[🇵🇰] Imran Khan's Return - November 24th Rally Updates

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[🇵🇰] Imran Khan's Return - November 24th Rally Updates
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G Pakistan Affairs Forum
Short Summary: The 'Final Call' for an uprising in Pakistan to free it from the chains of oppression and colonialism. Imran Khan calls for a revolution-like protest Nov 24th
July 23, 2020

Topic: Pakistan and India Must Unite

My Post:

" It is inevitable.

I foresee an attempt by China to colonise and occupy Pakistan.

Misbehave with their public.

A Jallianwallabagh type incident.

And the Indian army streaming in. Willing to fight and move back out when the time came. If the Pakistanis wished. "
I remember that post very well.

But that post is very different from your claim. The difference between your claim and your that post (on original PDF) is explained below:

That post on original PDF meant that there would be problems between Pakistani public and China/Chinese.

Your claim is that you had predicted problems between Pakistani public and Pakistani army.

Thus your claim and your that post on original PDF are very different.

Bro the bottom line is who holds the firepower.

All revolutions that succeed, do so when the army either steps aside or joins forces with the protesters and revolutionaries.

As long as the army stands with the status quo, the population, even an armed one, like the US or Pakistan can do nothing.

They are quite simply outgunned. All romantic notions of revolution stop abruptly with a bullet to the head or gut or femoral artery.

For things to change in Pakistan, seedhi si baat hai.

Aapke fauj mein ek hisse ko bagawat karni padegi.

Kyunki fauj is the status quo. And it will never side with the population or stand aside.
Bhai in order to bring about a revolution yous need to be a nation first. This subcontinent cannot be classified as a nation by any stretch of the imagination.

French brought about a revolution and so did the iranis because their societies are so united. Here we got Punjabi Sindhi Pashto and a handful of balochi…….and in India it’s a 1000 times worse. Nothing in common.
I remember that post very well.

But that post is very different from your claim. The difference between your claim and your that post (on original PDF) is explained below:

That post on original PDF meant that there would be problems between Pakistani public and China/Chinese.

Your claim is that you had predicted problems between Pakistani public and Pakistani army.

Thus your claim and your that post on original PDF are very different.


Yes. My apologies for not chewing the food and regurgitating it into you mouth while you let your gut do the rest and crap it out.

Mea culpa.
Bhai in order to bring about a revolution yous need to be a nation first. This subcontinent cannot be classified as a nation by any stretch of the imagination.

French brought about a revolution and so did the iranis because their societies are so united. Here we got Punjabi Sindhi Pashto and a handful of balochi…….and in India it’s a 1000 times worse. Nothing in common.

Bhai I already alluded to the failure to develop a national identity.

But that failure is yours. And yours alone. We share none if it.

I do not believe only ethnicity makes a nation.

I believe any people who identify as one, with a single common future, based on a shared history, including mistakes of the past, and buying into a theme of being one people, under one flag, one name, make a nation.

So please do not include India.

We are a miracle. And that miracle is recognised by the world.

We make the EU look like kindergarten .
Bro the bottom line is who holds the firepower.

All revolutions that succeed, do so when the army either steps aside or joins forces with the protesters and revolutionaries.

As long as the army stands with the status quo, the population, even an armed one, like the US or Pakistan can do nothing.

They are quite simply outgunned. All romantic notions of revolution stop abruptly with a bullet to the head or gut or femoral artery.

For things to change in Pakistan, seedhi si baat hai.

Aapke fauj mein ek hisse ko bagawat karni padegi.

Kyunki fauj is the status quo. And it will never side with the population or stand aside.
Pakistan was made not for AWAAM but for British Interests in the SUB CONTINENT and MUSLIM ASHRAFIYA Feudal and miltarry elite who had inter related with marriages and had there children in Milatrry civil and FAUJ , Jeudicarry and Police services while had a considrable hold on supply of raw material and factories making uniforms , ammunation and small arms for british army and other empirial projects

same people were promised for to be accomudated with high ranking jobs in new Pakistan for which they used Muslim AWAAM against and created that false nerrative against

2. HINDU & MUSLIM are very different and cannot live together
3. nation should be divided on basis of HINDU & MUSLIM
4. on 15 August 1946 DIRECT CTION DAY was organised to start a massecrre of hindus in calcutta to provoke asimillar masscrre of muslims to get Pakistan

Having said that same game was applied on Jinnah once the DEEP STATE got pakistan and after Jinnah was gone his sister was too tortoured to death by same Pak Fauj and they kept doing what they were always trained to do ... BLUNDER PLUNDER & SURRENDER ... koi shakk
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