🇮🇷 Iran's "Operation Truthful Promise - وعده صادق" on Israel : Live Coverage

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[H1]Israel expects a strike from Iran after April 12[/H1]
Israeli officials speculate that Iran could strike after April 12.
According to The Times of Israel, Israel believes that Tehran will not take any steps until the end of Eid al-Fitr.
"The army also believes that the attack will target military or strategic targets, rather than civilians," the publication said.
Earlier, the Israeli Ministry of Defense completed preparations to respond to any possible scenario that might develop with regard to Iran.
The United States has warned Iran not to attack U.S. forces in the Middle East after Israel's strike in Damascus.
Israel expects a strike from Iran after April 12 — RT in Russian
[H1]Israel thinks Iran to deliver strike on it after April 12[/H1]
Israeli military officials expect Tehran's response to an attack on Iran's consulate in Syria after April 12, The Times of Israel online publication said.
Israel estimates that an Iranian response will not come until after the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which ends April 12, according to the forecast. The army also thinks that an attack will target military or strategic assets and not civilian sites. The Israeli side is preparing for the possibility of an attack coming from any of a number of proxies, or from Iran itself, as well as the possibility of a multi-pronged assault, The Times of Israel said.
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said earlier that the ministry had completed preparations for a response to any possible scenario that might develop regarding Iran.
On April 1, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced that seven Iranian military advisors had been killed in an Israeli airstrike on Tehran's consulate in Damascus. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Tehran would make Israel repent for the strike, while President Ebrahim Raisi vowed that the attack would not go unanswered. Israel has so far made no statements on responsibility for the airstrike. However, Israel Defense Forces Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told CNN that, according to the Israeli military's data, the strike had not targeted Iran's consulate but an IRGC military facility, which he claimed had only been disguised as a civilian building.
Israel thinks Iran to deliver strike on it after April 12 — publication - World - TASS
Check dis out folks. Hints of shutting down da straits of Hormuz. Forget shutting it down, even if disrupted for a month or so, half the global economies will collapse in short order. It would totally be a real gaanddu move too….and dozens of countries will scream in pain. This will be the ultimate revenge where it could be leveraged that dismantle Isra-heel aleh salam now or else yous goin ride bikes along with your toady….😝….many countries would be willing to pimp out their daddy to the irani’s just to get by no?…😝….munira sahb will get down on his hands n knees in under 2 minutes flat followed up by Modi-ulla no?…😝
Check dis out folks. Hints of shutting down da straits of Hormuz. Forget shutting it down, even if disrupted for a month or so, half the global economies will collapse in short order. It would totally be a real gaanddu move too….and dozens of countries will scream in pain. This will be the ultimate revenge where it could be leveraged that dismantle Isra-heel aleh salam now or else yous goin ride bikes along with your toady….😝….many countries would be willing to pimp out their daddy to the irani’s just to get by no?…😝….munira sahb will get down on his hands n knees in under 2 minutes flat followed up by Modi-ulla no?…😝

This one is a click bait fake Indian news by HT .
This one is a click bait fake Indian news by HT .
This is da ultimate option though…😝….with da mere threat of a disruption oil would go to $200/ barrel…..our economy will wrap up in two days and then no more Jesh Adl and the end of Israel too. Irani can constipate half da world with just some speed boats running wild.
This is da ultimate option though…😝….with da mere threat of a disruption oil would go to $200/ barrel…..our economy will wrap up in two days and then no more Jesh Adl and the end of Israel too. Irani can constipate half da world with just some speed boats running wild.
For one, Iran doesn't operate with our rotten tribal mentality. It is an intelligent and responsible country. Iran said many times that it would only attack Israel and it would be a direct hit by Iran.
For one, Iran doesn't operate with our rotten tribal mentality. It is an intelligent and responsible country. Iran said many times that it would only attack Israel and it would be a direct hit by Iran.
I’s gettin da feelin dat Israel is in a world of trouble. Theys totally under siege and are being ostracized and defeated right in front of da whole world. No western support and they go under water along with a good dozen regional muzlim toady too.

I’s gettin da feelin dat Israel is in a world of trouble. Theys totally under siege and are being ostracized and defeated right in front of da whole world. No western support and they go under water along with a good dozen regional muzlim toady too.
Israel is a Western colony filled with East-European Turkic-Khazar converts, as no reasonable Anglo-Saxon would want to live there. Its usefulness has now become obsolete. West wants Iran to clear up the mess while keeping their gentlemen's image.
Israel is a Western colony filled with East-European Turkic-Khazar converts, as no reasonable Anglo-Saxon would want to live there. Its usefulness has now become obsolete. West wants Iran to clear up while keeping their gentlemen's image.
It could very well be da case. If Israel goes da way of Pretoria it will usher in a whole new order in the Middle East. Many muzlim toady countries will collapse too. It will be a monumental change. Our Munira will become Irani doggy in 2 minutes…..😝
Israeli Foreign Minister published a message in Persian

Translation: " If Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will respond and attack in Iran"
Lufthansa suspends flights to and from Tehran
[H1]U.S. Intel Warns of Imminent Iranian Strike on Israel[/H1]
"Bloomberg reported The United States and its allies believe that major missile or drone strikes "by Iran or its proxies" against military and government targets in Israel are "close," according to people familiar with the intelligence.
"Bloomberg reported The United States and its allies believe that major missile or drone strikes "by Iran or its proxies" against military and government targets in Israel are "close," according to people familiar with the intelligence.
Scott Ritter is saying Israel will not survive an Irani retaliation. I believe him. I also believe that Israel as a state is on borrowed time now:
Israel will strike Iran's nuclear facilities if the country decides to avenge the destruction of the Iranian consulate, which resulted in the elimination of generals of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This was reported by The Sun with reference to a representative of Western services.

"Israel will respond to any attacks with a direct strike on Iran's nuclear facilities," the newspaper said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Elaph News also reported on Israel's covert preparations for strikes on Iran. "In recent days, Israel has been conducting secret training of the air force using various types of fighter jets (...) to strike sensitive facilities in Iran that may belong to Iran's nuclear project," the newspaper writes, citing Western officials.

On April 1, the Israeli Air Force struck a building next to the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital, Damascus. As a result, the building of the Iranian consulate was destroyed and the commanders of the IRGC unit, Generals Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, were eliminated.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi promised an imminent response to Israel's strike after the incident.
I think Hezb will take northern Israel and Sheba farms using those tunnels and the Syrian army/ Iraqi PMU's retake the Golan. That will be a very cunning retaliation.
If the IRGC coordinate this good, the northern 1/4th of Israel until the West bank can be reclaimed by Hezb. And simultaneously the Golan could also be liberated. Northern Isra-heel aleh salam west bank jahil with a border with Hezb would totally undermine Isra-heel aleh salam......I mean dis sorta move will just pull Netanyahu's chaddi exposing his bhund for all da toady muzlim to see no?....... :p .....It would just be da ultimate badmash move!....Iran must use these Sunni/ wahabbi khotay like its been doin all along. Just like how the west uses these sunni/ wahabbi ISIS/ Daesh/ Al-Qaeda khotay. Then its easy to pin da blame on local jahil Sunni/ Wahabbi whilst doin da necessary. Use da Sunni Wahabbiyat stupidity hammer against da Yahudi anvil. Soweet aass eyez on da prize......Total Subhaanallah move!
[H1]Senior U.S. general to visit Israel to coordinate on Iran attack threat[/H1]
Israeli officials say they are preparing for a possible unprecedented direct attack from Iranian soil using ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles against Israeli targets.
The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Iraq spoke today on the phone with Iran's foreign minister and discussed regional tensions, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said.
[h1]Senior U.S. general to visit Israel to coordinate on Iran attack threat[/h1]Israeli officials say they are preparing for a possible unprecedented direct attack from Iranian soil using ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles against Israeli targets.
The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Iraq spoke today on the phone with Iran's foreign minister and discussed regional tensions, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said.
If Iran directly attacks, then Irani nuke sites will be targeted by both the Israeli's and the US......this is exactly what theys wuz waitin fo. Just like how they are are attacking Russian nuke sites today.
If Iran directly attacks, then Irani nuke sites will be targeted by both the Israeli's and the US......this is exactly what theys wuz waitin fo. Just like how they are are attacking Russian nuke sites today.
Well, Iranians know what they are doing. Why Israel has to be the wiser all the time? This is a new world.
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