Sharma Ji
Senior Member
- Sep 28, 2024
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Online Chinese, at least the ones on defence forums have a habit of being that way.No they are not. The US allows China to purchase Iranian oil at a discount and that’s about it. He claims Iran relies on Chinese GPS for its drones, which is not true. He claims robotic dogs are weaponized, ok great. Never seen em on the front lines of any conflict yet. He claims that the C-802 missile was sold to Iran 25 years ago, and we know it was an incomplete/partial TOT with Iran having to do majority of the development itself. So long ago. Then he claims some drone dazzler vehicle was sold to Iran…..oh bhai there is no evidence of that either.
The only thing really Chinese in Iran besides the Walmart trinkets are 25 or so 40 year old F-7 aircraft which are not even operational now I believe because they’re so old.
The US pressure on China is such that almost anything of value is under the US microscope before it gets cleared for export.
Rest of us have no shortage of yahoos indulging in our respective nationalist rhetoric blah either, but with these ching chongs, its a one way street. Kabhi khud ki galtian nahi accept karte saaley, unki training hai.. else they get thrown in gulags to be re-educated.
As for Iran's military, dunno man, not my area of expertise.. im not an out an out mil-tech guy. Geopolitics and culture is more my space.