🇮🇷 Iran's "Operation Truthful Promise - وعده صادق" on Israel : Live Coverage

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Israel reporting no impact or damage. I find that hard to believe since we’ve seen dozens of hits on cellphone footage
Admitting damages will create a lot of pressure to retaliate against Iran, and Biden told Netanyahu earlier today that the U.S. would not join in attacks against Iran.
Admitting damages will create a lot of pressure to retaliate against Iran, and Biden told Netanyahu earlier today that the U.S. would not join in attacks against Iran.
True. It was da same during the Al-Assad base in Iraq 4 years ago. Direct and very accurate strikes. All targets were hit dead on.
True. It was da same during the Al-Assad base in Iraq 4 years ago. Direct and very accurate strikes. All targets were hit dead on.
Military damages are easier to conceal than civilian damages. Civilians usually themselves speak up about what happened to them. Iran was very careful only to hurt the military targets; Indians call this sort of attack " Surgical Strike." lol
I’m purrtty sure that F-thurrtty Faav base got slaaammedd!😝……the Houthis and Hezb and the Syrians/Iraqi PMU’s all emptied their arsenals. Like literally a 1000 missiles and double that number in drones/ decoys hit their targets. At the end of da day it’s the harassment that unhinges the basturds. It’s always da case. And Iran killing or injuring 5/10 IDF daily is why Israel attacked da Irani consulate in da first place. Irans sittin pretty a 1000kms away from Israel…..just using its toady…..it’s a real soweet spott to be in no?….😝
Our ‘tajziyakaar’ are basically chutiya people. They don’t know anything about geo-politics. They are just good at IK vs our low budget/ low income Pak army. So stupid/chutiya analysis if anybody reading is from our country. These are the sort of chummppu we have been producing in our educational institutions? What a joke:
At first Israel defamed itself by neglecting the welfare of civilians in Gaza as well as creating a humanitarian crisis. But now the tables have turned probably after Iran attacked, not knowing it has only benefited Israel.

And maybe for the better. Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. The Iranian regime does not hold Pakistan's interests at heart and has a negative influence on the country, much like Saudi Arabia.

The difference is that Saudi Arabia is not trying to develop nuclear weapons. Pakistanis cry to me that Israel is an ally of India but remember so is Iran, in some ways more so than Israel.

This tyrannical regime also oppresses it's own people.
At first Israel defamed itself by neglecting the welfare of civilians in Gaza as well as creating a humanitarian crisis. But now the tables have turned probably after Iran attacked, not knowing it has only benefited Israel.

And maybe for the better. Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. The Iranian regime does not hold Pakistan's interests at heart and has a negative influence on the country, much like Saudi Arabia.

The difference is that Saudi Arabia is not trying to develop nuclear weapons. Pakistanis cry to me that Israel is an ally of India but remember so is Iran, in some ways more so than Israel.

This tyrannical regime also oppresses it's own people.
Oh bhai Iran has had nukes for 2 decades now…..they’re sitting on em for so long, but the problem with nukes is that you can’t use em! If you use em, you’s committing suicide! That’s all…..nukes are legacy weapons from ww2 era and totally worthless in the modern world. Even if the other side don’t got em, you still can’t nuke em, or else you’d be ostracized for ever and dissolved as a state by the rest of da world in a boycott. That tells us that the era of nukes is long over. The only two countries that could possibly use nukes today are Russia and the US…..that’s it! Nobody else got the ooommpph nor da balls to use nukes.
Oh bhai Iran has had nukes for 2 decades now…..they’re sitting on em for so long, but the problem with nukes is that you can’t use em! If you use em, you’s committing suicide! That’s all…..nukes are legacy weapons from ww2 era and totally worthless in the modern world. Even if the other side don’t got em, you still can’t nuke em, or else you’d be ostracized for ever and dissolved as a state by the rest of da world in a boycott. That tells us that the era of nukes is long over. The only two countries that could possibly use nukes today are Russia and the US…..that’s it! Nobody else got the ooommpph nor da balls to use nukes.

Do you think if America or the Russian Federation used nukes, they would not be committing suicide by the threat of nuclear retaliation against them?
Do you think if America or the Russian Federation used nukes, they would not be committing suicide by the threat of nuclear retaliation against them?
Yaar both are self sufficient and don’t need the rest of the world for jack shiit! All other nuclear countries are not in that position. Buss!…..we can’t use nukes on India nor can India use dem against us…..pretty simple calculus on da escalation ladder. If Indian takes Lahore tomorrow, do you honestly believe we have the ‘auqaat’ to nuke India? Or likewise if we went and took over Amritsar or Srinagar, the Indians got da auqaat to nuke us?
I believe you know de answer to dis no?
Both of us are a couple of nobody’s!
saudis and iranians are good friends of india. but saudi also undercover flirting with israel.
pakistan has no leverage but it has to wait patiently for a good opportunity to persuade these nations to be loyal it.
but what kind of opportunity i dont know maybe scare saudis by saying iran is a wild beast ready take over arabia, and get them to be loyal to pakistan and drain them of oil gifts. play both of them and get oil cheap or free.
saudis and iranians are good friends of india. but saudi also undercover flirting with israel.
pakistan has no leverage but it has to wait patiently for a good opportunity to persuade these nations to be loyal it.
but what kind of opportunity i dont know maybe scare saudis by saying iran is a wild beast ready take over arabia, and get them to be loyal to pakistan and drain them of oil gifts. play both of them and get oil cheap or free.
We need cheap oil n gas bro.....60% of our budget goes toward it. It's really our achilles heel these two commodities. EV's are too expensive for our ghareeb population and now EV's are not all dat flash anymore. Toyota CEO was right all along, that EV's are just gimmicks. Without oil n gas, the world comes to a screeching halt.
at the speed the projectiles are hitting the ground, those are the ballistic missile. The drones predictably were mostly shotdown in the air from SAMs: they are slow, easy to detect, and warning went out 7 hours ago. More used as decoy and fear weapons , presumably timed to be over Israel as the ballistic missiles came in.

This is not just the first attack on Israel in 50 years, BUT, its brought Israel to the status of a rogue unsafe nation / war zone. Its the Gaza equivalent essentially (albeit a bit richer). Lot of impact on future migrants, foreign investment, and every other respect where Israel had set itself as an extension of Europe / US in the middle east. It doesn't matter if Israel now retaliates against Iran 1000 miles away (to whatever success that will bring) or what real damage was done physically in Israel proper. A lot of people that left Europe and US to be in a jewish state will head back. A lot of future non-die hard jews will rethink about the move.

Just last Nov months ago, every other ad youtube was throwing at me in Europe was about Israel being such a great tourist destination. Now even foreign Govts won't send their representatives.

This is what has changed in Israel: the developed strong country that has intimidated its neighbors and is everything a western country could be is gone
Your analysis was wrong about this.
I am the only one who kept saying that Iran would hit Israerl here again and again in the forum like this more than dozen times :



While you were doubtful when Iran was taking time during the negotiation going on :

@Dogun18, when you want to say someone is wrong, try to be smarter next time and do not quote out of context. You haven't even opened a single meaningful thread here all these days with your "avatar."
Interesting you say this and not count the Hamas response to Israel as an attack.
Sovereign peer nation attack is what I am talking about. . Hamas attack does not count if it resulted in completed destruction of Gaza, 150K injured, and 2 million displaced. Attack has to be for relative outcome. So yes, I do NOT count Hamas' one time suicide attack that caused untold destruction to its civilians.
Yaar both are self sufficient and don’t need the rest of the world for jack shiit! All other nuclear countries are not in that position. Buss!…..we can’t use nukes on India nor can India use dem against us…..pretty simple calculus on da escalation ladder. If Indian takes Lahore tomorrow, do you honestly believe we have the ‘auqaat’ to nuke India? Or likewise if we went and took over Amritsar or Srinagar, the Indians got da auqaat to nuke us?
I believe you know de answer to dis no?
Both of us are a couple of nobody’s!

We can see from the Ukraine war that is simply not true. Iran played a critical war in their drone supplies and so did North Korea in their missile and perhaps other weapons supplies.

No country is 100% self-reliant. If anything North Korea is more self-reliant than both.
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