agricultural knowledge (The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 31, No.4, 1978, pp. 543-555).

One thing, however, appears to be clear. The tendency for Bengal to have a large population is probably due to its favourable conditions which facilitated agriculture. It may be pointed out that this fertile region also encouraged different tribes and ethnic stock to migrate to Bengal from surrounding regions. Along with such migration came various influences on the principles of agriculture and proverbs related to agriculture.

Different names for agricultural products and spices also entered the Bengali language- from the Santhal dialect. Similarly, words like 'Golmarich', 'Komola' and 'Karpash' also found their way into Bengal.

Some areas were also associated with some of the agricultural products predominant in these regions. North Bengal's ancient name was 'Poundo' which means sugarcane (which grows in abundance in that area) and 'Gour' came to be known as such because of the large production of 'Gour' (molasses) in that area.

Excavations carried out in Chandraketugarh in 24 Parganas, in West Bengal have provided terracotta samples of a flourishing agricultural pattern which included the presence of coconut, betel nut and 'tal' trees. Their presence is also found in different coins discovered in that region, minted during the Maurya and Kushan periods. Similarly, there are references to the cultivation of mustard and various kinds of lentil and the need for irrigation.

Importance of agriculture and paddy cultivation in Bengal is also clear in the special emphasis given in 'Durga Puja' amongst the Hindu community. Durga, according to Hindu mythology, was the wife of the Hindu god Shiva who was considered for agriculture. Durga also came to be known as 'Annadatatri' or the provider of food.

In fact, historians have mentioned that in the ancient times religion in Bengal was mostly associated with agriculture. Some historians have gone on to also say that in ancient Bengal there was love for deities because the feeling was that they needed to be pacified to obtain better crops and consequently more food. This attitude is still present among the tribal populations living in the South Eastern parts of Bengal.

Sometimes, even today we come across rituals where before starting the ploughing of the land, offerings like paddy, durva grass and turmeric are made to deities (Gilbert Slatter, "The Dravidian Element in Indian Culture '' New Delhi, 1978). It would also be interesting to note that in certain parts of South Eastern Bengal Laxmi and Shiva were associated with efforts to boost the agricultural economy. Similarly, in the 'Jhum' format of cultivation in the Hill Tracts region, the tribal population often made supplications to deities before undertaking planting of crops. They did not use bullocks and ploughs but mostly sharp sticks to dig holes in the ground. Their form of cultivation was rudimentary and consequently there was presence of simple crops.

Bengali culture from the earliest times has been greatly influenced by agriculture-- the most important profession of the Bengali speaking population most of whom lived in the rural areas. Consequently, the psyche of the rural folk and their basic philosophy of life revolved around nature, seasons and the impact of agriculture on their socio-economic lives. In Bengal, in ancient times, agriculture, it needs to be understood, related to simple crops like paddy, cotton, coconut, betel nut and banana.

In addition, researchers have also found references to farming of jute which has been used for a long time not only for making ropes but also for woven garments. Its sticks were also used as firewood.

Before concluding, one needs to definitely observe that the sayings of Khana were formulated nearly eight hundred years ago at the time when agriculture and dairy farming were both considered important professions. It was also apparent that during that period, both rice and banana were important items of daily life. In this context it also needs to be mentioned that while Khana referred many times in her adages to cultivating gourds of different kinds-- aubergine, pumpkin, green chillies, parsnip, radish and bitter gourd-- there is no reference to tomatoes. On the other hand, Khana specially singled out two most common items as desirable-- mango and jackfruit.

In her Bachans, Khana repeatedly refers to particular types of livestock and poultry, cows, bullocks, goats, ducks and pigeons. They figure prominently in matters pertaining to economic livelihood. Interestingly, there are only a few references to buffalo, elephants, horses and dogs. Professor Ali Nowaz suggested that in all probability there was no reference to chicken by Khana because chicken had still not been domesticated. There is, however, some disagreement on this matter among some other agricultural historians.

Up to 30% of crops wasted, says agriculture minister​


Banks usually disburse a major portion of their annual farm loans during September-December when farmers spend busy time harvesting boro paddy and winter vegetables. Photo: Star/File

Around 30 percent of crops are wasted at different stages after harvest and reducing it would contribute to improving food security, said Agriculture Minister Md Abdus Shahid yesterday.

Cutting waste of crops is very important, he said at a session on "food and water storage and prevention of food waste" at the Food and Agricultural Organization's (FAO) 37th session of the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, according to a statement.

He said Bangladesh's government was providing up to 70 percent subsidy to farmers for farm machinery.

He added that the government had taken initiatives to build multipurpose storage facilities, combined storage facilities accommodating multiple crops, and provide refrigerated vehicles for transport of fresh vegetables.

In order to prevent food wastage and damage, huge investment is needed in harvesting, threshing, transportation, and storage, he said, stressing the need for public-private partnerships. He said the FAO could help Bangladesh in this regard.​


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Bangladesh Agricultural University​

Scientists eye climate-resilient crop varieties​


A group of scientists of Bangladesh Agricultural University are working to develop new varieties of climate-resilient crops, including rice, maize and tomatoes, using a modern greenhouse, first of its kind at BAU.

The scientists, led by Prof ABM Arif Hasan Khan of the Department of Agrometeorology, are collaborating with the Department of Agricultural Extension in a joint venture titled "Agrometeorological Information Systems Development Project" since last year.​

A greenhouse is a transparent room, where various natural factors like heat, temperature, light, water, salinity and humidity are controlled and the effects of these factors on different crops are analysed and explained.

As a result, the production of any crop can be continued throughout the year in a greenhouse. The greenhouse at BAU has eight common rooms, low and temperature rooms for research, a central room from where the amount of water and fertilisers for different crops planted in different rooms can be regulated, controlled and monitored.


NRI Crop Technology -- a sensor-based equipment imported from Turkey -- delivers nutrients to each plant as needed. The research on crops' tolerance to adverse environmental conditions is being done by altering the characteristics of light including intensity and wavelength, temperature, water and salt tolerance of the seedlings planted externally through the device, the researchers said.

Prof Arif Khan said, "Agricultural productivity is largely dependent on several meteorological variables including temperature, solar radiation, hours of exposure to sunlight, lengths of winter and monsoon seasons. Since Bangladesh is a climate-vulnerable country, these climatic variables are gradually becoming extreme here. The highest and lowest temperatures are changing every year. In this situation, developing climate-resilient crop varieties has become important and scientists must engage to this end."

Prof Dr AKM Zakir Hossain, a member of the research team, said, "The new greenhouse will help develop different crop varieties that are tolerant to adverse weather conditions."

Prof Dr Aslam Ali, another team member, said, "Different crops have different requirements of nutrients for growth and development. The sensor-based operations deliver a balanced amount of nutrients to each plant. Right now, research is being conducted to develop eco-friendly varieties by changing the light, wavelength, temperature, water content, salinity level, etc externally through the machine."

Tanjim Ahmed, a postgraduate student engaged in the project, said, "Developing a heat-stress tolerant maize variety has been a successful outcome of the research. This variety can be cultivated in the comparatively warmer regions of the country."

Zaber Sabuj, another postgraduate student, said, "Work is ongoing to develop rice varieties that are tolerant to both salinity and high temperature. Once developed, these will help continue rice cultivation even in salinity prone 19 districts in the south."

Another researcher, Sirajum Monira, said it may become possible to produce winter tomato varieties even in summer through greenhouse method.

Postgraduate student Farzana Akter is focusing on finding out which rice varieties expel less methane in higher temperature regions.

The scientists said this modern greenhouse has opened the door for advanced agricultural research, and hoped that within five years, the outcomes of this research could reach the farmers' door.​

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