There is a lesson here for every "New Indian" (even those Indian "Dharmic nationalists" born in the US) who want to trumpet their ethnicity as "superior" to whites, or even equal to them and other established groups in the US. Being in California initially or being with educated people everyday, they are sorely deluded in reading the "feelz" of White MAGA bigots in Peoria or Poughkeepsie.
White MAGA bigots would like to tell every Indian and Chinese that they are all second class in the US. Either stay second class or leave.
Whites are not going to give up their "entitled" superiority so easily. Being far less educated than Indians or Chinese, this is the only qualifier they have left as a group for superiority, just skin color.
White bigots will find all sorts of indirect reasons to put an Indian or Chinese down and shove you down the social and economic ladder, down to where these bigots think Indians and Chinese belong, doing odd jobs for them, or at best, be order-takers for Whites.
Most of these MAGA White Bigots at their core never respected either Indians or Chinese, no matter how educated they are.
Idiots like Vivek are clueless pandering to White bigots like MAGAs (putting down minorities like Blacks), trying to get to a position of power, to help the current or future Indian leaderships.
MAGAs don't give a flying Rat's a$$ about "colored" Indians or wherever they came from. They'd rather deport all of them back to India tomorrow, born in the US or not. In their mind, US only belongs to White MAGAs.
Fast-talker Vivek - no matter how "White" he tries to act, is always going to be seen as another "colored" guy. In my opinion, Vivek is a Royal m0r0n.