🇮🇷 Iran's "Operation Truthful Promise - وعده صادق" on Israel : Live Coverage

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[H3]Iran's attack seemed planned to minimize casualties while maximizing spectacle[/H3]

Analysis by Tamara Qiblawi, CNN
Sun April 14, 2024

A decades-long shadow war burst out into the open overnight as Iranian drones and missiles lit up the night sky in Israel and the occupied West Bank. Tehran's operation was highly choreographed, apparently designed to minimize casualties while maximizing spectacle.

This was a complex mission. Over 300 drones and missiles navigated above Iran's neighbors, including Jordan and Iraq — both with US military bases — before penetrating the airspace of Iran's mortal enemy, Israel. Israel's allies helped shoot down the bulk of these weapons, but couldn't prevent what was long believed to be the Middle East's doomsday scenario, the Islamic Republic's first-ever attack on Israel.

Israel's fabled Iron Dome air defense system did not disappoint Israelis, many of whom took to bunkers. Only a small handful of locations were attacked, including a military base and an area in the Negev desert, injuring a Bedouin child, while the dome fended off one of the largest drone attacks in history

Yet it was an operation that seemed designed to fail — when Iran launched its killer drones from its own territory some 1,000 miles away, it was giving Israel hours of advance notice.

The symbolism of the attack did the heavy lifting. Rather than fire from one of the neighboring countries where Iran and its non-state allies are present, this was a direct attack from Iranian territory on Israeli territory. This compromised Iran's ability to damage Israel because it robbed the operation of the element of surprise.

Yet for some four hours, the world held its breath as weapons whizzed through the night sky. They were balls of fire hovering overhead as onlookers across three different countries filmed images that seemed to harken the start of a cataclysmic war.

An anti-missile system operates after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, as seen from Ashkelon, Israel.

An anti-missile system operates after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, as seen from Ashkelon, Israel.
Amir Cohen/Reuters

The lead time meant that Israel and its regional partners could ready Israel's defenses, and the operation amounted to little more than a terrifying fireworks display. When Iran's permanent mission at the United Nations tweeted that the operation had "concluded," it was easy to come away from it thinking the Islamic Republic was all bark and no bite.

The strike served as a retaliation against the Israeli airstrikes on Iran's consulate in Damascus earlier in April that killed a top commander, and it was in keeping with US intelligence and analysts' expectations.

Iran's leadership felt compelled to strike Israel in order to reiterate its position as a regional powerhouse and to dispel notions of it as a paper tiger. It doubled down on its show of force by launching the operation from its own territory and not by proxy in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen or Iraq.

Yet Iran also needed to try to avoid sparking an all-out war. Its economy has buckled under the weight of Trump-era sanctions, and there is growing discontent on its streets over the government's repressive policies. On Sunday, Iran appeared not only to have factored in Israel's robust air defense systems, but to have relied on it.

The relatively high degree of US intelligence about the operation also suggests Iran may have engaged in back-channelling with Western leaders. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said he gave neighboring countries, including major US allies, 72-hour notice. To contain the fall-out of their own operation, they appeared intent to foil it.

The style of attack is reminiscent of Tehran's response to former President Donald Trump's targeted killing of Iran's most storied general, Qassem Soleimani, in January 2020. Tehran gave US troops 10 hours of advance warning before raining down massive ballistic missiles on US military positions in Iraq, including al-Asad airbase.

The attack wreaked havoc, leaving gaping craters in the ground, but caused no known US casualties. In the process, Iranian forces accidentally shot down a commercial jet taking off from Tehran airport, killing over 100 passengers and fuelling public anger against a regime increasingly seen as incompetent.

At the time, the Iranians were preoccupied with demonstrating what their military could do, rather than what it was willing to do. The US did not retaliate, averting regional war.

Four years later, Iran's playbook may not unfold in the same way. Israel has already vowed to respond. The US has publicly stated it would not participate in an Israeli retaliation, which may reassure Iran. Yet Netanyahu's Israel has proven increasingly unpredictable. Iran's threats of more severe action in case of further escalation may fall on deaf ears in Israel, to its own peril.

Demonstrators wave Iran's flag as they gather at Palestine Square in Tehran on April 14, 2024, after Iran launched a drone and missile attack on Israel.

Demonstrators wave Iran's flag as they gather at Palestine Square in Tehran on April 14, 2024, after Iran launched a drone and missile attack on Israel.
Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images

In a future Iran strike, Tehran may not hesitate to use Israel's northern border as a launching pad. A week before the attack, one Lebanese source familiar with the matter had ruled out that Hezbollah, Iran's most powerful armed group partner, would be part of Iran's initial retaliation to the April 1 consulate strike.

However, the source warned that Hezbollah and other Iran-backed fighting forces "will be prepared for the stage that comes after the Iranian response."

A forceful Israeli retaliation may push Iran to take on an even more hardline position beyond its Israel policy. Conservatives have consolidated control of Iran's government in recent years, and there is growing resistance to Western pressure to curb the country's feared uranium enrichment program.

"There must be some satisfaction in certain circles in DC and Israel that Iran's limited response reflects the imbalance of power in Israel's favor," wrote Trita Parsi, DC-based Iran analyst and Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute, on X.

"But think further and you'll realise how this episode will strengthen those in Tehran who believe Iran must go nuclear."
[H1]The staggering cost of Israel's defense against Iran's missile attack: '4-5 billion shekels per night'[/H1]
($1.06 billion to $1.33 billion per night)
The interceptors, jet fuel and other materials expended in shooting down Iran's unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and missiles cost about 4 billion to 5 billion shekels ($1.06 billion to $1.33 billion), Israeli Brigadier General Reem Aminoach told local media outlet Ynet News on Sunday
What they're showing on da footage mostly are the decoys being downed. The very specific targeting of the F-35base in the Negev by the Hypersonic missiles and the destruction of the IDF base in the Golan, they will never show.
We can see from the Ukraine war that is simply not true. Iran played a critical war in their drone supplies and so did North Korea in their missile and perhaps other weapons supplies.

No country is 100% self-reliant. If anything North Korea is more self-reliant than both.
Iran had thousands of cheap drones to give since Russians have exhausted their stocks of all different types of weaponry. Iranian 122mm MBRL rockets and the 155mm arty shells and ammo is all Russia imported. I am not sure if the DPRK has supplied Russia anything. There are unconfirmed reports of DPRK Howitzers and some SSM's having been supplied, but they remain unconfirmed. DPRK is not in good shape bro. It's just a Chinese military proxy to intimidate SK and Japan. Here in SK/ Japan all the DPRK defectors who take political asylum are malnourished and have stomach parasites (tidd ich keerray) and other easily treatable diseases or medical conditions. China treats the DPRK even worse than the Chinese treat us.
Iran had thousands of cheap drones to give since Russians have exhausted their stocks of all different types of weaponry. Iranian 122mm MBRL rockets and the 155mm arty shells and ammo is all Russia imported. I am not sure if the DPRK has supplied Russia anything. There are unconfirmed reports of DPRK Howitzers and some SSM's having been supplied, but they remain unconfirmed. DPRK is not in good shape bro. It's just a Chinese military proxy to intimidate SK and Japan. Here in SK/ Japan all the DPRK defectors who take political asylum are malnourished and have stomach parasites (tidd ich keerray) and other easily treatable diseases or medical conditions. China treats the DPRK even worse than the Chinese treat us.

The Russian drone program was not much successful; especially in comparison to the Iranian one. That's why they bought it. They also seemed keen on the Turkish Bayraktar drones but of course they got no for an answer.

Iran-Israel tensions: Dhaka wants peace in Middle East

Information Minister Hasan Mahmud. File photo/BSS

Saying that Bangladesh does not want war in the Middle East, Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud urged the international community to help de-escalate tensions between Iran and Israel.

"We are for peace, not war. We want to see countries play an active role in de-escalating tensions [between Iran and Israel]. We also call for an end to the killings in Gaza," he said.

Google News LinkFor all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.

Hasan Mahmud made the comments when journalists, after an event at the state guest house Padma, asked him about Iran's drone and missile attacks on Israel.

Iran said the attacks were in retaliation for Israel's attacks on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria early April.

Hasan Mahmud said Iran might not have launched the attacks if it was not attacked first.

"We would hope that the states that can play roles would play their roles to de-escalate Iran-Israel tension," Hasan Mahmud said.

When asked about the release of 23 Bangladeshi sailors and the Bangladeshi-flagged ship MV Abdullah from the captivity of pirates, the foreign minister credited the government and others for their efforts.

The ship has advanced 100 nautical miles towards the United Arab Emirates, accompanied by a ship from the European Union, he informed the journalists.

He also thanked the ship-owning company, KSRM, for its active role in releasing the crew and the ship.

He told journalists that nine more members of the Border Guard Police of Myanmar have entered Bangladesh through Southern Myanmar.

Myanmar and Bangladesh are discussing the repatriation of all 180 members of BGP, including those who previously entered Bangladesh during the Myanmar military's conflict with rebel forces, he said.

Earlier, Hasan Mahmud held a meeting with Antigua and Barbuda Foreign Minister EP Chet Greene, who arrived in Dhaka for a five-day visit yesterday.

He said the two countries have discussed cooperation in technology and training in the tourism sector.

He proposed that the Caribbean country can import pharmaceutical products from Bangladesh, which now exports such products to 140 countries including the US, Canada and the EU. They also discussed exporting RMG, ceramics and leather goods from Bangladesh.​
The Russian drone program was not much successful; especially in comparison to the Iranian one. That's why they bought it. They also seemed keen on the Turkish Bayraktar drones but of course they got no for an answer.
bhai all these wars in the mideast/ Ukraine have blown a lot of myths right outta de water:

1) Its extremely expensive to wage wars over a long period. 99.9% of global countries can't do it.
2) All legacy weaponry is almost junk now.
3) If you don't have natural resources/ military industrial complexes in your own country, you can't wage war, period.
4) If Irani's have it tough conducting/ orchestrating its military/ security in the region, makes you wonder just how pathetically weak other nations are in our hood.
5) What Iran's been doing/ waging war in the greater ME and projecting its power with its weapons/ proxies, no other regional country can match up to that.
6) Our M-9/ M-11/ Shaheen/ Ghaznavi/ Ghouri/ Nasr missiles will fare a whole lot worse than their Irani counterparts. And by default, we could say the same for their untested Chinese counterparts.
7) Only way R&D happens is via constant wartime testing in real world conditions. This is how Irani's and Russians are getting ahead of all other non western nations in modern weapons.
8) Russian/ Irani Lancets, Kornets, Shahed series drones and SRBM's/ IRBM's are in high demand globally. Can't say the same for Turkish drones anymore.

US will not take part in retaliatory action against Iran, White House says
Published :
Apr 14, 2024 22:05
Updated :
Apr 14, 2024 22:05


The remains of a rocket booster that, according to Israeli authorities critically injured a 7-year-old girl, after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, near Arad, Israel, April 14, 2024. Photo : Reuters/Christophe van der Perre

President Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the US will not take part in a counter-offensive against Iran if Israel decides to retaliate for a mass drone and missile attack on Israeli territory overnight, a White House official said.

The threat of open warfare erupting between the arch Middle East foes and dragging in the United States has put the region on edge, triggering calls for restraint from global powers and Arab nations to avoid further escalation.

US media reported earlier on Sunday that Biden had informed Netanyahu he would not participate in retaliatory action in a phone call overnight. The remarks were confirmed to Reuters by a White House official.

The US will continue to help Israel defend itself, but does not want war, John Kirby, the White House's top national security spokesperson, told ABC's "This Week" program on Sunday.

Iran launched the attack over a suspected Israeli strike on its consulate in Syria on April 1 that killed top Revolutionary Guards commanders and followed months of clashes between Israel and Iran's regional allies, triggered by the war in Gaza.

However, the attack from more than 300 missiles and drones, mostly launched from inside Iran, caused only modest damage in Israel as most were shot down with the help of the U.S., Britain and Jordan.

An Air Force base in southern Israel was hit, but continued to operate as normal and a 7-year old child was seriously hurt by shrapnel. There were no other reports of serious damage.

Two senior Israeli ministers signalled on Sunday that retaliation by Israel is not imminent and it would not act alone.

"We will build a regional coalition and exact the price from Iran in the fashion and timing that is right for us," centrist minister Benny Gantz said ahead of a war cabinet meeting.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant also said Israel had an opportunity to form a strategic alliance against "against this grave threat by Iran which is threatening to mount nuclear explosives on these missiles, which could be an extremely grave threat," he said. Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons.

Iranian army chief of staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri warned on television that "our response will be much larger than tonight's military action if Israel retaliates against Iran" and told Washington its bases could also be attacked if it helped Israel retaliate.

Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian said Tehran had informed the United States its attack on Israel would be "limited" and for self defence and that regional neighbours had also been informed of its planned strikes 72-hours in advance.

A Turkish diplomatic source said Iran had informed Turkey in advance of what would happen.

Iran said the attack was aimed at punishing "Israeli crimes" but it now "deemed the matter concluded."

Russia, China, France and Germany as well as Arab states Egypt, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates urged restraint and the U.N. Security Council was set to meet at 4 pm ET (2000 GMT) on Sunday.

"We will do everything to stop a further escalation," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on a visit to China. "We can only warn everyone, especially Iran, against continuing this way."

Turkey also warned Iran it did not want further tension in the region.


Analysts debated how far Iran's attack was calibrated to cause genuine devastation in Israel, or to save face at home after vows of revenge while avoiding a major new war.

"I think the Iranians took into consideration the fact that Israel has a very, very strong multi-layer anti-missile system and they probably took into consideration that there will not be too many casualties," said Sima Shine, a former senior Mossad official at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.

But if Iran was hoping for a muted response, like with its missile attacks on US forces in Iraq after the killing of Guards commander Qassem Soleimani in 2020, she warned "I don't think Israel sees it this way".

On Saturday Iran's Revolutionary Guards seized an Israel-linked cargo ship in the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most important energy shipping routes, underscoring the risks to the world economy of a wider conflict.

Some flights were suspended in countries across the region and share prices fell in stock markets in Israel and Gulf states.

The war in Gaza, which Israel invaded after an attack by Iran-backed Hamas on Oct 7, has spread to fronts with Iran-aligned groups in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

Iran's most powerful ally in the region, the Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah fired rockets at an Israeli base overnight. Israel said it struck a Hezbollah site deep inside Lebanon on Sunday morning.

Yemen's Houthis, who have been firing missiles at ships in the Red Sea in what they say is support for the Palestinians, called Iran's attack legitimate.

The Oct 7 attack in which Israel says 1,200 were killed and 253 taken hostage, along with internal discontent with the government and international pressure over the war in Gaza, form the backdrop to Netanyahu's decisions over a response. At least 33,000 people have been killed in Gaza since Israel began its military offensive, according to authorities in the enclave.

The Israeli prime minister has for years advocated a tough military line against Iran, pushing the United States for harder action over Tehran's nuclear programme and its backing for Hezbollah, Hamas and other groups in the region.

In Israel, although there was alarm at the first direct attack from another country in more than three decades, the mood was in contrast to the trauma after the Hamas-led attack on Oct7.

"I think we've been given license to respond now. I mean it was a major attack from Iran... I imagine Israel will respond and may be over quickly and get back to normal life," said Jeremy Smith, 60.

In Iran, state television showed small gatherings in several cities celebrating the attack, but in private some Iranians were worried about Israel's response.

"Iran gave Netanyahu a golden opportunity to attack our country. But we, the people of Iran, will bear the brunt of this conflict," said Shima, a 29-year-old nurse, from Tehran.​
I was unaware that Iran's gotten back into the Sudan. The side Iran's backing with its drones is not surpisingly winning now. Must be a ploy to set up bases in northern sudan to get a better coverage of the northern red sea and encircle Israel from the SW. Very cunning move by da mulla's:
Interesting you say this and not count the Hamas response to Israel as an attack.
Hamas is an Irani proxy. Just like PIJ and PFLP. Now we are discovering that da talibunny are also increasingly on Irani payroll. Soon Iran will toady-fy dem too after putting dem on food n fuel subsidies. That’s just how it works bro…..
What they're showing on da footage mostly are the decoys being downed. The very specific targeting of the F-35base in the Negev by the Hypersonic missiles and the destruction of the IDF base in the Golan, they will never show.

I heard the same thing. Is-real military/govt. are completely mum about any damage to any airbases or defence installations.
The word going around is that this wave of Iranian drones and MRBM's was just a "proof of concept" which did not even attempt to destroy most Israeli installations.

I heard the same thing. Is-real military/govt. are completely mum about any damage to any airbases or defence installations.
Israel is just not goin sit idly by and swallow this humiliation. There are indications that Netanyahu is furious and planning a retaliation of some sort on his own. He'll try to get even using ISIS-KP or Baluchi terrorists or send in a kill team via Irani Kurdistan. They got terrorist options too.

Iran-Israel tensions: Dhaka wants peace in Middle East
View attachment 4987

Information Minister Hasan Mahmud. File photo/BSS

Saying that Bangladesh does not want war in the Middle East, Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud urged the international community to help de-escalate tensions between Iran and Israel.

"We are for peace, not war. We want to see countries play an active role in de-escalating tensions [between Iran and Israel]. We also call for an end to the killings in Gaza," he said.

Google News LinkFor all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.

Hasan Mahmud made the comments when journalists, after an event at the state guest house Padma, asked him about Iran's drone and missile attacks on Israel.

Iran said the attacks were in retaliation for Israel's attacks on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria early April.

Hasan Mahmud said Iran might not have launched the attacks if it was not attacked first.

"We would hope that the states that can play roles would play their roles to de-escalate Iran-Israel tension," Hasan Mahmud said.

When asked about the release of 23 Bangladeshi sailors and the Bangladeshi-flagged ship MV Abdullah from the captivity of pirates, the foreign minister credited the government and others for their efforts.

The ship has advanced 100 nautical miles towards the United Arab Emirates, accompanied by a ship from the European Union, he informed the journalists.

He also thanked the ship-owning company, KSRM, for its active role in releasing the crew and the ship.

He told journalists that nine more members of the Border Guard Police of Myanmar have entered Bangladesh through Southern Myanmar.

Myanmar and Bangladesh are discussing the repatriation of all 180 members of BGP, including those who previously entered Bangladesh during the Myanmar military's conflict with rebel forces, he said.

Earlier, Hasan Mahmud held a meeting with Antigua and Barbuda Foreign Minister EP Chet Greene, who arrived in Dhaka for a five-day visit yesterday.

He said the two countries have discussed cooperation in technology and training in the tourism sector.

He proposed that the Caribbean country can import pharmaceutical products from Bangladesh, which now exports such products to 140 countries including the US, Canada and the EU. They also discussed exporting RMG, ceramics and leather goods from Bangladesh.​
completely irrelevant person from an irrelevant country with no leverage making his views known because he has a microphone. If Bangladesh had 30,000 troops in Syria, then this would be worth posting . Otherwise there are a dime a dozen information ministers saying useless things with no leverage
The word going around is that this wave of Iranian drones and MRBM's was just a "proof of concept" which did not even attempt to destroy most Israeli installations.

This has proven that if you give ample warning and launch drones that go at the speed of a car with 6 hours to arrive, then they will all be blown out of the sky.

The warning was not just of the 7 hours, but days since all airspace over Iraq/Syria thats used for international traffic likely had to be cleared and it was communicated with that intent via the Gulf countries.

Militarily also, these slow moving drones did nothing. Easily shot down (probably by equipment that costs 5x or more). I think what would be telling is if a future serious war were to occur between the two, IF Iran has sufficient deployment of these drones closer to border where reaction time is reduced, and/or sufficient numbers of ballistic missiles to overwhelm defenses. That is on the mind of Israeli defenders and Iranian attackers.
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