🇵🇰 Will Pakistan ever function as a secular state?

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I have read this one too, this book debunks the secular Jinnah myth spread by Indians and some Western scholars to weaken Pakistan's identity.

If Jinnah was so secular and liberal, why join the Muslim league and fight for the Muslim's case. Saleena Karim Baji pretty debunks the Secular Jinnah Myth.
View attachment 7069
Every one of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste, or creed, is first, second, and last a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make. […] You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the state.

— Jinnah’s address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan (11 August 1947)
“…we will be the democratic type, embodying the essential principles of Islam. Today, they are as applicable in actual life as they were 1300 years ago. Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught equality of man, justice and fair play to everybody. We are inheritors of these glorious traditions and are fully alive to our responsibilities and obligations as framers of the future constitution of Pakistan. In any case Pakistan is not going to be theocratic state — to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims — Hindus, Christians and Parsis — but they are all Pakistanis. They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.”

— Jinnah’s address to the people of the United States (21 February 1948)
The leader of an Islamic country does not necessarily have to be a Mullah, you *&*&*&*&*&.

Islamic country means being ruled according to Islamic principles.
Every one of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste, or creed, is first, second, and last a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make. […] You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the state.

— Jinnah’s address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan (11 August 1947)
In an Islamic country, religious minorities have their rights, so how is this contradicting an Islamic state?
I'm definitely not a liberal you fool, disagreeing with idiots like you over important matters doesn't make one a liberal.
For an idiot like yourself, actions speak louder than words. You certainly behave like one.

Why do you support secularism? Should we legalize prostitution, drugs, usury in Pakistan? Are you an idiot?
For an idiot like yourself, actions speak louder than words. You certainly behave like one.

Why do you support secularism? Should we legalize prostitution, drugs, usury in Pakistan? Are you an idiot?
Usury is already legal in Pakistan, Pakistan also has a drug issue from all those Chinese vapes coming in, you wouldn't know, you live in canada. Prostitution isn't legal in most secular countries as far as I'm aware.
Usury is already legal in Pakistan, Pakistan also has a drug issue from all those Chinese vapes coming in, you wouldn't know, you live in canada. Prostitution isn't legal in most secular countries as far as I'm aware.
Go to Europe, and prostitution is legal in most secular countries.

That's the point, the economic system demanded by Islam isn't going to be that easy to implement
Yes because in this day and age Muslim countries are weak and divided. So we have to work with the Economic system devised by the Non-Muslim Superpowers and Empires.

We should try to implement what Islamic rules "WE CAN" within our reach. Whatever is without our reach can be overlooked.

This should have been an obvious one.
Do you ever stop talking about Iranians, jeez
Yaar you can’t pit us against somebody like Norwegians or Danish or Swedes or Finnish or Germans……etc……you need to understand our neighborhood and where in dat neighborhood we stand today bhai. Oh Khuda da khauf kar bhai knowing our situation today. Iran Muslim parrosi hae ga! Not in some Scandinavia! They too pendu like us…..but theys doing good….how come?


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