🇮🇷 Iran's "Operation Truthful Promise - وعده صادق" on Israel : Live Coverage

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Let us not divert the discussion towards ethnography here. Focus on the main topic.

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Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei inspecting a Gaza military attack drone in November

Iran is pulling its missiles closer to the border with Iraq to be closer to Israel.
Wouldn't they already have hundreds of thousands of short range (100km to 300 km) ones in both Syria and Lebanon.
[H1]Iran to US: 'Stay away so you won't get hurt'[/H1]
The Islamic Republic of Iran has sent a letter to the United States warning it not to get dragged into Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's trap, according to a presidential official.

"In a written message, the Islamic Republic of Iran warns US leadership not to get dragged in Netanyahu's trap for US: Stay away so you won't get hurt. In response US asked Iran not to target American facilities," Mohammad Jamshidi, the deputy chief of staff for political affairs to the Iranian president, tweeted on Friday.
[H1]Israel Claims Intel Shows Possible Iran Attack Using 'Long-Range Missiles or Drones'[/H1]

Israeli officials claim they have in their possession intelligence indicating that Iran could attack the country from its territory using "long-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles or drones," Axios reported.
A U.S. intelligence assessment warns that Iran could carry out an attack using a swarm of drones or land-attack cruise missiles, and that Iran could target an Israeli diplomatic or consular facility in the region in retaliation for the strike in Damascus, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the assessment. Iran is likely to respond before the end of Ramadan next week, the officials said.
Biden officials are worried Iran may plan to hit targets in Israel as payback for killing general (nbcnews.com)
[h1]Israel Claims Intel Shows Possible Iran Attack Using 'Long-Range Missiles or Drones'[/h1]
Israeli officials claim they have in their possession intelligence indicating that Iran could attack the country from its territory using "long-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles or drones," Axios reported.
Iran will break a cardinal rule, if it directly targets Isra-heel aleh salam. This action must be carried out by Iran's muzlim toady. Otherwise Iran will be labelled anti-semitic and what not. Khamenei must use muzlim toady, ideally Sunni/ wahabbi sold out converts, that way it stays clean from finger pointing.
"Expect Fatal Blows": Iran Will Take Revenge On Israel In Azerbaijan's Zangelan?
Iranian sources report today, April 3, that Israel has decided to evacuate the staff of its embassies in Baku and Abu Dhabi amid a possible response from Tehran to the Israeli airstrike on the consulate in Damascus.

A number of Telegram channels associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) also spread information that the recent Israeli attack on the consulate of the Islamic Republic in the Syrian capital, the victims of which were high-ranking representatives of the IRGC, "was worked out not without the participation of Azerbaijan."

The Sepah Pasdaran Telegram channel notes that Israeli observation bases for the northern regions of Iran are located in Azerbaijan's Zangelan.

"You don't have to look far to avenge Damascus. Israeli eavesdropping and espionage bases are located next to us, in Zangelan, a few kilometers from the Iranian border," - said in the publication.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Embassy in Azerbaijan, commenting earlier this Wednesday on the reports of a number of media about the possible suspension of the work of the diplomatic mission in Baku, indicated that it continues to function in the same mode.

Подробнее: «Ждите смертельных ударов»: Иран отомстит Израилю в азербайджанском Зангелане?: EADaily
Israeli-Iranian War Is Coming Out of Proxy Mode
Netanyahu's Government Deploys Extra Reserves to Defend Against Tehran
The developments are unfolding against the backdrop of calls by opponents of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for early elections and the awakening of Baloch separatist groups in Iran.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) warned the Middle Eastern country through specialized channels that Iran could carry out a combined strike on Israeli territory within 48 hours.
The Israeli-Iranian war is coming out of proxy mode / In the world / Nezavisimaya Gazeta
[h1]Israel suspends work of 28 embassies worldwide amid retaliatory threats by Iran[/h1]

The Israeli government has suspended the operations of 28 embassies in countries around the world amid threats from Iran, Sky News Arabia reports.
Israel has 24 hours left before Iran responds, according to the CIA.

Iran has reportedly put its military forces on "full high alert,"
Two Iranian officials quoted Friday by The New York Times said Iran has made a decision to directly attack Israel, in a move meant to create deterrence.
Sounds like the irani’s have repeated the feat they carried out against the Sawdi Judeans at Khurais/Abqaiq, which caused the Sawdi’s to throw in da towel on Yemen. MBS realized that THAAD, PAC-2/3 are just billion dollar gimmicks that don’t work and that he being fooled by the west into buying billion dollar junk. Many Irani stealth drones penetrated the IDF defenses and struck their targets dead on last week! Totally shattering the IDF myth of iron dumb dumb….😝…..this is why Irani embassy was attacked by Isra-heel aleh salam. What Irans telling USrA-heel is that we can fukk you up, in case you didn’t know:
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Tehran feels strong enough to have the support of Russia and China. Iran is ready to challenge Israel even with Washington's involvement in the war. If this happens, it will be another step towards a world war, in addition to the conflict between NATO and Russia on the territory of Ukraine. This will be the pretext for China's military operation in Taiwan.

The outbreak of war in the Middle East theater will end the modern world order.
At the same time, a source in the government leaked information to the press that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has noticeably aggravated relations with US President Joe Biden, is annoyed that the White House's recent direct attacks on Israel may push Iran to more serious actions than initially planned in Tehran.

[h2]Psychological warfare[/h2]
The Israeli media is talking about raising the level of preparedness in the occupation entity, which is likely to respond from Iran regarding the targeting of its consulate in Damascus, and highlights the state of panic among settlers after they lost confidence in Israeli intelligence since October 7, 2023.

Yedioth Ahronoth acknowledged that Iran had achieved a breakthrough in psychological warfare even though it had yet to send a single drone in response to the targeting of its consulate.

In a report by its military analyst Yossi Yehoshua, it revealed that panic prevails in Israel, as "Israelis are confused whether to break into food networks or ATMs first."

"Generator traders are reaping good profits," she said, referring to the settlers' rush to buy generators because they fear prolonged power cuts as the war expands.

The newspaper pointed out in the context of the settlers' fear that they began to pressure the heads of local authorities to open the shelters, stressing that Tehran would not stand idly by in response to the targeting of its consulate.

[h2]Unprecedented intelligence crisis[/h2]
Yedioth Ahronoth explained that the settlers' fear stems from the fact that the IDF's intelligence branch is experiencing the worst crisis in its history.

The public has completely lost confidence in the intelligence division after the intelligence failure of the attack carried out by the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, on October 7, 2023, she said.

The head of the Research Brigade Department of the Israeli Military Intelligence Division, "Aman" Amit Sa'ar, resigned from his post following his admission of the Israeli intelligence failure on October 7, 2023.

Israeli media said Brigadier General Sa'ar was the highest-ranking officer yet to complete his mission among those responsible for war failures.
A drone barrage on their desal plants and the Isra-heeli will go thirsty, no?.....:p.......I believe Iran can hurt Israel very badly, but they are holding back for now. Israel will empty out quick if Irani's go after em with a hard on.
[h1]Iran Warns Nine Types of Highly Lethal Missiles in Arsenal Capable of Hitting Israel[/h1]Iran has nine types of missiles with sufficient range to hit Israeli territory, Iranian news agency ISNA reported against the backdrop of concerns over possible armed conflict between the two countries.
An infographic presented by the news agency Sunday revealed multiple Iranian ballistic missiles – the Sejjil, Kheibar, Emad, Shahab-3, Ghadr, Paveh, Fattah-2, Kheibar Shekan, and Haj Qasem – the speed of which ranges from Mach 5 to Mach 14 (from 3,836 miles per hour to 10,741 miles per hour).

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long urged military action against the self-avowed Islamic Republic and regional critic of Israel, but the nation of 88 million people possesses significant defensive capabilities.
A war on Iran also raises the prospect of potential involvement by Tehran's ally Russia, while Netanyahu would presumably count on an assist from the United States.

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