India is a country of knowledge and science which is beyond the understanding of the world. This is a small demonstration that. Have you seen the videos of Bageshwar dham sarakar? Go and see the unbelievable things which nobody would believe. From the crowds of lakhs of people, he points out a lady and says:" That mother has come with her husband. He has liver problems. Water has accumulated in body. Doctor has told to transplant the liver". Lady says yes totally true. Then he says: " It won't require. He will be all right with chanting of Mantras. Go, it is my blessings.". In one another case, a lady was crying complaining that her 20 year son died. Baba tells the circumstances in which he died. Then he reveals that she has artificially conceived. Third month of pregnancy is going on. He tells that your son will come back. She will get a male child who will be her died son. He will have black mark on left side of face. That will be the proof of her son taking birth from her stomach (Literal translation of what is said in Hindi). In some cases, your incurable pain goes in few seconds. What will you say about that? Like that, many things which are unthinkable happens in India. The patients who are told by doctors to do surgery and told that they will have many limitations in their subsequent life are seen getting cured in 2 minutes by illiterate tribal guys with 1 USD fees (optional). In India, you will see many things happening which seems impossible unless you see yourself. It is not very uncommon in India.