General Your Favourite Food / Drinks?

G General Forum
I honestly believe for us folk, our good ol aloo gosht or chickunn da salan is da highlight of our culture. Garam tandoori roti n salad……ohhh ho ho…..

That right dere is our real food! Finely diced ginger on top/ green chilli.

And no spices in dere….only salt lal mirach, and if yous gettin fancy add a little haldi or dhanya. Buss. In potohar plateau my home town…. Nobody eats spices or hot food.

For our seniors, cut down on da oil/tari now folks….before yous get in serious trouble. Cut out dat fat as much as yous can from da gosht.

Animal fat dangerous!
Man this KFC, Mickey D and Starbucks…..all three losing billions of dollars in Muslim countries. Total boycott guys. Malaysians have boycotted all three. Pepsi, coke, Pizza Hut, cadburys and nestle next guys….😝


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