🇮🇷 Iran's "Operation Truthful Promise - وعده صادق" on Israel : Live Coverage

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If Isra-heel aleh salam succumbs to these mighty Zoroastrians.......saadda key howay ga?. Iran better help keep Islam in mind.....Almost 2 billion muzlim futures on da line here. Baqi saari muzlim countries are a joke. Khamenei sahb needs to consider what would become of us ghareeb if da west deems us worthless in da equation?......I just hope our army paying attention on dis. Many muzlim countries will cease to exist if Israheel aleh salam is undermined by da Iranis.
Iran's long pulled this feat off in Ukraine wid da best da west had on offer in missile defenses. Ukraine has been turned to rubble so long ago by Iran. Isra-heel was always a religious joke no? If Iran continues dis on a prolonged basis, Isra-heel is finished.
If Isra-heel aleh salam succumbs to these mighty Zoroastrians.......saadda key howay ga?. Iran better help keep Islam in mind.....Almost 2 billion muzlim futures on da line here. Baqi saari muzlim countries are a joke. Khamenei sahb needs to consider what would become of us ghareeb if da west deems us worthless in da equation?......I just hope our army paying attention on dis. Many muzlim countries will cease to exist if Israheel aleh salam is undermined by da Iranis.
why do you write these posts in a manner that only you can understand them? I am sure its easier to finish sentences in english than to switch them over. You have good points make, just go through with them English
This is very different from the live news coverage 90 mins ago when most of the drones were getting hit. So we are either watching doctored video here or on the live news coverage.

I would like to think but I doubt its real that Negev base was hit. The 3-4 air bases would be too heavily protected for one. And Iran would likely not escalate it to hit straight at the air bases as that would guarantee retaliation
Deep in heart 2 billion are rejoicing that finally in 50 years, the first time a sovereign state has inflicted some fear on Israel. But these 2 billion will be suppressed by the Govts from Egypt to UAE to express their emotions....
Deep in heart 2 billion are rejoicing that finally in 50 years, the first time a sovereign state has inflicted some fear on Israel. But these 2 billion will be suppressed by the Govts from Egypt to UAE to express their emotions....
There are dozens of clear hits and that Israeli air base is on fire, captured on cell phone from neighbors living there.
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