[🇧🇩] The strategic importance of Feni

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[🇧🇩] The strategic importance of Feni
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Rethinking Feni’s geopolitical significance
KM Saiful Bashar 29 August, 2024, 00:00

AS A conscious citizen of Bangladesh, I have often reflected on our nation’s vulnerabilities — both natural and geopolitical. Recent events have once again brought these concerns to the forefront of public discourse. The devastating floods in Feni and surrounding areas, which left these districts submerged and disrupted the entire economic cycle, serve as a stark reminder of the strategic and economic importance of certain geographical locations within our country.

The Feni waistline, running through the Feni district, represents a critical vulnerability for Bangladesh. This line serves as a critical connection between the eastern and western parts of Bangladesh. The recent floods that submerged Feni highlighted the fragility of this corridor and its impact on the national economy. When Feni’s infrastructure was overwhelmed, it caused a domino effect, paralysing trade and transport and underscoring the urgent need for strategic planning and investment in these regions.

Feni is uniquely positioned as a linchpin in Bangladesh’s geographical landscape. It shares borders with Cumilla to the north and Chattogram to the south, both of which are integral parts of the nation’s transportation and economic networks. The district’s location makes it an unavoidable transit point for road and rail routes connecting Dhaka with Chattogram, the largest port city and economic hub of Bangladesh. Unlike Cumilla, which can be bypassed to a limited extent, Feni’s geographical placement makes it an indispensable link, ensuring the continuous flow of goods and people between these vital regions.

Three significant rivers — the Muhuri, Feni, and Selonia — flow through Feni, further enhancing the district’s strategic value. These rivers not only support local agriculture but also play a crucial role in cross-border relations with India, given their shared usage and management. Feni’s proximity to the Indian state of Tripura adds another layer of strategic importance, as it serves as a gateway for cross-border trade and cultural exchange. The district is thus a focal point for maintaining robust border security and fostering diplomatic relations with India.

From a geopolitical standpoint, the Feni waist line is critical. Bangladesh’s location, bordered by India on three sides and the Bay of Bengal to the south, necessitates careful consideration of these vulnerabilities. The Feni waist line holds significant geoeconomic importance. The district of Feni is a hub that connects the capital, Dhaka, with the port city of Chittagong, and it serves as a vital link in the country’s supply chain. The recent flooding exposed how quickly and easily this link can be severed, causing widespread economic disruption.

Given these vulnerabilities, it is imperative for the government to take immediate and strategic action. First and foremost, the depth and capacity of the rivers flowing through Feni must be increased. The recent floods demonstrated that these rivers are currently incapable of handling sudden surges in water levels. This requires a comprehensive river management plan, including dredging to increase depth and the construction of embankments to control overflow. Such measures would not only mitigate the impact of future floods but also enhance the navigability of these rivers, boosting local commerce and connectivity.

Secondly, the government’s current initiative to build a road connecting the Chittagong port with the Mirershorai Economic Zone is commendable. However, this project should be expanded further. The road should be extended beyond Mirershorai up to Sonagazi, and, importantly, there should be a direct connection to Sonaimuri in Noakhali. This would create an alternative route in case of emergencies like the recent flood, allowing for the bypassing of Feni’s existing road network when necessary. This expanded road network would not only provide a more robust infrastructure in times of crisis but also foster greater economic integration between different regions of the country.

Additionally, there should be a focus on developing a multimodal transportation network that integrates roads, rail, and waterways. By doing so, we can ensure that even if one mode of transportation is compromised, others can still function, thus maintaining economic stability. For instance, the development of a rail link parallel to the proposed road could provide an additional layer of redundancy, reducing our reliance on any single mode of transport.

Moreover, the government should consider the construction of more flood shelters and the implementation of community-based disaster management programmes in vulnerable areas like Feni. These measures would not only save lives during natural disasters but also minimise the economic disruption caused by such events. By training local communities in disaster preparedness and response, we can create a more resilient population that is better equipped to handle crises.

To further enhance the strategic resilience of the Feni waistline, the government should also invest in advanced surveillance and monitoring systems. This would enable real-time assessment of any emerging threats, whether natural or man-made, allowing for swift and coordinated responses. Such systems could include satellite monitoring, drone surveillance, and the establishment of local observation posts.

Finally, there must be a national discussion on these issues, involving all stakeholders, including local communities, civil society organisations, and international partners. This discussion should aim to raise awareness about the importance of these regions and build consensus on the need for immediate action. Only through collective effort can we ensure that Bangladesh is prepared to face the challenges posed by its geographical vulnerabilities.

KM Saiful Bashar is a retired army personnel.​


Participating fighers from the famous first and second Belonia battles. From left to right: FF Ghulam Mustafa, Brig. Shahidul Islam (Bir Pratik), Maj. Gen. Golam Helal, Morshed Khan (Bir Bikram), Lt. Col. Zafar Imam (Bir Bikram), Maj. Gen. Imam-uz-Zaman (Bir Bikram), Maj. Syed Mizanur Rahman and Maj. Didar Atowar Hossain. Source: "Juddhyo Korechi, Bijoy Enechi" by Ghulam Mustafa

Feni-Belonia is an enclave of Bangladesh that penetrates the Indian territory, a narrow finger-like strip about 16km-long and 4-6km wide in area. A metre gauge railway track connects Belonia Border Outpost with Feni and two semi-metal roads connect Belonia, one from Chagolnaiyya and another from Feni. The corridor was under the administrative sub-division of Feni, now Feni District, and is surrounded on three sides by Indian territory except the south. Feni town is situated at the south and at the entry point of the enclave. Dhaka-Chittagong highway and Dhaka-Chittagong railway line run through Feni township. Feni river and Muhuri river play a vital role in the topography of the area.

Strategic importance of Feni and Feni-Belonia Bulge

Feni has always been treated as the lifeline between the port city of Chittagong and the capital city of Dhaka. It was the Main Supply Route (MSR) and was considered to be a very important line of communication by the Pakistani occupation forces for movement of their forces, including arms and ammunition, from Chittagong to Dhaka and the rest of the country. Feni, therefore, was treated as a militarily and strategically vital place both by the Pakistani forces and by the freedom fighters. Pakistan also apprehended the installation of Provisional Bangladesh Government at Parshuram in the northern side of the Bulge which was contiguous to the Indian border where Pakistani army would not be able to effectively intervene.

During the nine-month-long Liberation War, Feni-Belonia Bulge had always been a fiercely hot battlefield. To take control of the Bulge, three major battles were fought where freedom fighters successfully applied their improvised tactics. The battles of Belonia Bulge are looked upon as an important chapter of the Liberation War of Bangladesh. The Second Battle of Belonia Bulge has been included in the syllabus/curriculum of Bangladesh Military Academy and many other military academies of the world.​
First Battle of Belonia Bulge

With the dual aim of liberation of Feni and establishment of the headquarters of Provisional Bangladesh Government in the liberated territory of the bulge, four companies of freedom fighters under the command of Capt. Jafar Imam, popularly known as Capt. Humayun of Sector #2, covertly infiltrated the enclave from the western side in the Belonia bulge on June 1, 1971. Capt. Jafar Imam established his command post at the bank of the pond of Muktar Bari and deployed his forces at the village of Darbarpur (now under Fulgazi P.S.) covering the strategic place of Feni-Belonia road and rail line. UOTC Capt. Mujibur Rahman Khan acted as the Liaison Officer to the C.O. Capt. Shahidul Islam and his force took position in the village of Jammura and Lt. Imam-uz-Zaman established his defence line in the village of Boshikpur. Capt. Gaffar Haldar was in charge of the rear platoon stationed at Munshirhat. The freedom fighters dug trenches and bunkers and built a strong defence line from the border village of Jammura through Darbarpur and Boshikpur up to the bank of Muhuri river. Simultaneously, the forces of Sector #1 under the command of Maj. Ziaur Rahman along with three companies of freedom fighters entered the eastern side of the bulge near Chandgazi and built their defence line from the border point up to the bank of Muhuri river and established contact with the forces of Sector #2. Maj. Zia established his headquarters near Chandgazi. Capt. Matiur Rahman and his troops took defence adjacent to the border, Lt. Mahfuzur Rahman deployed his troops in the middle and Capt. Oli Ahmed built his defence by the eastern side of Muhuri river. Thus the bulge was sealed off from Feni and rest of the country.

Pakistan army was informed of the penetration of freedom fighters and on June 4, 1971, they callously attacked the positions of freedom fighters, thinking that it was an unconventional and scattered unit. The attack was effectively foiled by the freedom fighters and caused heavy casualties to the enemy. The enemy again attacked the defensive position of the freedom fighters, this time with a battalion on June 7, 9, and 11, under the cover of heavy artillery and mortar fire. The battles continued uninterrupted from June 4 up to June 28. But all of these attacks were successfully repulsed with a lot of courage and bravery with only a few casualties. The enemy lost more than 140 soldiers. The failure of Pakistani forces in driving out the freedom fighters from Belonia Bulge became a prestige issue for them. Hence, to eliminate the freedom fighters, President of Pakistan General Yahya Khan ordered General Abdul Hamid, the Chief of Staff of Pakistan army, to sort it out. General Hamid arrived in Feni via Colombo and Dhaka along with senior Pakistani generals and commanders. He established his headquarters at Feni Circuit House, prepared a detailed assault plan and mobilised a formidable force to face and exterminate the freedom fighters.

As per plan, after sunset on June 21, the Pakistan army dropped a strong contingent of three commando battalions of Pakistan army at the rear of the defence line of the freedom fighters. The commandos attacked the defence line from behind. Simultaneously, the enemy conducted a frontal attack on the entire defensive position of the freedom fighters with a brigade-strength force including tanks under the cover of intensive artillery and mortar shelling. Gunboats of Pakistan navy also attacked the freedom fighters through Muhuri river. Although it was an uneven battle, the freedom fighters valiantly faced the brigade-strength attack of the enemy with great courage and heroism. But Maj. Ziaur Rahman abandoned his defensive position in the evening after the commando attack, withdrew his troops and took shelter inside Indian territory without any information or co-ordination with Capt. Jafar Imam and his forces. Pakistani forces took the advantage and started advancing towards the north by the eastern side of the bulge without facing any resistance.

In the meantime, the Indian army intercepted the wireless communication of Pakistan army and understood the gravity of an all-out assault on all fronts—ground, air and river. Brig. Anand Swarup of the Indian army contacted Capt. Jafar Imam and advised him to withdraw his troops to safety. In such an awkward situation, to save lives at the initial stage of the Liberation War and as a war strategy, Capt. Jafar Imam and his officers withdrew their forces after midnight and retreated inside the Indian territory. Pakistani forces continued their advance, crossed Munshirhat, Fulgazi, Chitholia, Parshuram and reached Belonia. They occupied the entire Feni-Belonia bulge and fortified their position.

The heroic performance of freedom fighters in this battle made it evident that they could attack and face the powerful Pakistani army at a time and place of their choice and overwhelm them. They were not only a volunteer force but were also imbued with patriotism and dedication to confront the enemy face-to-face and give them a taste of defeat. The freedom fighters would be able to liberate Bangladesh if they were provided with enough supply of arms and ammunition, support and logistics. This battle, therefore, was a great moral victory for the freedom fighters in the early phase of our Liberation War.


Maps of first and second battles of Belonia​
Second Battle of Belonia Bulge

Capt. Jafar Imam reorganised his forces, engaged with the enemy forces, fought and liberated a small chunk of occupied land at the northwestern side of the bulge and reached the bank of Muhuri river near Shubar Bazar.

Muhuri river from India enters Bangladesh territory by the side of Belonia BOP and moves towards west and then turns to the south. Taking advantage of the location of the river, Capt. Jafar Imam deployed his forces and built a defensive line facing the enemy forces.

Thus, Muhuri river became the dividing line between the Pakistani forces and the freedom fighters. Sporadic clashes continued day and night between the enemy forces and freedom fighters without any decisive results. In the meantime, Capt. Jafar Imam was also assigned as the Rajnagar sub-sector commander covering greater Noakhali including Feni and Chauddogram of Comilla district. Guerilla warfare against Pakistani positions intensified with constant direction and support from the sub-sector commander.

Because of the timely and orderly withdrawal from the first battle, the forces under the command of Capt. Jafar Imam remained intact while acquiring valuable combat experience. On the instruction of Lt. Col. Khaled Mosharrof, the Commander of Sector #2, Capt. Jafar Imam regrouped his forces and on October 10, 1971, raised 10 East Bengal Regiment. The nucleus of 10 East Bengal Regiment was, in fact, developed during the first Battle of the Bulge. Battalion headquarters were established at Rajnagar inside Indian territory, adjacent to the international border in the western side of Belonia town. Capt. Jafar Imam was promoted to the rank of Maj. and became the founding commanding officer (CO) of the battalion. The officers of 10 East Bengal Regiment during and immediately after its formation were:

1) Founding CO Maj. Jafar Imam

2) Alpha Company - Lt. Imam-uz-Zaman

3) Bravo Company - 2/Lt. Syed Mizanur Rahman

4) Charlie Company - 2/Lt. Didar Atwar Hossain

5) Adjutant of the Battalion - Lt. Mokhlesur Rahman

6) Staff Officer (IO) to the CO - FF Ghulam Mustafa

7) Quarter Master - FF Mujibuddin Chowdhury Dulal and

8) Battalion SM - Subedar Maj. Maizur Rahman.

Headquarter Company, including Pioneer Platoon, was under the direct command of the C.O. Maj. Jafar Imam. Pioneer Platoon of the Battalion did a splendid job by laying anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in front of the defence line during both First and Second Battles of Belonia Bulge which caused heavy casualties to the enemy forces during their advance.

Mines don't recognise friend or foe. So, the accomplishments are duly credited to the Pioneer Platoon freedom fighters for mine-laying, mine-lifting, demolition of bridges/culverts, mining on the roads used by the enemy forces, etc., as they did these risky tasks without any proper professional gadgets like mine detectors, prodders, etc.

In the second week of October, Sector Commander Lt. Col. Khaled Mosharrof, along with Maj. Gen. R.D. Hira, GOC of 23 Mountain Division of Indian army, visited battalion headquarters and defensive positions of 10 East Bengal Regiment. They also examined and evaluated enemy positions and their strength. Based on their personal survey and the intelligence reports, the Indian army constructed a sand model of the Feni-Belonia bulge by depicting the location of rail, road and river including enemy positions inside the bulge. After the detailed sand model discussion, Maj. Jafar Imam was instructed to infiltrate with his battalion inside enemy territory to encircle and attack them decisively. In order to strengthen the forces under Maj. Jafar Imam, Charlie Company of 2 East Bengal Regiment commanded by Capt. Golam Helal Morshed Khan was brought from Sector #3 of Lt. Col. K. M. Shafiullah and was placed under the command of Maj. Jafar Imam. A task force was created comprising of 10 East Bengal Regiment, Charlie Company of 2 East Bengal Regiment and the forces of Sector #1. Maj. Jafar Imam was selected as the task force commander. While 23 Mountain Division of the Indian Army confirmed necessary artillery support, 2 Rajpoot, 3 Dogra and 8 Bihar Regiment of Indian Army were kept ready so that on call of the task force commander, they may act as per needs. But before the execution of this plan, Sector Commander Lt. Col. Khaled was severely wounded on his forehead on October 22, 1971 from enemy artillery shelling at Kamala Shagor near Koshba during an attack on the Pakistani position at Koshba Puran Bazar by 9 East Bengal Regiment under Capt. Mohammad Ainuddin.

In the early morning of October 27, Maj. Jafar Imam entered enemy territory along with the section, platoon and company commanders and conducted an extensive reconnaissance (recce) of the enemy positions. Members of the recce team were dressed like ordinary farmers and labourers, mingled with the local farmers, carried out the recce successfully without arousing any suspicion of the enemy and returned to the defence line safely.

November 5 was fixed as the D-day. It was a cold winter evening. And against the usual weather pattern, after sunset, it started raining heavily and the weather turned ghastly. Thus, nature presented a perfect opportunity for the successful infiltration. At 10:30pm, Bravo Company under the command of 2/Lt. Mizan silently crossed Muhuri river and slowly started the infiltration followed by Charlie Company under 2/Lt. Didar. After a few minutes' pause, Charlie Company of 2nd East Bengal Regiment infiltrated commanded by Capt. Helal Morshed. Alpha Company of 10 East Bengal Regiment commanded by Lt. Imam-uz-Zaman infiltrated thereafter followed by headquarter company under the direct command of Maj. Jafar Imam. Freedom fighters took defensive position covertly from west to east covering Chondona, Sholia and Guthuma and immediately started digging trenches and making bunkers facing both north and south. Maj. Jafar Imam established his command post at Anantapur. Likewise Capt. Mahfuz of Sector #1 crossed the Indian border from eastern side, built defence line up to Guthuma and established contact with Bravo Company of 10 East Bengal Regiment. Thus, the border from east to west was sealed off by the freedom fighters by encircling the enemy forces located at Parshuram and Belonia. Hectic preparation continued throughout the night for the imminent battle.

On November 6, early in the morning, a captain and five soldiers of Pakistan army were seen coming from Feni towards Parshuram/Belonia in a motor-driven railway trolley and reached in front of the defence line of freedom fighters. They were completely unaware of the presence of the guerilla force in their occupied territory. When the enemy trolley crossed the Chitholia railway station and reached within the firing range, Habilder Yar Ahmed of Bravo Company and his men opened heavy fire on them. As a result, all the enemy soldiers, including the captain, died and the trolley with all the arms and ammunition fell scattered. Habilder Yar Ahmed was overcome with joy and emotion. He got out of his bunker with 'Joy Bangla' slogan, rushed to the spot, picked up the rank badges and the revolver of the enemy captain and started running towards his bunker. But unfortunately when he had almost reached the bunker, Pakistani forces from surrounding areas were alerted and started firing sporadically. Habilder Yar Ahmed received a bullet in his left eye and was instantly martyred. It was the first casualty of the freedom fighters, whereas six enemy soldiers fell in the operation! Habilder Yar Ahmed was posthumously awarded the gallantry of 'Bir Bikram'.

After a while, a few enemy patrol and recce parties approached the defensive position of the freedom fighters to assess the situation but ran away due to fire from the defence line of the freedom fighters. After about an hour, our defences were attacked by the enemy forces simultaneously from both north and south. They were beaten back. During November 6-7, the enemy tried to break and penetrate our defence line from the south to rescue their forces under siege at the north, but all of their attempts resulted in utter failure with huge casualties. At about 2:30pm on November 7, four U.S.-made Pakistani Sabre Jets approached our defences and started strafing and bombing our positions. Their heavy machine gun and devastating rocket fire resulted in substantial casualties at our end. However, one of the enemy jets was struck with our heavy machine gun fire and was badly damaged giving out dark plumes of smoke while desperately trying to fly away.

November 8 witnessed a desperate and determined attack by the enemy from the north with the aim of penetrating our defences and break out of the siege but all of their attempts were faced by the freedom fighters with tremendous bravery under the courageous and determined leadership of Capt. Helal Morshed, Lt. Imam, 2/Lt. Mizan and 2/Lt. Didar.

At about 10:30am on November 8, Brigadier B.S. Shandhu, the Brigade Commander of 83

Mountain Brigade of Indian army, along with his Brigade Officers arrived at the Command Post of Maj. Jafar Imam at Anantapur, had elaborate discussions on the battlefield situation and visited the defensive position despite great risk. He assured of necessary artillery support on call of the task force commander. As per the plan, Task Force Commander Maj. Jafar Imam called for artillery support on enemy positions both at Parshuram and Belonia after midnight between November 9 and 10. In the first phase, the divisional artillery of 23 Mountain Division started rapid shelling on enemy positions for about 30 minutes, followed by intense shelling which caused devastating consequences for the enemy.

In the early morning on November 10, the freedom fighters and 3 Dogra Regiment of Indian Army carried out a concerted attack and started advance towards the enemy positions. The morale of the enemy forces broke down completely with huge casualties and fresh thrust of attack. They immediately raised a white flag and after brief formalities a Pakistani captain along with 72 soldiers gave up arms and surrendered to the Mukti and Mitro Bahini (joint forces). Maj. Jafar Imam hoisted the Bangladesh Flag at Parshuram and Belonia while the freedom fighters and a few local residents beaming with pride sang our national anthem 'Amar Sonar Bangla, Ami tomae bhalobashi'. The entire area of Parshuram and Belonia was thus liberated on November 10, 1971. This was the first major setback for the enemy and surrender of such a large number of Pakistani forces to the freedom fighters and a major strategic victory of the Bangladesh Liberation Forces. In fact, this was the beginning of the end for the Pakistani occupation forces.

The techniques applied by freedom fighters in this historic battle were a gross violation to tactical teachings and conventional military ethics. There was no depth between the two defence lines which, in fact, were back-to-back! It was also not only a battle of brawn but also a battle of brain and wisdom. There is an expression: “Nothing succeeds like success.” In the year

1973, a good number of senior army generals from around the world visited the battlefield of Belonia with a lot of curiosity. The new technique, so successfully applied by the freedom fighters during the second Battle of Belonia Bulge, has been recognised and accepted as a war technique. In between the First and Second Battles of Belonia Bulge, 10 East Bengal Regiment under the command of Maj. Jafar Imam and his officers demolished bridges, laid anti-tank and anti-personnel mines on the roads frequently used by the Pakistani forces, conducted many ambushes and raids on enemy positions by inflicting heavy casualties to them. The First, Second and Third Battles of Belonia Bulge including innumerable ambushes and raids resulted in about 1,000 casualties to the enemy forces.


Maj. Zafar Imam, CO, 10 E. Bengal introduces his officers to Maj. Gen. RD Hira, GOC, 23 Mountain Division at Ctg University Campus after defeating 24 Frontier Force Regiment. From left to right: Capt. Baizid, Capt. Mokhlesur, Lt. Imamuz Zaman, 2/Lts Didar & Syed Mizanur Rahman. Source: "juddhyo Korechi, Bijoy Enechi" By Ghulam Mustafa​
Third Battle of Belonia Bulge

After the surrender of Pakistani forces at Belonia, 'K' Force was reorganised and renamed as 'Kilo' Force under the command of Brig. Anand Swarup of Indian army comprising of 4 East Bengal Regiment and 10 East Bengal Regiment including 31 Jat Regiment and 32 Mahar Regiment from Mizo Hill Range. Kilo Force started advance to liberate Feni but faced stiff resistance from the enemy forces near Feni at a place called Pathan Nagar and its surrounding areas. Sporadic and heavy battle continued between the Kilo Force and the Pakistani forces from November 20 up to December 5. Kilo Force attacked the Pakistani positions with new vigour. Facing heavy casualties, the defeated remnant Pakistani forces abandoned Feni and disgracefully fled towards Comilla and Chittagong cantonments. With unprecedented joy of the local population and with the thunderous 'Joy Bangla' slogan, Feni and Noakhali were liberated on December 6 and 9 respectively. Kilo Force continued their advance towards Chittagong. After reaching Kumira, Maj. Jafar Imam left Charlie Company there under the command of 2/Lt. Didar and started a difficult advance towards Hathajari through the hills and jungles by the left side of Dhaka-Chittagong highway. At Hathajari, his forces along with the forces of 4 East Bengal Regiment under the command of Capt. Gaffar Halder attacked the 24 Frontier Force Regiment and defeated it. At Kumira Bazar, 2/Lt. Didar and his troops had a fierce battle with the Pakistani forces. At one stage of the battle, the demoralised enemy forces fled towards Chittagong Cantonment. And the hostilities ended on December 16, 1971 with the surrender of Pakistani forces to the joint command of freedom fighters and the Indian Army at Natun Para Cantonment at Chittagong.

The regular and citizen soldiers together ended the war. The battalion was thus rightly conferred with the nom de plume 'Durdhorsho Dosh' (The Daring Ten) of the 10th Battalion of the East Bengal Regiments.

The patriotism, heroism and immense bravery of all ranks of 10 East Bengal Regiment in defeating the Pakistani forces and in liberating the Feni-Belonia Bulge shall always imbue the nation and successive generations with pride and patriotism.

The writer was Intelligence Officer (I.O.) to the Commanding Officer (C.O.) of 10 East Bengal Regiment during the Liberation War of Bangladesh in the year 1971.​
Rethinking Feni’s geopolitical significance
KM Saiful Bashar 29 August, 2024, 00:00

AS A conscious citizen of Bangladesh, I have often reflected on our nation’s vulnerabilities — both natural and geopolitical. Recent events have once again brought these concerns to the forefront of public discourse. The devastating floods in Feni and surrounding areas, which left these districts submerged and disrupted the entire economic cycle, serve as a stark reminder of the strategic and economic importance of certain geographical locations within our country.

The Feni waistline, running through the Feni district, represents a critical vulnerability for Bangladesh. This line serves as a critical connection between the eastern and western parts of Bangladesh. The recent floods that submerged Feni highlighted the fragility of this corridor and its impact on the national economy. When Feni’s infrastructure was overwhelmed, it caused a domino effect, paralysing trade and transport and underscoring the urgent need for strategic planning and investment in these regions.

Feni is uniquely positioned as a linchpin in Bangladesh’s geographical landscape. It shares borders with Cumilla to the north and Chattogram to the south, both of which are integral parts of the nation’s transportation and economic networks. The district’s location makes it an unavoidable transit point for road and rail routes connecting Dhaka with Chattogram, the largest port city and economic hub of Bangladesh. Unlike Cumilla, which can be bypassed to a limited extent, Feni’s geographical placement makes it an indispensable link, ensuring the continuous flow of goods and people between these vital regions.

Three significant rivers — the Muhuri, Feni, and Selonia — flow through Feni, further enhancing the district’s strategic value. These rivers not only support local agriculture but also play a crucial role in cross-border relations with India, given their shared usage and management. Feni’s proximity to the Indian state of Tripura adds another layer of strategic importance, as it serves as a gateway for cross-border trade and cultural exchange. The district is thus a focal point for maintaining robust border security and fostering diplomatic relations with India.

From a geopolitical standpoint, the Feni waist line is critical. Bangladesh’s location, bordered by India on three sides and the Bay of Bengal to the south, necessitates careful consideration of these vulnerabilities. The Feni waist line holds significant geoeconomic importance. The district of Feni is a hub that connects the capital, Dhaka, with the port city of Chittagong, and it serves as a vital link in the country’s supply chain. The recent flooding exposed how quickly and easily this link can be severed, causing widespread economic disruption.

Given these vulnerabilities, it is imperative for the government to take immediate and strategic action. First and foremost, the depth and capacity of the rivers flowing through Feni must be increased. The recent floods demonstrated that these rivers are currently incapable of handling sudden surges in water levels. This requires a comprehensive river management plan, including dredging to increase depth and the construction of embankments to control overflow. Such measures would not only mitigate the impact of future floods but also enhance the navigability of these rivers, boosting local commerce and connectivity.

Secondly, the government’s current initiative to build a road connecting the Chittagong port with the Mirershorai Economic Zone is commendable. However, this project should be expanded further. The road should be extended beyond Mirershorai up to Sonagazi, and, importantly, there should be a direct connection to Sonaimuri in Noakhali. This would create an alternative route in case of emergencies like the recent flood, allowing for the bypassing of Feni’s existing road network when necessary. This expanded road network would not only provide a more robust infrastructure in times of crisis but also foster greater economic integration between different regions of the country.

Additionally, there should be a focus on developing a multimodal transportation network that integrates roads, rail, and waterways. By doing so, we can ensure that even if one mode of transportation is compromised, others can still function, thus maintaining economic stability. For instance, the development of a rail link parallel to the proposed road could provide an additional layer of redundancy, reducing our reliance on any single mode of transport.

Moreover, the government should consider the construction of more flood shelters and the implementation of community-based disaster management programmes in vulnerable areas like Feni. These measures would not only save lives during natural disasters but also minimise the economic disruption caused by such events. By training local communities in disaster preparedness and response, we can create a more resilient population that is better equipped to handle crises.

To further enhance the strategic resilience of the Feni waistline, the government should also invest in advanced surveillance and monitoring systems. This would enable real-time assessment of any emerging threats, whether natural or man-made, allowing for swift and coordinated responses. Such systems could include satellite monitoring, drone surveillance, and the establishment of local observation posts.

Finally, there must be a national discussion on these issues, involving all stakeholders, including local communities, civil society organisations, and international partners. This discussion should aim to raise awareness about the importance of these regions and build consensus on the need for immediate action. Only through collective effort can we ensure that Bangladesh is prepared to face the challenges posed by its geographical vulnerabilities.

KM Saiful Bashar is a retired army personnel.​

Feni is - in a way, our Chicken's Neck.

I believe we should prepare for every possible contingency (including flooding/natural disasters that the current Indian Govt. has already foisted upon us) and make sure they are dealt with beforehand.

Readiness is key.

Which means emergency supplies and disaster recovery, business continuity and every other possible contingency planned for and activated at a day's notice, with alternate communication methods like microwave mesh networking and deployable inflatable boats stored of various sizes.

I don't mean to exclude military options either, there should be more cantonments along that border situated on higher ground with an eye on 100% survivability. The border is very porous and we should deploy Ansar regiments (along with BDR/BGB which is already present) along the border so if there are invasion issues - they can tackle them.

The readiness of BSF and their troop strength along that border area is far higher than whatever BGB deployment we have there currently. Their govt. understands that criticality, if there is an invasion there may be 1 or 2 divisions of their army involved, we don't have squat to resist that, Mainamati Cantt. notwithstanding.

On the Eastern flank, Tripura already has one division and Sylhet/Meghalaya East maybe has two divisions of IA deployed.
Feni is - in a way, our Chicken's Neck.

I believe we should prepare for every possible contingency (including flooding/natural disasters that the current Indian Govt. has already foisted upon us) and make sure they are dealt with beforehand.

Readiness is key.

Which means emergency supplies and disaster recovery, business continuity and every other possible contingency planned for and activated at a day's notice, with alternate communication methods like microwave mesh networking and deployable inflatable boats stored of various sizes.

I don't mean to exclude military options either, there should be more cantonments along that border situated on higher ground with an eye on 100% survivability. The border is very porous and we should deploy Ansar regiments (along with BDR/BGB which is already present) along the border so if there are invasion issues - they can tackle them.

The readiness of BSF and their troop strength along that border area is far higher than whatever BGB deployment we have there currently. Their govt. understands that criticality, if there is an invasion there may be 1 or 2 divisions of their army involved, we don't have squat to resist that, Mainamati Cantt. notwithstanding.

On the Eastern flank, Tripura already has one division and Sylhet/Meghalaya East maybe has two divisions of IA deployed.

The 33(Cumilla) and 24(Chittagong) infantry divisions are there to safeguard Feni---our chicken neck. The interim government must tear down the strategic bridge over Feni river to stop India from gaining access to Feni. Sheikh Hasina built the bridge over Feni river so that the Indian army could easily gain control of our vital strategic link between Chittagong + CHT and the rest of Bangladesh.
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The Indians intentionally refrained from mentioning the military significance of Maitri Setu. How could Bangladesh army allow the Indians to build the bridge over Feni river?

India-Bangladesh bridge Maitri Setu to open for public from September – Here’s everything you need to know about it

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina virtually inaugurated the Maitri Setu in March 2021.
June 13, 2024 15:32 IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Feni river, all about Maitri Setu, Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina, india-bangladesh bridge, maitri setu


The initiation of goods movement through the bridge is considered strategically significant, not only for Tripura but also for the entire northeast region. (Image: NE Today)

Passenger movement through Maitri Setu, the bridge connecting India and Bangladesh in south Tripura district, will commence by September this year, according to a senior government official. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina virtually inaugurated the Maitri Setu in March 2021. The bridge, spanning 1.9 km over the Feni River, connects Sabroom in India with Ramgarh in Bangladesh.

“The Maitri Setu has already been inaugurated. The land port is almost ready…The movement of passengers through the bridge will commence in September. It will take two or three months to introduce goods movement after passenger movement gets underway,” said Kiran Gitte, Secretary of Tripura’s Industries and Commerce Department, during a press conference last week.

The initiation of goods movement through the bridge is considered strategically significant, not only for Tripura but also for the entire northeast region. The Chittagong port in Bangladesh is just 80 km from Tripura’s Sabroom, offering potential for enhanced trade routes. Additionally, Gitte announced that the Kamalasagar border haat in Tripura’s Sepahijala district, closed due to the Covid pandemic, would be reopening soon. Currently, the Srinagar border haat in south Tripura district is operational.

Here’s all you need to know about the bridge and its significance:

1. The Maitri Setu is a 1.9-kilometre-long bridge connecting Sabroom in India’s Tripura with Bangladesh’s Ramgarh

2. It is constructed over the Feni River, marking the boundary between the two nations

3. The bridge symbolizes the strengthening of bilateral relations and friendly ties between India and Bangladesh

4. Maitri Setu is a pre-stressed concrete structure with a single-span design, facilitating smooth traffic and cargo flow

5. The construction was supervised by the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (NHIDCL), under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH)

6. The bridge allows the transport of goods from West Bengal to Northeast India via the Chittagong and Mongla Ports in Bangladesh

7. The bridge enhances economic development in the Northeastern states and fosters people-to-people connections between India’s northeast and Bangladesh

8. The Maitri Setu bridge provides a new maritime route from Kolkata to Chittagong, offering a quicker alternative to the Sittwe Port-Kaladan route and strengthening regional connectivity, trade, and diplomatic relations​
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How important is Maitri Setu?

The opening of Maitri Setu marks a significant development in terms of connectivity in India’s northeastern region. The strategically located state of Tripura will strengthen its credentials as a key gateway to the northeastern region of India on one hand, and Southeast Asia on the other. The bridge represents strengthening of bilateral relations and deepening of friendly ties between India and Bangladesh.

The bridge will facilitate transportation of goods from West Bengal to Northeast India through the Chittagong and Mongla Ports in Bangladesh. Given that Bangladesh’s Chittagong port is barely 80 kilometers away from Tripura’s last border town Sabroom, the flow of goods across the bridge is considered important not only for the state but also for the entire northeast region. The bridge also connects to the Matarbari deep sea port in Bangladesh.

Further, the bridge will enhance transport links and foster greater economic and cultural exchanges, thus playing a crucial role in regional integration and development. The opening of Maitri Setu not only enhances connectivity within India’s northeastern region but also provides landlocked countries like Bhutan and Nepal with direct access to the Bay of Bengal.

Additionally, the bridge opens a new maritime route from Kolkata to Chittagong, providing a faster alternative to the Sittwe Port-Kaladan route. The Indian-built Sittwe port, located in the Rakhine state of Myanmar, was inaugurated in May 2023. The Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport Corridor links the port to Mizoram in northeastern India. The corridor also includes India’s broader engagement with the thriving economies of Southeast Asia.

Maitri Setu, addressing NE India’s connectivity challenges

India’s northeast, a region rich in natural resources, has long struggled with inadequate connectivity. The northeast region contributes about 2.8% to the nation’s GDP, barely tapping its vast potential.

Being a landlocked region, the NE economy has faced significant challenges when it comes to supply and trade. Its only link to the rest of India is a narrow 22-kilometer Siliguri Corridor, commonly referred to as the “chicken neck.” The presence of a single freight corridor through the Siliguri Corridor makes it susceptible to any unexpected interruption or breakdown.

This limited connection results in unnecessarily lengthy trade routes and road journeys. For example, traveling from Agartala in Tripura to the nearest port in Kolkata requires a 1,600-kilometer road journey through Siliguri.

A significant portion of the overall exports from the Northeastern states is shipped through border points within the region. This is attributed to the landlocked nature of the Northeast, necessitating that export consignments pass through seaports and airports located outside the region.

Maitri Setu offers a direct access for Tripura to the seaport of Chittagong through Ramgarh, enhancing trade link between the Rest of India with NE and NE and Bangladesh. (India’s border with Bangladesh stretches for 4,096.7 km. Of this, 1,880 km is shared by four Northeastern states—Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram—while the remaining 2,216.7 km is shared with West Bengal.)

Among the key industries that are likely to experience positive impacts of improved trade links include Bamboo industry (nearly two-fifths of India’s bamboo stock is located in the Northeast region), Tourism (developing of tourist circuits, homestays and viewpoints), and food processing (boosted by Northeast region’s surplus agricultural and horticultural produce).

The Maitri Setu will provide the fastest land route to connect the India’s landlocked North East region via Sabroom to the Chittagong port, facilitating passenger movement from both countries. It will enable travel from Bangladesh’s southern districts, including Cox’s Bazar and the Chattogram Hill Tracts, to India via Tripura, as well as facilitate international cargo movement from the Chattogram seaport. Currently people from Bangladesh and Tripura commute through two integrated check points (ICP)– Akhaura (Agartala) and Srimantapur (Sonamura) – which connect central part of Bangladesh including Dhaka.

The robust bilateral relations between India and Bangladesh showcase a comprehensive partnership that surpasses a mere strategic alliance, built on trust and mutual understanding. The Friendship Bridge has unlocked new opportunities for trade and communication between Southeast Asian countries and India’s northeastern region, providing a crucial connectivity link to the Bay of Bengal.

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Maitri Setu: 1.9km Long Bridge Over Feni River in Tripura To Link India-Bangladesh. Details Here
The Maitri Setu bridge has been built over Feni river which flows between the Indian boundary in Tripura and Bangladesh.
Published: March 9, 2021 11:19 AM IST
By India.com News Desk |Edited by Kritika Bansal


PM Modi will inaugurate Maitri Setu between India and Bangladesh on Tuesday.

Sabroom (Tripura): The much-awaited Maitri Setu bridge between Sabroom (Tripura) and Ramgarh in Bangladesh over river Feni became operational from March 9. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated ‘Maitri Setu’ between India and Bangladesh on Tuesday via video conferencing. Prime Minister also inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of multiple infrastructure projects in Tripura during the event.

Rodic Consultants Pvt Ltd, a pan-India infrastructure consultancy firm, has successfully completed the 1.9 km long ‘Maitri Setu’ project over river Feni.

Speaking on the completion of the project, Raj Kumar, CMD, Rodic Consultants Pvt Ltd. said, “We are delighted with our contribution towards the construction of this key bridge, which will go a long way in enhancing economic growth and improving the relations between India and Bangladesh. With continued government support and our high calibre project teams with world class execution capabilities, we look forward to working on such projects that not only boost infrastructure but also foster stronger ties.”

Maitri-Setu Bridge Opens New Chapter: All You Need To Know
  1. The bridge ‘Maitri Setu’ has been built over Feni river which flows between Indian boundary in Tripura State and Bangladesh.​
  2. The 1.9 Km long bridge joins Sabroom in India with Ramgarh in Bangladesh. It is poised to herald a new chapter for trade and people to people movement between India and Bangladesh.​
  3. The name ‘Maitri Setu’ symbolises growing bilateral relations and friendly ties between India and Bangladesh. The construction was taken up by the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd at a project cost of Rs 133 crore.​
  4. With this bridge, Tripura is set to become the ‘Gateway of North East’ with access to Chittagong Port of Bangladesh, which is just 80 km from Sabroom.​
  5. PM Modi will also lay the foundation stone for setting up an Integrated Check Post at Sabroom. It will help ease the movement of goods and passengers between the two countries, provide new market opportunities for products of North East states and assist seamless movement of passengers to and from India and Bangladesh.​
  6. PM Modi will also inaugurate state highways and other district roads, developed by the state government with a financial outlay of Rs 63.75 crore. They will provide all weather connectivity to the people of Tripura.​
  7. PM Modi will inaugurate 40,978 houses constructed under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), completed with the financial outlay of Rs 813 crore.​
  8. Foundation stone of NH 208 connecting the Unakoti district headquarters at Kailashahar with the Khowai district headquarters will also be laid. It will provide an alternative route to the NH 44. The 80 Km NH 208 project has been taken up by the National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited with a project cost of Rs 1,078 crore.​

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