🇮🇷 Iran's "Operation Truthful Promise - وعده صادق" on Israel : Live Coverage

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These kind of faces we see in Urumqi or Kashgar in da East Torkestan of Xinjiang! but these are Azeri people no?.......lol

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All these central Asian/ moghal/ All-turkiya types are all like Afghani/ Uzbeki/ Hazara nauker type Afghani peepal.....Do ttakkay k log......Junkyard of Islam. Stalin used tens of millions of dem against da Nazi's in WW2 as cannon fodder. Jahil lower caste Al-Baqistani convert got no clue on what happened in Europe. Al-Baqistani convert was busy in fighting Japanese in Burma and Nazi's in North Afriqa as instructed to by da UK......Chutiya muzlim converts.
[H1]Israelis rush to supermarkets fearing potential Iranian attack[/H1]
Banks have also been ordered to prepare for massive withdrawals of money from ATMs
[h1]Israelis rush to supermarkets fearing potential Iranian attack[/h1]Banks have also been ordered to prepare for massive withdrawals of money from ATMs
Iran's laid a siege on dese Zionist bitches. Their economy is in ruins, their people fleeing and Jahil toady muzlims been sicked on da Isra-heeli.... 😛 ...I wish our stupid lower caste convert jharrnails were dis smart on tackling India!.....I wish!
Iran's laid a siege on dese Zionist bitches. Their economy is in ruins, their people fleeing and Jahil toady muzlims been sicked on da Isra-heeli.... 😛 ...I wish our stupid lower caste convert jharrnails were dis smart on tackling India!.....I wish!
I know Iran is stepping into Israel's trap to widen the war into the Iranian mainland. Still, Iranian deterrence is not working anymore with their long-standing policy of strategic patience toward Israel. Iran has no other option but to act now to regain their strategic deterrence. If Iran doesn't act, it will give Israel the green light to target more Iranian positions. "Operation Marg Bar Israel" will most likely start on Shab-e-Qadr.
[H1]Israeli embassies around world closed over fear of Iranian attacks[/H1]
[H2]Foreign Ministry in coordination with Shin Bet recall several diplomats, close down embassies, and warn officials abroad not to not to come to work at the consular buildings[/H2]
I know Iran is stepping into Israel's trap to widen the war into the Iranian mainland. Still, Iranian deterrence is not working anymore with their long-standing policy of strategic patience toward Israel. Iran has no other option but to act now to regain their strategic deterrence. If Iran doesn't act, it will give Israel the green light to target more Iranian positions. "Operation Marg Bar Israel" will most likely start on Shab-e-Qadr.
I bet Iran will instruct hezb in taking northern Israel. The deep tunnels are already there in place......And intimidate Al-Jordan k bhangi log to go bust da borders too and pour into Isra-heel aleh salam..... 😛......Millions of jahil toady muzlim running rampage.....This could be it. Total jahiliyat/ animal behavior on display......Aaaaahahahaaaaa......😛......wishful thinking on my part, but I think Irani's are softies and not jahil.......they wouldn't do something as despicable like the Sunni/ wahabbi muzlim are capable of. Killing poor civilians or even lower caste mazhabi is wrong. Not good!
I bet Iran will instruct hezb in taking northern Israel. The deep tunnels are already there in place......And intimidate Al-Jordan k bhangi log to go bust da borders too and pour into Isra-heel aleh salam..... 😛......Millions of jahil toady muzlim running rampage.....This could be it. Total jahiliyat/ animal behavior on display......Aaaaahahahaaaaa......😛......wishful thinking on my part, but I think Irani's are softies and not jahil.......they wouldn't do something as despicable like the Sunni/ wahabbi muzlim are capable of. Killing poor civilians or even lower caste mazhabi is wrong. Not good!
No. This time, Iran will do it directly from Iran. No outside proxy will be used. This is what I learned today from different sources.
No. This time, Iran will do it directly from Iran. No outside proxy will be used. This is what I learned today from different sources.
Yaar something big going down in da region:
Some serious drama going down in the Persian Gulf right now. GPS signal experiencing massive disruption. Brits claiming they have lost communication and whereabouts of all British vessels in the Persian Gulf. A terror attack is ongoing at Chabahar Port city in Iran on military installations. Pakistan army western border commands have just gone on full alert. PAF has mobilized all ADAs and ADA crews on full alert. Pakistan Navy battle ships have been deployed from Ormara towards Gwadar. I mean some serious shiit going down.
Yaar something big going down in da region:
Some serious drama going down in the Persian Gulf right now. GPS signal experiencing massive disruption. Brits claiming they have lost communication and whereabouts of all British vessels in the Persian Gulf. A terror attack is ongoing at Chabahar Port city in Iran on military installations. Pakistan army western border commands have just gone on full alert. PAF has mobilized all ADAs and ADA crews on full alert. Pakistan Navy battle ships have been deployed from Ormara towards Gwadar. I mean some serious shiit going down.
The attackers in Rask and Chabahar quite obviously came from Pakistan. Therefore, Pak authorities have good reasons to be on alert because Iranian missile strikes took place on the other side of the border in Pakistan not so long ago. Iran had subsequently warned Pakistan. However, the recent attack on the Chinese staff again changed the game.
The attackers in Rask and Chabahar quite obviously came from Pakistan. Therefore, Pak authorities have good reasons to be on alert because Iranian missile strikes took place on the other side of the border in Pakistan not so long ago. Iran had subsequently warned Pakistan. However, the recent attack on the Chinese staff again changed the game.
Yaar we are being turned into a bunch of gypsy som biches by de hour. Irani will attack us again and I bet we’ve emptied out our Jesh Adl camps on da jiffy here. Missile attacks coming soon from Iran yet again. They know that if we don’t back up Jesh Adl or sunni/ wahabbi terror, then no more money for chutiya wahabbiyat. Iran knows. They are not stupid. Forget Iran, cuz they still got sympathy for us ghareeb…..our biggest worry should be how we’re goin to placate the Chinese now? Cuz dey know we deliberately killed their engineers just last week on US instructions!
Yaar we are being turned into a bunch of gypsy som biches by de hour. Irani will attack us again and I bet we’ve emptied out our Jesh Adl camps on da jiffy here. Missile attacks coming soon from Iran yet again. They know that if we don’t back up Jesh Adl or sunni/ wahabbi terror, then no more money for chutiya wahabbiyat. Iran knows. They are not stupid. Forget Iran, cuz they still got sympathy for us ghareeb…..our biggest worry should be how we’re goin to placate the Chinese now? Cuz dey know we deliberately killed their engineers just last week on US instructions!
China knows everything; they are in the same league as the USA for nothing. I saw Maryam Nawaz trying to calm down the Chinese in a meeting yesterday. You know which Pakistani political party is closest to the Afghans. It is definitely not PML-N. I know China has not made any statement in favor of IK since he was dethroned.
China knows everything; they are in the same league as the USA for nothing. I saw Maryam Nawaz trying to calm down the Chinese in a meeting yesterday. You know which Pakistani political party is closest to the Afghans. It is definitely not PML-N. I know China has not made any statement in favor of IK since he was dethroned.
God knows what our future is.......We are neither here, nor there. We only act if US dollars thrown in front of us. Our ghareeb/ defunct future is evident now. Just matter of a few years and we'll most likely balkanize due to civil war. Afghani talibunny already on Irani payroll. Afghani worships irani mulla, there's no misgivings on dis, and afghani spits on us. Iran already running our Balochistan and increasingly our Sindh too. Baqi mulk (urdu/ punjabi/ Kashmiri) increasingly coming under hindu sway......I see it from a mile away.
The attackers in Rask and Chabahar quite obviously came from Pakistan. Therefore, Pak authorities have good reasons to be on alert because Iranian missile strikes took place on the other side of the border in Pakistan not so long ago. Iran had subsequently warned Pakistan. However, the recent attack on the Chinese staff again changed the game.
Beidu/ Glonass/ GPS/ internet around Persian Gulf/ Red Sea off air!.......Something going to happen soon.
You all are missing the point. Israel destroyed an Iranian embassy. Iran has to do similar damage to Israel. Armenia, Greece, and Cyprus are not natural allies of Israel as much Azernbijan is. Greece and Cyprus are NATO countries. Read more, as I posted a lot above and Google too. Azerbaijan is called the second Israel. It is not about the country. It is about an Israeli embassy that is suitable to strike directly from Iran. Iran wants to attack the Israeli embassy in Baku .

To add to your comment regarding the Azarbaijani and Iranian relationship, the Azari leader with the help of Israel is spreading fake history about Iranian Azarbaijan and how the fascist Persians stole the south Azarbaijan from the North . There were many terrorist attack initiated from isis and few Israeli drone attacks originated from Azarbaijan deep inside Iran. Last year Aliyef met with the Israeli ambassador on the Iranian border to show the middle finger to Iran.
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Ye saaray bungali shakal moghal log. Vekho paa G.....Saaray aik jesay hotay hain gay. From Al-Turkiya to Al-Urumqi......Afghani Uzbeki type shaklain. Somebody from istanbul can easily hold a conversation with somebody in Urumqi, without the need of a translator.

Don't confuse Turko-Mongol phenotypes with Chinese. They are different.
No I wasn’t joking. Half of the Turks and Azeri look half Chinese. Same same with uzbeki and even a lot of Tajik. Ye saaray moghal log hain. Moghal means mongol in da Irani turani language bhai, in case you were wondering. Turdogan key shakal dekh bhai…..😝

Well they don't look Chinese at all. Don't confuse Tuko-Mongol phenotypes with Chinese. For example Hazaras don't look Chinese. This would be like them calling us Pakistanis "Angraiz" just because we are also Caucasoid like British people.
Well they don't look Chinese at all. Don't confuse Tuko-Mongol phenotypes with Chinese. For example Hazaras don't look Chinese. This would be like them calling us Pakistanis "Angraiz" just because we are also Caucasoid like British people.
Yes they do. They look bungali Assamese types all these central Asian people. Ye aadhay oriental hotay hain. All of em! Turkish Azeri bungali Nagaland and Turkmen and Nepali…..same same. You must be confused about things you have no idea about. Go look at the vidz of Central Asia and Azher-Bhaija and turkey…..these are all oriental people (moghals)…..we in Al-Baqistan got jack shiit to do with them racially. And Hazara look like the same peepal from Xinjiang of East Torkestan, which is in China. Moghal log. Istambhooli moghal has a fluent conversation with his brudda in da Kashgar or Urumqi…..no translator needed. 😝
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Yes they do. They look bungali Assamese types all these central Asian people. Ye aadhay oriental hotay hain. All of em! Turkish Azeri bungali Nagaland and Turkmen and Nepali…..same same. You must be confused about things you have no idea about. Go look at the vidz of Central Asia and Azher-Bhaija and turkey…..these are all oriental people (moghals)…..we in Al-Baqistan got jack shiit to do with them racially. And Hazara look like the same peepal from Xinjiang of East Torkestan, which is in China. Moghal log. Istambhooli moghal has a fluent conversation with his brudda in da Kashgar or Urumqi…..no translator needed. 😝
Let us not divert the discussion towards ethnography here. Focus on the main topic.
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