[🇧🇩] In Bangladesh, A Violent 'Student Revolution' is on بنگلہ دیش میں انقلاب

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[🇧🇩] In Bangladesh, A Violent 'Student Revolution' is on بنگلہ دیش میں انقلاب
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Short Summary: It is a strategic thread now. Post only info that is outside mainstream media. Avoid copying and pasting long articles.
G Bangladesh Defense Forum
I wish that was true, but unfortunately, they don’t have permission to do that now.
Even so, they can 'UNOFFICIALLY'; retired intel./armed forces personnel can help advise, train and arm Muktijoddhas. Weapons can be collected from various sources and training can happen at various locations (including Arakan, contiguous to BD territory). Funds can be collected (as donations) from various overseas BD's & from well wishers who'd like to see Bangalee muslims & BD free ourselves from this road sitting who no-man oppressors & their black rearend renting prostitute razakars.

Last time ('71) they opposed EP's political/economic aspirations, even tried to suppress Muktijoddhas militarily & was handily defeated. Not to mention ignominious surrender to their worst enemy & the humiliation of running away from their own country (well, more like they were run out of here).

But, this time a great opportunity for them to avenge that humiliation by joining the winning (Muktijoddhas) side. Just like their forefathers won, almost a century ago, by joining Bangalee muslims, and as a result got a country in '47. Oh, and as a bonus, it's not the PA/PN/PAF that's our target this time around, it's the road sitting who no-mans and their razakar prostitutes occupying BD.


I don't have much faith in our own armed forces officer cadre anymore, as they are currently constituted*1, having much/any loyalty to this country or love for the people. As for lower rank & file, especially soldiers, it's a big question which way they'll go! But, I'd rather not take chances, and make sure Muktijoddhas are properly trained and armed. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they (security forces + razaakar terrorists trained by randiimaakalians) attacked BD civilian populations & Muktijoddhas too.

Even back in 2006, US/EU was able to use green-cards for high ranking officers (including midget hijra General MouiteeUdeen) and their immediate/extended family members, lucrative UN deployment jobs/contracts, and guaranteed safe passage of their looted money out of BD banks & of themselves along with family members as an incentive for armed forces to stage a coup. Subsequently, they structurally dismantled any nationalist political groups that could contest election and thwart any raindiimaakalian razakars from gaining the levers of BD. Then finally, to put a nail in the coffin of BD sovereignty & indipendence, they rigged the election in 2008 and brought randdimakalian razakars to power. Funny, by doing this, they also put a nail in the coffin of BD Armed Forces (Pilkhana massacre). And 15 years ago raandianmaakalian's had 0 infiltration of the armed forces and intelligence agencies. Whatever ifiltration they had in BD & govt. departments (since hagsina came to power in 1996, by commiting terrorism throughout the country from 1994 to 1996), was promptly & thoroughly wiped out after 2001 election.

*1 we lost a huge amount of officers loyal to BD in Pilkhana (carried out by road sitting who no-man and their prostitute razakar fake sheikh Hasina). Subsequent recruitment emphasized Indian mindset and loyalty serving their razakar prostitutes. Promotions of then (& current) serving officers were contingent upon those two criteria. Those who were found lacking, were either sidelined for promotion or eventually pushed out (early retirement) altogether.

They even changed their uniforms and adopted some $hit color, so that they could better blend in with the neighbouring roadsitters negero (Japanese word, look it up) uniform. Oh & here is the best part, my own first hand experience during a 16 Dec (Victory Day in BD) celebration, some years ago:

Armed Forces Officer, hence forth AFO, going overseas on training. After successfully completing this training, and upon returning to BD, AFO will be promoted to a high rank.

Person1: What's going on with armed forces, with so many Indians runnig around in the country, infiltrating every nook and cranny of the country? What do you (turning to AFO) think, shouldn't something be done to stop this?

Person2: (chimes in) yeah, not only are the current razakars supported by them, these razakars are allowing these Indians to infiltrate all the govt departments too. Even military intelligence (NSI/GDFI) has not been spared. Now theyre even trying to infiltrate the armed forces...(turns to AFO, with a vexed look on his face).

AFO: (and this is a direct quote) "amader Indiar shathe juddho kore kono laav nai"
literal translation: we war fighting with India gain no profit
translation: We don't gain anything by fighting a war against India

This is the kind of mentality the armed forces leadership currently have. They're corrupt to the core! All that money & wealth accumulated through corruption will be a complete waste, if they have to fight in a war and end up dying! So who cares if BDs sovereignty or independence is lost, as long as they can enjoy their their loot. If they're lucky, can serve some foreign nations interests too, so after retirement can get a green-card and move there!

** Sorry for the long rant! **

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Mir Sabbir is editor of BBC Bangla and he was a Chatro League leader. That's why BBC Bangla was able to provide updates even when every other news outlet was unable to post update because of blackout. They are posting the govt narrative.
They, mother renter leaguers (hey, don't look at me, that's what Muktijoddhas call them, apparently that's what they were doing back in '71 while rest of the population was fighting tooth-n-nail to free this country), put their Poltu & Boltus everywhere. That includes international news, human rights/other organizations, including various UN organs. They didn't just infiltrate BD.
The prime minister's office website has been hacked . Hacked by THE R3SISTANC3

View attachment 7042

Yes, yes, but where are the weapons? Unarmed Muktijoddhas are just peaceful student protesters. With some 400+ peaceful student protesters (some of whom are just school age kids) murdered, some were even brutally tortured like Abrar Fahad and then murdered. There has to be proper retaliation JUSTICE for the slain innocent peaceful protesting students, and against terrorist raandimakalian razakars occupying this country, oppressing 200 million people & looting 450-500 billion dollars (so far).

THE R3SISTANC3? Is that what CIA/NSA hacking units now call themselves?

@Old School where are your currently serving/retired contacts? Muktijoddhas need weapons, training, and I think they can manage the funding aspect.


Yes, yes, but where are the weapons? Unarmed Muktijoddhas are just peaceful student protesters. With some 400+ peaceful student protesters (some of whom are just school age kids) murdered, some were even brutally tortured like Abrar Fahad and then murdered. There has to be proper retaliation JUSTICE for the slain innocent peaceful protesting students, and against terrorist raandimakalian razakars occupying this country, oppressing 200 million people & looting 450-500 billion dollars (so far).

THE R3SISTANC3? Is that what CIA/NSA hacking units now call themselves?

@Old School where are your currently serving/retired contacts? Muktijoddhas need weapons, training, and I think they can manage the funding aspect.
You will be happier with what I am going to tell you now. When some fools try to construct a so-called "balance act" between the West and China while assuming everyone will agree to it , guess what happens! Both the West and China will come down hard on them. That is exactly what is happening now. Neither the West nor China want this regime to stay in power. Even in this forum, a Bengali poster consistently refused to accept this fact. So, I gave up on him. Many people are bad students to learn.
Fundings and logistics usually find their way whenever there are people of the willing. Never in history has there been a situation when willing people never received funding. It is the leadership that stays on course or sells itself. Be it George Washington, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, or Mao Zedong, they never compromised their people. However, many other leaders compromised. Regardless, they all received enough funding and assistance.
You will be happier with what I am going to tell you now. When some fools try to construct a so-called "balance act" between the West and China while assuming everyone will agree to it , guess what happens! Both the West and China will come down hard on them. That is exactly what is happening now. Neither the West nor China want this regime to stay in power. Even in this forum, a Bengali poster consistently refused to accept this fact. So, I gave up on him. Many people are bad students to learn.
Fundings and logistics usually find their way whenever there are people of the willing. Never in history has there been a situation when willing people never received funding. It is the leadership that stays on course or sells itself. Be it George Washington, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, or Mao Zedong, they never compromised their people. However, many other leaders compromised. Regardless, they all received enough funding and assistance.
This 'current' funding is coming from the US, and supported by UK+EU. They will only install another fake sheikh hagsena v2 on us. This current hijra was also imposed by them on us all the back in 2006-2008! If we get funding & weapons sourced from elsewhere, other than the US, then we can chart our own post hijra magi course on installing a govt. duly elected and backed by public mandate, representing us and our national interests. This will make them answerable to us and also make their policies sway according to public opinions.

"Even in this forum, a Bengali poster consistently refused to accept this fact. So, I gave up on him."

Who? Name please... (raandiiNON-UK-NON-BANGALEE?)

As for China, it doesn't have the capacity to do regime change, they never built one. But who knows, they might do so in the future, but for now, only the US, with help from UK+EU+AUKUS.

China is pissed on many fronts, the most recent one was actually allowing transit of raandiimaakalian military hardware hiding inside civilian transport trucks all the way to the NE & Chinese borders. But other similar things have also been adding up over the years.

There's no balancing act between raandiimaakalian & China. China is a strategic partner. Road sitting who no-mans are a strategic, and the only threat to our very existence, even to our sovereignty & independence.

Hell, we don't even balance road sitters and you guys! Even after events of '71, the very Muktojoddhas who fought for 9 and 1/2 months, were the ones that kept strategic relations going with the former western half. The entire military doctrine that was inherited from their former institutions, they themselves very painstakingly, and with limited resource, kept it wholly intact! It was only tweaked or modified in places where holes were preexisting or lacked proper & complete defense of the East. This is also a very important & strategic relationship for us. Not to mention we can directly partner in South Asia who no-man managing Operations

For example, avenging assassination of the head of our state & you guys seeking retribution for your ignominious surrender in '71. Just that one instance of our respective interests coalescing was all that it took for us to jointly bag 1 road sitting devdashi who no-man & 2 of her road sitting who no-man bastarts! We settled the score 3:1, and ever since then, 1981, they haven't assassinated/killed a single one of our head of state or government since!
This 'current' funding is coming from the US, and supported by UK+EU. They will only install another fake sheikh hagsena v2 on us. This current hijra was also imposed by them on us all the back in 2006-2008! If we get funding & weapons sourced from elsewhere, other than the US, then we can chart our own post hijra magi course on installing a govt. duly elected and backed by public mandate, representing us and our national interests. This will make them answerable to us and also make their policies sway according to public opinions.

"Even in this forum, a Bengali poster consistently refused to accept this fact. So, I gave up on him."

Who? Name please... (raandiiNON-UK-NON-BANGALEE?)

As for China, it doesn't have the capacity to do regime change, they never built one. But who knows, they might do so in the future, but for now, only the US, with help from UK+EU+AUKUS.

China is pissed on many fronts, the most recent one was actually allowing transit of raandiimaakalian military hardware hiding inside civilian transport trucks all the way to the NE & Chinese borders. But other similar things have also been adding up over the years.

There's no balancing act between raandiimaakalian & China. China is a strategic partner. Road sitting who no-mans are a strategic, and the only threat to our very existence, even to our sovereignty & independence.

Hell, we don't even balance road sitters and you guys! Even after events of '71, the very Muktojoddhas who fought for 9 and 1/2 months, were the ones that kept strategic relations going with the former western half. The entire military doctrine that was inherited from their former institutions, they themselves very painstakingly, and with limited resource, kept it wholly intact! It was only tweaked or modified in places where holes were preexisting or lacked proper & complete defense of the East. This is also a very important & strategic relationship for us. Not to mention we can directly partner in South Asia who no-man managing Operations

For example, avenging assassination of the head of our state & you guys seeking retribution for your ignominious surrender in '71. Just that one instance of our respective interests coalescing was all that it took for us to jointly bag 1 road sitting devdashi who no-man & 2 of her road sitting who no-man bastarts! We settled the score 3:1, and ever since then, 1981, they haven't assassinated/killed a single one of our head of state or government since!
Didn't Ziaur Rehman betray you guys? He couldn't become a three-star general and president at the age of less than 40 without the help of your guys. He blatantly refused China's 50-year strategic partnership offer. The revolutionaries, Sena Parishad, worked very hard to build a good relationship with China, and Ziaur Rehman destroyed it only to stay in power by pleasing India. He even killed thousands of Sena Parishad soldiers, burying them in their uniform and boots in the middle of the night in unknown graves. Later, most of their top leaders became victims of the kangaroo court of Hasina and became martyred.
China will act decisively this time. On the recent Peking trip, they sent back Hasina home empty-handed.
Didn't Ziaur Rehman betray you guys? He couldn't become a three-star general and president at the age of less than 40 without the help of your guys. He blatantly refused China's 50-year strategic partnership offer. The revolutionaries, Sena Parishad, worked very hard to build a good relationship with China, and Ziaur Rehman destroyed it only to stay in power by pleasing India. He even killed thousands of Sena Parishad soldiers, burying them in their uniform and boots in the middle of the night in unknown graves. Later, most of their top leaders became victims of the kangaroo court of Hasina and became martyred.
China will act decisively this time. On the recent Peking trip, they sent back Hasina home empty-handed.

I don't know if Ziaur Rahman was trying to please India, may have been simply trying to consolidate power and silence dissenters any way he knew how. This is the South Asian way, especially in military regimes. Early military days in Bangladesh with coups and counter-coups were the norm.

I agree (sense) that yes CCP have told off Hasina with a 'come to Jesus' meeting. That may have been the reason why she hurried back.

For those not used to the American slang, "Come to Jesus" means a hard talk, a wake-up call, facing the facts, an intervention, seeing the light etc. Hard Realization in other words.
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I don't know if Ziaur Rahman was trying to please India, may have been simply trying to consolidate power and silence dissenters anyway he knew how. This is the South Asian way, especially in military regimes. Early military days in Bangladesh with coups and counter-coups were the norm.
Is your knowledge of Zia based on hearsay or an actual detailed documented study? These are two different things that shaped your perception.
Is your knowledge of Zia based on hearsay or an actual detailed documented study? These are two different things that shaped your perception.

Conversations with actual retired Bangladesh Army leadership. Detailed documented studies aren't available AFAIK, just sharing my opinion. If you have them (leaked MI5, CIA or NSA memos from that time) then please share them of course.
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