If the republic is lost doc.......ain't nutthin goin remain. Iran's suffered a strategic defeat in Syria.
20k rag tags runnin around in toyota SUV's and motorcycles just like Afghanistan 2.0
Nobody even died and a clean regime change no?
Wtf made Iran back down? and drop Assad just like a hot potato?
Kamal hae? Everybody scratching their heads and wondering what Assad did to piss off Iran this bad?
We have no love for modern Iranians bro.
Remember its their grand daddies who first folded and then drove us out.
If an avenging fire comes upon them, I'm not gonna be crying here in Poona.
Blood is all fine and good.
But there is soil and faith too. And they were traitors to two.
And they were never an empire after they stopped being Zoroastrian .
And will never be.