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Please ask Indian friends to give a serious answer:Where did the Indian Su-30 discover the J-20?Do not get excited. Chinese so called 5th generation planes have 4- generation stuff in it. They are made to look like fifth generation. They have substandard engines, substandard electronics and substandard weapons. There is nothing fifth generation stuff in Chinese jets and that is why India does not take them seriously. J 20 was detected by MKI from far away distance.
So far as Tejas is concerned, it was not conceived as multirole fighter to all the Jobs of rafale. It was conceived as the replacement of Mig 21 and it has done exceptionally well. It is a top-class fighter of its class. An excellent point defense fighter with excellent ground attack capabilities in nearby areas. So far as India is concern, we do not copy anything and everything which we get the chance to copy. Our MWF is coming. A top-class fighter with Rafale like abilities. Our ORCA and AMCA are in pipeline. When they arrive, they will lead the fighter market. Our defense stuff has attracted customers across the globe unlike China whose more than half of the military exports goes to a single country named Pakistan.
Height? Location? Latitude and longitude?
Please release the flight photos of J-20 captured by Su-30 camera. If the Su-30 has a camera, if Indians know what a camera is.
Indians say that the J-20 does not meet the standards.. Is this standard based on 'Indian MiG-21 shooting down F-16'?
J-20, WS-15 Engine!
J-35A, WS-15 Engine!
J-16, WS-10 Engine!
India, a backward agricultural country that cannot even manufacture airframes. Talking about 'standards'?!
@Bilal9 @Guru Dutt @Saif
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